
German economy accelerates

According to analysts; Germany is moving towards a real economic miracle, since the German economy grew with a larger-than-expected pace of 1.5 percent for in the first quarter, compared to...

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Red Bull Liszt Remix in Uránia on 26th May

Ferenc Liszt was born 200 years ago, so the audience of Uránia Filmszínház will get to see a very special show to celebrate this event. Four versatile artists – The...

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Sales augmented in the last quarter of 2010

Finally, after one and a half year, in the fourth quarter of 2010 volume sales grew again in Hungarian retail: 2 percent more food products, household chemical and cosmetics products...

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750 runners at Borvidék Half-marathon

More than 750 determined and strong runners participated in the second Borvidék Half-marathon. Sponsors of the event: Szekszárd Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata, Márker Kft., Optimal Life Consulting, Murexin Kft., Aranyfürt...

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Nielsen: Most people try to save on obligations

In Hungary 94 percent of consumers trying to save money at shopping. Three out of four of use the facilities offered by the promotions. This is the most wide spread...

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Milk consumption decreased by 2.6 percent last year

Last year, milk consumption decreased by 2.6 percent in Hungary, compared to 2009 – said Posztós Zsuzsanna, Marketing manager of Tetra Pak Hungária Zrt. at a press conference in Budapest...

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Interpack focuses on better results

Preparations for interpack 2011, which is taking place from 12 to 18 May, are now moving into the final busy stages. The prospects for the world’s most important trade fair...

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The Budweiser remains the most popular beer brand

The BrandZ compiled the list of last year's top beer brands, which is lead by Budweiser again – reports Világgazdaság Online. Top beer brands, 2010: 1. Budweiser 2. Bud Light...

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Csaba Expo again

The Csaba Expo will be held in Békéscsaba for the 18th time with the participation of almost 120 exhibitors – told the leader of the organizer, the Expo Team Ltd....

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EU filters out the dangerous products more and more effectively

The number of dangerous products reaching the market of the European Union decreased in the past period, because of their rapid identification and removal – states the European Commission in...

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U.S. retail sales increased by 7.6 percent on an annual basis

In April, U.S. retail sales increased in a slower-than-expected 0.5 percent. Analysts forecasted a 0.6 percent growth. According to the datas of the trade ministry; U.S. retail sales in April...

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The food industry is catching up

Domestic sales prices in the industry were 0.6 percent higher in January 2011 than in the previous month. If compared with January 2010, they increased by 9.6 percent. In the...

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(HU) Borbemutató a dél-balatoni sikertörténet nyomában

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Food price increase may stop

The Central Statistical Office reported a 4.7 percent annual inflation in April, and a 2.7 percent core inflation (by adjusting food and raw material prices). The price of food has...

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The price of sugar may be moderated in the next one year

According to the analysts of the Standard Chartered Bank, if sugar prices will not increase until the potting season – in the future – until the second quarter of 2012...

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Goose Liver Days in the Castle of Buda

The first Goose Liver Days – Royal Feast awits its guests with cooking School, gastronomy and musical events in the Castle of Buda, between 20th and 22nd of May. The...

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The FEOSZ urges to combat against the consumer groups

The National Federation of Consumer Protection Associations (FEOSZ) proposes ban or strict regulation against the consumer groups. The association turned to the consumer protection committee of the parliament and to...

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Conference for CEOs and leaders of logistics – even for free (X)

Do you need help as a CEO or director of logistics how to decide about various factors when it comes to taxing and keeping cars? Are you aware of various...

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Ifo: improved business sentiment in the euro area

Further improvement occurred in the business sentiment in the euro area, but significant differences occurred in the growth among the countries of the area and fears are growing, due to...

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eHealth Week 2011 started

An EU eHealth Task Force to assess the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) in health and social care and to suggest ways for ICT to speed up innovation...

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Weak domestic demand and accelerating export improve the trade balance

According to the Tuesday report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); the March trade balance surplus of 831.1 million euros (225 billion HUF) continued to improve the February record of...

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Pannonhalma Wine Show with the participation of 112 wineries

270 wines of 112 wineries will compete from Wednesday to Friday on the 12th Pannon Wine Show in Pannonhalma. The Hungarian wines will be judged by world famous experts. The...

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Consumer 2.0: changing consumer behavior in Europe

According to the Cetelem Panorama international survey; the critical stage of the crisis is the part of the past. Most of the European countries are on the path of growth...

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Easter Bunny brought fines to the meat firms

Safety inspectors experienced some kind of irregularities at 91 percent of the meat companies, during the Easter inspections. 20 percent of the irregularities endangered the health or safety of the...

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A new cargo center will be created at the airport

Budapest Airport Zrt. will begin the construction of a new cargo center in the Liszt Ferenc International Airport in September – told the company to MTI on Monday. Hardy Mihály,...

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Manufacturer brands are strong

Hair removal sales are very much concentrated to drugstores: this store type ised 62 percent of sales in the March 201-February 2011 period, according to the Nielsen Retail Index; hypermarkets...

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New Hungarian record: 6000 slices of cake for children in need

A special cake with 6 thousand slices is the new record and it's been created to celebrated the 18th birtdhay of the Childfood-help Foundation. The candies go to chilrdren in...

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Sunday store closure: the study has been completed

According to the study of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Sunday store closure will not substantially reduces tax revenues and does not cause large-scale job cuts. The issue divides...

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FruitVeB: the weekend frost does not threaten the fruit supply

The weekend frost does not threaten the fruit supply of Hungary- said Mártonffy Béla, President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Interprofessional Organization on Monday. On Friday and on...

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Deloitte: companies save on development

According to Deloitte Zrt.; The companies currently not planning to significantly increase spendings on research and development. The involvement of the corporate sector is crucial to reach the key government...

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