
EU is looking for new ways in fish farming

Director-Generals of the EU member states' Fisheries met with the leading experts of the Union in Rétimajor, Hungary. Beside the 42 leading government officials, of the 27 EU member countries...

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6,700 square meters of retail space and office waiting for the tenants if the Hegyvidék Center will be completed

The construction of the Hegyvidék Center in the 12th district of Buda undergoes as planned. At Thursday's founding stone ceremony the developer, the WING Zrt. and Pokorni Zoltán, mayor also...

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The Russian import ban is contrary to WTO rules

Russia's import ban on import vegetables from the European Union, that was announced on Thursday, is contrary to the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) – said Fernando Valenzuela...

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Thirty thousand euros for a champagne

The world's oldest sparkling wine was sold for a record 30 thousand euros at a Finnish auction. The bottle spent nearly 170 years in the bottom of the sea, inside...

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Sunday-shopping is an integral part of Hungarian citizens' life

More than 48 percent of the Hungarian population, namely 1.9 million families are getting their shopping done on Sunday – TNS Hoffmann's new survey pointed out. The research project carried...

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Different cares for different hairs

Hair care is one of the biggest cosmetics categories, to which one of the smallest, hair styling is closely connected. Large companies typically manage several prestigious brands in parallel and...

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Fight agains counterfeit products

There are no limits when it comes to counterfeit-products, no matter whether we are talking about food, cosmetics or jewelry. However, the fight against counterfeiting cannot be successful unless the...

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Sándor Fazekas convenes meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers for Tuesday

As rotating President of the Agricultural and Fisheries Council, The Minister of Rural Development has convened a meeting of his EU colleagues for Tuesday June 7 in Luxembourg to analyse...

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Climate Talks Scheduled to continue in Bonn

Talks are due to continue on 6 June 2011 under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention with the struggle against climate change in focus. The European Union will be...

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The introduction of the hamburger tax would be unprecedented

The price of coke, chips, energy drinks, fast food, but even coffee and some cheese may increase by ten to twenty HUF, if the government adopts the so-called hamburger tax....

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Surtax and the economic crisis: Spar and Auchan did not have a good year

Partly due to the special tax, and partly because of the crisis, most commercial chains operating in Hungary suffered a loss in 2010. The Annual Report of Spar Hungary Ltd....

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The rent of commercial premises remained low in the boomtowns of Europe

According to the latest report of CB Richard Ellis (CBRE); New York remained the world's most expensive retail target market, after the traders focus on the capitals of fashion, thus...

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The Hungarian fruits and vegetables are safe to consume

The Hungarian fruits and vegetables are safe to consume, no one is threatened by any danger.  Infected vegetables and cucumbers did not arrive to Hungary – states Fazekas Sándor, Rural...

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Russia does not need European vegetables

The European Commission requires an explanation from the Russian authorities in connection why they banned the imports of vegetables from all of the EU countries, referring to the diarrhea- bacteria...

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The MOSZ urges compensation for the cucumber producers

The National Federation of Agricultural Cooperators and Producers (MOSZ) suggest the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) to provide withdrawal support to the cucumber producers who were hit by the situation...

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The frost of May destroyed the apples in Szabolcs county

The sudden cooling and frost in early May mostly affected the apple and walnut plantations in  Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The rate of damage is 94 percent in the case of apples...

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HOVENTA-locations to be distributed soon

The 30th HOVENTA International Hotel,-HORECA and gastrotechnological tradeshow is going to open its gates for the 30th time this year located at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Center between 11th and 14th...

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E-commerce and tablets

In February 2010, when the first iPad appeared, most users rightfully asked themselves “Why should I buy a tablet?” A year later, as the iPad 2 debuts in Hungary, the...

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ÉFOSZ: hambuger tax is problematic

The National Food Processors Association (ÉFOSZ) considers the hamburger tax's concept fundamentally wrong and contrary to the interests of the Hungarian economy – told ÉFOSZ to MTI on Thursday. According...

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Hungary foreign trade turnover on its pre-crisis level

In the first quarter of 2011 the volume of foreign trade increased significantly, exports by 18, while imports by 16 percent, compared to the level of the previous year –...

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MagyarBrands Conference in the Millenáris Park

The MagyarBrands Conference  will be held in the Millenáris Park on the 3rd of June with the presentations of recognized domestic experts. Issues will be: product marketing, the brand building...

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Hungary is self-sustainable from wine

This year is expected to be better for the wine sector than last year, but more forecasts cannot be given, because there is still a lot of time left until...

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2011 could be the breakthrough year for the online coupon sites

Although the first Hungarian sites offering bonuses and coupons are less than a year old, in April this year, 1.5 percent of the population between the age of 14-74 have...

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Young Entrepreneur of the Future would revolutionize packaging

The “Young Entrepreneur of the Future” competition awards were handed over on Wednesday at the Corvinus University. The winner became Seres Viktor, who would set up a packaging, that would...

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U.S. companies spent more than ever on online advertising

The value spent on online advertising increased by almost one-quarter, by 23 percent, to 7.3 billion USD in the first quarter in the United States – shows the recently published...

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Food safety is more important than political interests

The protection of customers is the most important key element of the food safety politics of the European Union, and the same applies to Hungary, too. This safety is far...

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The first three months of the New Széchenyi Plan proved to be successful

A significant change of attitude needs to take place in order to be able to handle sources in a more efficient way – Ágnes Molnár, secretary in charge of the...

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Sales are concentrated to hypermarkets and drugstores

Retail sales of deodorants are still highly concentrated: from value sales hypermarkets had a 42 percent share and drugstores were at 38, informs the Nielsen Retail Index about the March...

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Government wants entrepreneurs to take part in the decrease of bureaucracy

The government would like to involve entrepreneurs in the process of decreasing the number of employees working in administration field – Zoltán Cséfalvay, secretary of economics strategies pointed out on...

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The Ministry of Rural Development will market two million kilograms of sugar

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) will market its strategic sugar stocks in the Hungarian-owned CBA Co-op chains. According to the informations of, Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister has...

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