
It is also worth choosing domestic freshwater fish for Christmas!

Hungarian fish is of high quality and healthy. This is what the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL) and the Agricultural Marketing Center call attention...

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Christmas brings new hope for the candy market

The year 2023 did not bring a golden year for the confectionary industry, in principle it took place in the shadow of inflation and declining sales figures. However, according to...

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More than 2,000 Santas took over the streets of Budapest on the 8th Penny Santa Run

Santa Claus does exist. Those walking around Fővám tér could at least be convinced of this yesterday, as on Sunday more than 2,000 runners dressed in Santa Claus clothes took...

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According to Mihály Varga, Hungary can be one of the winners of the green transition

Hungary has the financial means to be one of the winners of the green transition of the world economy – Mihály Varga stated in a press release from the Ministry...

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It is not good news that the price of corn is falling

Corn prices fell to their lowest level in three years as supply from the United States and Brazil increased and demand stagnated. Although as a result of this, food price...

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There will be plenty of apples this winter

This year brought more favorable yields for many agricultural crops, in contrast to the drought period of the previous year. Apple, as the fruit grown in the largest volume, for...

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The government is committed to promoting fish consumption

The government is committed to popularizing fish consumption and supporting the fishing industry, which is why the Hungarian Fish Management Operative Program (MAHOP) Plus will spend HUF 700 million on...

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The relationship with Hungarian farmers abroad is getting closer and closer

The Carpathian Basin Unity Forum is a celebration that shows what a huge driving force the regional cooperation proposed by the Hungarians represents. The government also pays attention to national unity...

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Fontosnak tartjuk a sikerek megünneplését, mégsem szánunk rá időt

A lakosság csupán 11%-ára jellemző igazán, hogy megünnepli hétköznapi sikereit – derült ki a PICK friss felméréséből. A kutatás arra is rávilágított, hogy akik számára az ünnepléshez hozzátartozik a közös étkezés,...

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Nébih ordered national bluetongue tests, the results suggest caution

The bluetongue epidemic broke out in the Netherlands at the beginning of September 2023 and then spread extremely quickly throughout the country. At the beginning of October, Germany and Belgium, among...

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Alig mérik károsanyag-kibocsátásukat az agrárcégek

Az agrárcégek jelenlegi fenntarthatósági gyakorlatáról képet adó K&H fenntarthatósági index szerint a szektor tájékozott az EU karbonkibocsátási elvárásaival kapcsolatban – 90%-uk hallott már a célkitűzésekről, 72%-uk pedig tisztában is van...

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Magyarok és a klímaválság: érzékelik, de nem ez a legnagyobb problémájuk

A magyarok is egyre jobban érzik a klímaváltozás negatív hatásait, a jelen legfontosabb problémájának azonban a megélhetési válságot tartják, és csak ezt követi egy esetleges ökológiai katasztrófa bekövetkezte – derült...

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Redefine Meat Enters Europe With UK, Dutch Launch

Redefine Meat has announced its entry into the European retail market, rolling out plant-based products with Ocado in the UK and Albert Heijn and Crisp in the Netherlands. The company,...

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The Christmas tree season started with a minimal price increase

This year, customers can get pine for barely more than last year’s price: spruce fir 5, silver pine 6, while Nordmann pine is offered at a price of around HUF...

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Tesco launches new vegan brand

Tesco will launch a plant-based brand called Root & Soul, despite a slowdown in vegan food sales across the sector. The supermarket has applied to register the trademark name with...

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COP28 opened in Dubai with food system transformation on the menu

The United Nations climate summit in Dubai just running will be the first to dedicate a full day to exploring climate action across food, agriculture, and water. The United Arab...

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Domestic melon production can be strengthened through cooperation

There is room for development in the domestic melon sector, the demand for Hungarian watermelons is increasing on the export markets. However, in order to take advantage of the opportunities, greater...

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Árfigyelő expects high traffic during the Advent season

Families can save money and time during Christmas bulk shopping by using the online Price Monitor – warns the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) in its announcement on Friday. From the...

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EM: the extended producer responsibility fees will not increase next year

According to the decision of Energy Minister Csaba Lantos, the extended producer responsibility fees will not increase next year either, the ministry informed MTI. According to the announcement of the...

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Nébih prepared a refrigerator usage guide to reduce waste

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has put together a guide for the use of refrigerators for Christmas in its program “Leave it Away” to help in the safe...

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Robotizált eperfarm

A Csehországi Brno melletti Ráječek-farmon az eper termesztését és betakarítását kétféle robottal teszik modernebbé. A Fravebot Scout (Fravebot = Fruit and Vegetable Robot) a növények egészségi állapotát és érettségét ellenőrzi, míg...

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Élelmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign

The Food Rescue Center Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the offers of the companies are expected...

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The growth of retail sales accelerated in Russia

In Russia, annual growth in retail sales accelerated in October, while unemployment fell to a historic low. According to data from the Russian Statistical Office, the growth of retail sales...

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Here are the most important digitization trends of 2024

Next year, it is expected that the company’s digitalization efforts will continue to accelerate, according to the forecasts, the resources spent on transformation will reach 3.4 trillion dollars in the...

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Októbertől csökken a francia kenyerek és pékáruk sótartalma

Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) ajánlására Franciaországban csökkentik a pékáruk sótartalmát, ami a Magyarországra szállított import termékeket is érinti. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A WHO szerint egy...

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Október végéig tartott a körteszüret Magyarországon

Egészen október végéig elhúzódott el a hazai körteszezon. Magyarországon közel 2000 hektáron termelnek körtét, melyből az idén a tavalyi aszályos évnél jobb, de a közepes szintet el nem érő termésre számítanak...

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The Logistics Yearbook 2024 debuted

The Logistics Yearbook 2024 debuted at the yearbook presentation event of the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) on November 29. True to tradition, the publication is a collection of professional studies,...

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European SMEs are committed to sustainability, but they need additional incentives

Despite the energy crisis, disruptions in supply chains, as well as inflation and economic-geopolitical uncertainties, more and more businesses are taking steps to achieve sustainability goals, and there are also...

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The deposit return system has started in Romania

The deposit fee system encouraging the return of plastic bottles, glass bottles and metal cans used for beverage packaging was officially launched in Romania on Thursday. The Ministry of Environment...

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Biedronka Hits 3,500 Store Mark In Poland

Polish retailer Biedronka has unveiled its 3,500th outlet, with the landmark store opening in Skórzewo near Poznań. The group, which is owned by Portugal’s Jerónimo Martins, said that the store...

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