
The government has already helped 136,000 farmers by paying the advance

The first advance payment period of the new period of the Common Agricultural Policy has ended, in the framework of which almost 136,000 farmers received nearly HUF 194 billion in...

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Unilever Teams Up With Accenture On ‘Next-Generation AI’ Project

Unilever has announced it is partnering with Accenture on a project that will ‘explore new applications to scale generative AI’, which will be based at the former’s Horizon3 Labs, recently...

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The sale of agricultural machinery decreased, while the turnover of spare parts increased

Individual farms and cooperatives bought HUF 226.5 billion worth of new agricultural machinery and equipment in the period January-September 2023, which was 16 percent less than the turnover of a...

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Until the end of this year, businesses can settle their disputes free of charge at the Budapest Conciliation Board

There are only a few weeks left for the individual entrepreneurs and companies who would like to settle their disputes with other companies by involving the conciliation bodies. Therefore, complaints...

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White Claw enters nonalcoholic category with zero-proof beverage

The leading brand in the hard seltzer space is capitalizing on the growing number of Gen Z consumers abstaining from alcohol with electrolyte-infused booze-free drinks in four flavors. White Claw is expanding...

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The Agricultural Ecology Program is popular

Farmers with nearly 488,000 hectares of grassland applied to the framework of the new Agricultural Ecology Program in this year’s inaugural year. Next year, in order to facilitate an even wider...

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Rewe tests new Pick&Go stores in Germany

Rewe plans to open three more Pick&Go stores in 2024 – this time in Hamburg and Düsseldorf. The company has already opened three such stores in Germany this year. Rewe...

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Lidl’s latest cookbook is out now

The 9th volume of Lidl Magyarország’s cookbook series has been published: “Lidl Kitchen presents: my life’s dishes with Tamás Széll” is available from 27 November, as part of the discounter’s...

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The Priority Project Supporting the Control of Fisheries Activities was successfully completed

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) successfully conducted the “Priority Project Supporting the Control of Fish Farming Activities”. Through the program, Nébih contributes to complying with the rules of the...

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KSH: retail turnover decreased by 6.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and decreased by 0.3 percent compared to the previous month

In October 2023, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, the volume of retail trade decreased by 6.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, the Central...

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MBH: the prospects for the Hungarian food industry continued to improve in the third quarter

This year, after the strengthening experienced in the first half of the year, the prospects of the Hungarian food industry improved further in the third quarter, the more favorable situation...

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From April 1, the manual deposit return system can start in small shops that join voluntarily

According to the plans of MOHU MOL Waste Management Zrt., from April 1, 2024, a mobile system developed by Hungarian specialists will make it possible to collect metal cans, PET...

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Retail sales in the euro area increased on a monthly basis, and decreased year-on-year in October

Retail turnover in the euro area increased on a monthly basis and decreased year-on-year in October. According to data published on Wednesday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European...

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GFM: industrial output declined in many sectors

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, the volume of industrial production decreased by 3.2 percent on an annual basis in October, and slightly by 0.6 percent compared...

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The decline in Czech retail continued in October

In October, retail trade in the Czech Republic decreased by 1.4 percent year-on-year after the 4.3 percent drop in September, the Czech Statistical Office (CSÚ) announced on Wednesday in Prague....

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A csapatban hiszek

Augusztus 23-ától a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) elnöki tisztét dr. Nemes Imre tölti be. A korábban a hivatal elnökhelyettesi feladatait is ellátó szakember a Magyarországi Sertéstenyésztők és Sertéstartók Szövetségének szakmai igazgatójának...

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Retail turnover in Romania increased by 2 percent in the first ten months

In Romania, according to the raw data, the retail turnover increased by 2 percent, and according to the value adjusted for the calendar effect, by 2.2 percent in the first...

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Nébih: instead of the outdated fish management IT system, a complex fish management specialist system was created

The outdated fish management IT system has been replaced by a complex fish management specialist system thanks to the conclusion of a priority project supporting the control of fish management...

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GKI: jövőre alig 2% feletti lesz csak a növekedés

A magyar gazdaságban az idei második negyedévben már negyedik negyedéve tartott a recesszió, ez az EU-ban Magyarországon kívül csak Észtországban következett be. A második negyedévben az EU-ban a magyar visszaesés volt...

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80 percent of Hungarian workers are frustrated by office administration

Even today, instead of full-scale digital solutions, many Hungarian companies still use paper-based solutions or solutions that require personal administration, although few are satisfied with the daily administration and task...

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Teltház az év beauty eseményén

Három nap alatt telt be a 2000 fős előregisztráció a Rossmann Beauty Expójára, amelyet szeptember 15-én közel 50 kiállító részvételével tartottak meg a Millenáris G épületében. A rendezvényen a legmeghatározóbb nemzetközi beauty márkák...

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Feed production was developed by Bonafarm-Bábolna

Bonafarm-Bábolna Takarmány Kft., in cooperation with the Kaposvár Campus of the Hungarian University of Agrarian and Life Sciences, has developed feeds that promote better growth of broiler chickens and roast...

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Morrisons to remove ‘problematic’ plastics by 2025

Morrisons has pledged to reduce, replace or eliminate plastic across its business having already shrunk its plastic packaging by 17.5% from its 2017 baseline. On average, 9,680 tonnes of plastic...

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Zsolt Feldman: 125,000 farmers have already received advances this year

By the end of November, 125,000 farmers had received an advance of about HUF 168 billion in the European Union’s agricultural support system, which has changed for this year compared...

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Amazon shifts from European roads to trains and boats

Amazon is increasingly using rail and sea transportation in Europe, with a 50 percent growth in utilization this year. According to the company, rail and short sea routes are not...

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Diageo Launches Responsible Drinking Campaign

Spirits giant Diageo has launched a new global responsible drinking campaign, The Magic of Moderate Drinking, to encourage consumers to drink responsibly over the festive period. Diageo has created a...

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The Hódmezővásárhely soil profile became the Soil of the Year

This year, the soil profile in Hódmezővásárhely was awarded the title Soil of Hungary based on a public vote organized by the Hungarian Soil Science Society, Zsolt Feldman, the state...

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Managers recognize less the work of women in the technical-technological sector

Managers recognize the work of women in the technical-technological sector less, and the opinion of male colleagues also makes it difficult for them to advance – at least this is...

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Hungarians are saving money: the majority plan to spend less at Christmas

Hungarian consumers are in a more difficult situation than at any time in previous years. A significant part of them sees the future as bleak, as their current income cannot...

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The Hungarians and the fish

The AKI Agricultural Economics Institute Nonprofit Limited Liability Company presented the data collection works related to the project, the aim of which was to create knowledge from the data. Sector...

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