
We consume more and more home produced milk

Although the dairy market is dominated by the hypermarkets, now 4,500 domestic enterprises produce ​​home produced cheese and dairy products. Every year, approximately 150 million liters of home produced milk...

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The wages of the doctors may increase from the hamburger tax

According to Hírszerző; Szócska Miklós Secretary of State, responsible for Health issues told that the Ministry is modelling the forms of the public health product charges. The professional concept of...

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The EU can ban the aspartame sweetener

The European Commission called on the EU's food safety control organization, the EFSA to re-evaluate the effects of using aspartame in the scope of a comprehensive study. The studies showing...

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The world’s biggest companies joined forces (part 3)

Our introduction of the 70-page Future Value Chain 2020 report has come to an end. In the last part we focus on what companies do to realise the goals and...

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The first wine boat race by Lake Balaton is coming this summer

This summer is the first time the first Hungarian wine boat race is going to be organized by the Hungarian Sea aka Lake Balaton – organizers announced on Wednesday within...

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ProWein 2012 – you can register now

Following the great success of ProWein 2011, where 3,630 exhibitors from around 50 nations, and – thanks to a rise in visitor numbers of 7 percent – more than 39,000...

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World STAR awards for four Hungarian companies

THe world's greatest packagaging trade-show, Düsseldorf-based interpack has awared four Hungarian companies with the famous World Star award issued by World Packaging Organization. Here are the winners: DR-PAck Csomagolóanyag Gyártó...

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Cost of living became higher for pensioners

In March 2011 the average consumer price increased by 1.1 percent from the previous month; compared with March 2010 it was up 4.5 percent. The pensioner consumer price index was...

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Vocational training with an EU-support within the agricultural sector

There are two significant competitions supported by an EU-source led by the Ministry of Rural DEevelopment at VM Central HUngarian Agrarian Trade School. Project manager Veronika Osgyáni-Székely pointed out that...

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The Prime Minister temporarily supports the Sunday opening hours

I will support the elimination of Sunday opening hours, when it will be possible to live in Hungary from five days of work. But not until then – said Prime...

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Is the Spanish cucumber innocent?

The E. Coli bacteria was identified on cucumbers from two Grossmarks of Hamburg. The results are surprising: the agent is not the same with the 0104 type number bacteria, which...

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Nielsen: Household chemicals, cosmetics market stagnates

The retail household chemicals and cosmetics market was worth about HUF 300 billion in the twelve months to April, unchanged in both volume and value terms, market research company Nielsen...

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The big chains are selling hungarian vegetables

In Hungary, the bacteria, which is believed to be infected a spanish cucumber cargo and  caused ten deaths in northern Germany, has not been detected in Hungary. Hungary received a...

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We need to increase the competitiveness of the dairy sector

We need to increase the competitiveness of the dairy sector. The tighter collaboration of the sector's participants and to increase the added value is essential for the industry – said...

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Russia bans the Spanish and German fruit and vegetable imports

The outbreak of the diarrheal disease in Germany causes the Spanish economy a weekly 200 million euros damage, while Russia banned the Spanish and German fruit and vegetable imports. Because...

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The price of food can be doubled in the next 20 years

While a few forints price increase causes serious revulsion among the traders, which can sometimes lead to demonstrations, according to economic experts, it became inevitable that in 2030, food prices...

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Polish economy is soaring because of the domestic consumption

In this year's first quarter, Polish economy grew by 4.4 percent, compared to the previous year, just like in the previous quarter. The datas of the Polish statistics office are...

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FMCG tradeshow in Barcelona: number one leader of Carrefour, Coca-Cola, Danone, PepsiCo, P&G and Walmart do lectures

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is a global, parity-based industry network, driven by its members. It brings together the CEOs and senior management of over 650 retailers, manufacturers, service providers...

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No trust in the financial sector

As a result of the crisis, people are losing their trust in the players of the financial segment – B&P Braun & Partners' new 2011 research Reputation Rating pointed out....

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No Spanish origin, infected food was found in Hungary,

All Spanish origin foods were tested in Hungary, and no infected products was found- said Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister on Monday. “I also look forward eagerly to the end...

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Agricultural development needs a new direction

The 21st century needs to be the era when agriculture comes to a crossroad because current setting are unsustainable – this is the main conclusion of the research project carried...

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FruitVeb: the cucumber season starts, dealers only purchase domestic products

Last week, the Spanish cucumber essentially disappeared from the shelves of the Hungarian stores. In mid-May the domestic cucumber season started, and since then, traders have purchased only domestic prioducts...

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Hungarian food is unreasonably expensive

Two-third of the Hungarian food products are offered more expensive than it would be justifiable – refers the Magyar Nemzet to the survey of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute. Kertész...

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The domestic wheat crop can be less than 2 million tonnes, compared to the usual

In addition, less wheat and maize crop is expected this season. After these news hit the exchanges, the price of grain increased. Worldwide yields are also worse, than expected. The...

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Good melon crop is expected in the Ormánság this year

After last year, which was the worst season of melon cultivation in 30 years, this year, a good harvest is expected in the Ormánság – said Kovács István, producer. As...

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Innovations and promotions drive deodorant sales

Deodorants sell best in the summer period but they do well in the Christmas season too, because they are an integral part of gift packages – we learn from Dávid...

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Only the exports seem to increase

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in 2011 external demand has been somewhat better than expected, however, uncertainty in the global economy has been greater than usual....

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Venison for private purposes without much administration

Hunters will have to go through a simplified form of administration from now on, and if they only use venison for private purposes, the rules of small entreprenours will apply...

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Disabled people working in agriculture

Hard work will be honoured again – MIklós Soltész secretary in charge of social, family, and youth issues said on Monday in Karácsond, Heves county. The village signed a contract...

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No decrease in quantity when it comes to FMCG-products

“The Nielsen Company ended 2010 with strong fourth quarter performance. We continue to see high growth in developing markets and have accelerated investments in our portfolio of products and services....

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