
Retail was still in a bad patch last year

Volume sales in retail diminished by 0.3 percent last November, in comparison with November 2009. Volume sales in the first eleven months of 2010 fell by 2.5 percent – reports...

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The draft of the Hungarian product regulation released for public consultation

The public debate on the draft of Hungarian product regulation has started – notified the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). The Ministry will send the draft to the European Union...

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The resurrection of the Hungarian packaging industry

Hungarian packaging industry increased by 16.7 percent last year, achieveing growth compared to 2008, after the 12.2 percent decline of 2009 – states the National Association of Packaging and Material...

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Industrial production expanded again after the decline of December

According to the seasonally and working day-adjusted preliminary datas; after the 11.8 percent decline of December, industrial production grew by 15.5 percent on a monthly base. The adjusted data shows...

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Ivory Coast nationalizes the cocoa and coffee trade

The world price of cocoa rose on Tuesday near its 32 years peak, after cocoa trade was nationalized in Ivory Coast, which is the biggest producer of the world. The...

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Consumer protection: e-commerce in focus

The consumer protection authority has begun testing the electronic commerce. The tests last from mid-March all over the country – told Sasvári Zoltán,  Director of the Consumer Protection Authority in...

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The clothes make the man

At many companies, especially at multinational ones, the code of ethics regulates how employees should dress. Generally speaking we can say that a workplace is not the place where one...

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FAO: price rises and price volatility will characterize the food market

Climate change, the use of biofuels and the spread of protectionism may further increase the food prices and may jeopardize the security of supply – warns the analysis of theUN...

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300 billion HUF goes to private label food products

With domestic and international chains gaining more and more place, the popularity of private label products keeps growing, too. When it comes to food, last year we were talking about...

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Why sugar is getting more expensive?

What could be the reason, that sugar has became a scarce in Hungary and in Europe? How is it possible that Hungary, which had seven sugar factories a few years...

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Turkey production decreases for years

The players of the turkey sector expect an about 10 percent decrease, due to the continous rise in prices of feed and energy – said Csorbai Attila, director of the...

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Women earn 25 percent less than men

An average woman earns 25 percent less than an average man. According to the fizeté wage survey of the Workania job site; the gross average income of men is 256...

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The Slovakian dairy industry is on the way of atrophy

The Slovakian dairy industry was forced out of the domestic markets. 60 percent of the Slovakian milk 65 percent of the butter, and more than 85 percent of the cheese...

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The National Council of Wine Communities rejects the system of wine tickets

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) does not support the reintroduction of the system of wine tickets and refuses to support any proposals that would increase the administrative burdens...

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Additional loans by the Ministry of Rural Development to support farmers

According to plans made by the Ministry of Rural Development , the deplorable situation of farmers struggling to raise capital position, can be remedied by allowing the recruitment-loans – György...

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In 2010, exports exceeded imports by 1,517 billion HUF

Last year, Hungary's foreign trade turnover increased significantly. The value of exports was much higher than the value imports. Hungary’s trade balance shows an asset of more than 1500 billion...

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Meat prices may increase without govermnental help

The govermnental help would cost at least 20-30 billion HUF to the government, which the representatives of the pig and poultry sector are asking for. The sector was also affected...

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The Poultry Product Council calls for VAT reduction

According to the Poultry Product Council (BTT), the drastic feed price increase threatens the market participants of the sector. The organization believes, that without government measures the poultry sector will...

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Why sugar is getting more expensive?

What could be the reason, that sugar has became a scarce in Hungary and in Europe? How is it possible that Hungary, which had seven sugar factories a few years...

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The legislation to ensure the safety of consumers has started

The legislation over the conditions of food catering products and the Regulation over conditions of the collectable fungis in the nature. Also the Hungaricum Law amendment will also be refined....

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CSB-System International seminar for the food industry on 23–24th March 2011 in Munich

The CSB-System AG Company from Geilenkirchen, Germany, will hold an international seminar for the food industry on 23–24th March 2011 in Munich, Germany. Interested parties will get more information on...

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Europe will run out of sugar until autumn

The European Union allowed the extra import of half a million tonnes of sugar from the developing countries, above the usual quota. In addition duty-free import quotas were determined for...

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The lack of resources is the biggest problem of the pig breeders

In these difficult months, the lack of resources hardens the situation of the pig breeders. Because of the lack of funds, the animal breeders cannot buy feeds on high prices...

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Euro zone: growing economy and buoyant retail

According to Eurostat; the GDP of the Euro-zone grew by 0.3 percent, while in the area of the 27 Member States increased by 0.2  percent in the fourth quarter of...

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The number of liquidations increased in February

Although in the past two months, the companies showed a more favorable image than before, Opten company information service provider published the sobering datas of the processes of February. The...

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2010 proved to be an outstanding year for 2010

Gfk Group has seen an incredible profit throughout the fiscal year 2010. According to fresh data, sales has seen a 11.1 percent increase, reaching a number of 1,294 euros, whereas...

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Third of our time spent online is associated with portable devices

Those who use internet on a weekly basis, usually spend 3 hours and nine minutes online. Thirty percent of this time is linked to portable devices. Using these devices is...

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Weather, riots and biofuels: further food price increase may come?

In the latter period, the rise in food prices seems to be unstoppable. According to the communication of OTP Fund Management – which was published by the – this...

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Hungarian-Ukrainian trade balance is over two billion dollars again

The amount of the Hungarian-Ukrainian trade balance is over two billion dollars again – said Yuri Mushka, Ukraine’s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in Nyíregyháza on Wednesday. According to the Ukrainian...

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The list of best companies for entry level jobs

Figyelő, Aon Hewitt and AIESEC Hungary has put together a list of the best companies youngsters can work at as the first path of entry level jobs. The survey focuses...

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