
Serbia government launches food, drink price cuts

Belgrade said the cuts on products ranging from fruit and veg to coffee will last until the end of October. Serbia has announced the prices of more than 80 food...

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Ornamental horticulture will continue to be a stable and prominent product field in the future

The situation of the ornamental horticulture sector is stable, and in the medium term it contains significant growth potential – said Sándor Farkas, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of...

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Pernod Ricard acquires minority stake in Lewis Hamilton’s alternative spirits brand

Absolut Vodka owner Pernod Ricard has acquired a minority stake in Almave, a super premium non-alcoholic blue agave-based spirit brand co-founded by seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton. Almave,...

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The price of fodder corn rose by 16 percent

The European Union’s corn harvest will not be abundant in 2024, currently around 60 million tons are indicated, which would be 4 percent lower than the year before and 5...

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Once again, the Milk Product Council carried out comprehensive research

The goal of the Dairy Association and Product Council is to get more Hungarian cheese into domestic households, therefore the 2024/2025. focused on the promotion of Hungarian cheeses in its...

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From the point of view of food chain safety, this summer’s experiences are favorable

The summer seasonal food chain inspection was successfully completed. During the two-month series of inspections, the food chain supervision specialists examined around 1,200 units and almost 1,500 product batches in...

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New nutrition guide for preschoolers: Introducing the CHILDREN’S SMART PLATE®

The National Association of Hungarian Dietitians (MDOSZ) has developed a supplemental nutrition guide for 4-6 year olds. The purpose of the new CHILDREN’S OKOSTÁNYÉR® is to promote the development of...

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KSH: The volume of exports of food, beverages and tobacco increased by 8.2 percent, while the volume of imports decreased by 4.0 percent

In June 2024, the volume of exports was 8.1 percent, and that of imports was 5.2 percent less than in the same period of the previous year. The asset amounted...

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BMI: Permanent shrinkage in August

The seasonally adjusted August value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 47.6. Compared with the previous August values, this year’s value is lower than the long-term average for this month...

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The European olive oil market is in crisis: counterfeiting has broken a record, and production has dropped dramatically

The number of cases related to the adulteration of olive oil in the European Union increased to an unprecedented extent at the beginning of this year. While only fifteen cases...

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The BioTechUSA group of companies has become the official sports nutritional supplement global partner of the legendary Spanish team, FC Barcelona

The BioTechUSA company group has entered into a multi-year collaboration, which is unique in the region and on the market, with FC Barcelona, ​​one of the clubs with the oldest...

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Shopping tourism may increase due to Romanian food price restrictions

The Romanian government is considering new measures to curb food prices. The Department of Agriculture is currently working on an emergency regulation that would limit food margins to 20 percent....

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A Belgian-Hungarian company is starting the development of more than 15,000 square meters of real estate near Budapest

In August 2024, the Alsónémedi project will enter a new phase, when the foundation stone of the 4th phase of construction will be laid. The investment with an excellent location...

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A significant decline is expected in this year’s apple harvest in Hungary

This year, the amount of the domestic apple harvest may decrease significantly, about 150,000 tons less apples can be harvested than last year, Népszava reports, based on the summary of...

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Interest in vocational training is growing

On the afternoon of September 2, the Vocational Training Center of Heves County organized a festive opening event. Gáborné Pölöskei, the deputy state secretary responsible for vocational training at the...

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Are the drug and dietary supplement vending machines coming?

The soon-to-be widely available medicine vending machines, which are currently operating on an experimental basis at two locations, could completely transform the Hungarian pharmaceutical and drugstore market. According to IMG...

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Greenwashing wouldn’t be enough today

According to the Consumer Goods Sustainability Report 2024 by Accenture, 85% of FMCG companies have sped up their sustainability efforts in response to changing consumer demands and regulatory pressure. This...

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More than 4,000 people start their studies in agricultural vocational training

3,532 students have enrolled in agricultural vocational training institutions for the 2024-2025 academic year, 4,200 will start their studies in this field together with those participating in adult education, the...

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UK: electric vehicle charging payment in the Lidl Plus app

Lidl GB becomes the first UK supermarket to integrate payment for charging electric vehicles (EVs) into its rewards app. As the latest development in the Lidl Plus programme, customers using...

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In August, the rate of increase in consumer prices slowed down in the euro area

In August, the rate of increase in the consumer price index slowed down in the euro zone to the extent expected by analysts, based on the preliminary estimate presented by...

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KSH: industrial producer prices in July increased by 2.5 percent compared to a year earlier and by 0.7 percent compared to the previous month

In July, industrial producer prices were on average 2.5 percent higher than a year earlier. The prices of domestic sales increased by 1.4 percent and those of export sales by...

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Bank360: Hungarian households are at the forefront of Europe in borrowing

The latest data confirm that Hungarians are buying cautiously, but they are taking out loans at a crazy pace compared to before. With this growth, we are at the forefront...

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The stable development of the Hungarian food industry is shown by the increasing confidence and sales revenue

In the past period, the employment and sales revenue of the food industry also showed a significant increase, the latter exceeding HUF 6,500 billion. Dr. Felkai pointed out that the...

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We have the winery of the year in 2024

The Gere Attila Family Winery won the Winery of the Year award from the Hungarian Wine Academy, the National Council of Mountain Communities, and the Association of Hungarian Vine and...

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Maintaining mental health in company processes “Is art good for that too?”

Taking care of natural and social capital can present new challenges to company managers, therefore the KÉPEZŐ Galéria, in cooperation with Art is Business, is looking for answers with the...

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A new era in mobile banking: free QR code payments from September 1

From September 1, the range of mobile banking services for Hungarian bank customers will be expanded with a significant innovation: from now on, they can also initiate payments by scanning...

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KSH and METU prepared a new analysis of the industry

In cooperation with the Central Statistical Office (KSH) and Budapest Metropolitan University (METU), experimental statistics on industrial production based on new data sources and methods were prepared – the KSH...

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K&H: Investments by large companies may increase in the second half of the year

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Fair director: this year’s Farmer Expo in Debrecen was a success

This year’s Farmer Expo in Debrecen was a success: 207 exhibitors presented themselves on five thousand square meters in three days, farmers from all over the country, from Zala to...

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The Serbian government reduced the prices of about 700 products

In order to improve the living conditions of those in a worse financial situation, the Serbian government has significantly reduced the prices of about 700 products, according to reports, the...

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