
Hungarians are the most pessimistic in terms of financial situation improvement

Hungary has the highest proportion of people who do not expect that their financial situation will improve – shows the latest Mood of the World 2011 study of GfK Roper...

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Campaign for the consumption of the Hungarian melon

The Hungarian Melon Association and the FruitVeb with the support of the Agricultural Marketing Centre spends more than 20 million HUF, to stimulate the consumption of Hungarian melon domestically –...

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Chemicals and cosmetics market sales slightly decreased in both volume and value terms

Hungary's retail household chemicals and cosmetics market was worth about 300 billion HUF in the first half of 2011, while sales slightly decreased in both volume and value terms, market...

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The Ministry of Rural Development easens the situation of slaughterhouses

In order to encourage local production, the Ministry of Rural Development will make the food safety standards clearer and more transparent. The ministry's regulation raises the number of animals that...

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The Christmas fair has already started in London

The Christmas fair has already started in London's Harrods and Selfridges department stores -record early. London, Harrods A Harrods spokesman explained the very early start with the number of foreign...

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The German Testbiotech Institute protests against the licensing of GM maize

The Munich-based Testbiotech Institute called on the Commission to reconsider the marketing permission of a genetically modified maize variety. According to the German Institute; the EU announced the licensing of...

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New EU rules for wine-makers

While the EU may finally deliver its overdue decision addressing use of “traditional terms” of winemaking, U.S. corporations must remain vigilant for violations of product labeling: Severe penalties can be...

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The wine and soda bus departs

If summer, than wine and soda and wine and soda bus. This year's wine and soda campaign of the Agricultural Marketing Centre's (AMC) starts again. This year's campaign beside the...

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The Government’s work plan for the second half of this year

Government decision-making does not stop during the summer: ‘The pace is maintained’. The Cabinet's agenda for the rest of the year comprises 164 laws, decisions and decrees, including decisions related...

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Dumping-like production and acquisitions before the introduction of the chips-tax

Before the introduction of the chips-tax, the affected food manufacturers and retailers started a dumping-like production and acquisition, although the increase may not be long delayed. The food manufacturers want...

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Export sectors create jobs

The number of employees between age 15-74 increased by 29,900  from 3,778,900 to 3,808,800 in one year (0.8 percent), which is the most dynamic growth of the past seven months...

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Wage supplement and Sunday opening hours

According to the proposed modification of the Labour Code; the employers should pay fifty percent salary bonus to their employers working on Sundays, except for those part time workers, who...

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VAT-decision – The goverment accepts EU ruling

Hungary is sticking to its 2011 and 2012 budget deficit targets and a European Court ruling on value added tax (VAT) refunds has no impact on the budget goals, spokespeople...

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The capsule coffee is getting increasingly popular in Hungary

Its market share within the total market is still minimal, but the sold in capsules and the number of devices more than doubled in a year. The number of market...

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2,500 tons of melon exported from the eastern part of the country

So far, the Nyíregyháza-based Rádium Kft. exported about 2,500 tons of from three counties (Békés, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg) of the eastern part of the country – told the company's CEO...

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The number of domestic corporate mergers and acquisitions increased

The number of domestic corporate mergers and acquisitions increased in the first half of 2011 compared to the same period of last year – shows the latest survey of Ernst...

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The Ministry of Rural Development helps chicken farmers

The farmers breeding laying hens can apply for 5 to 200 million HUF support to create EU standard conditions for the animals from early September until the end of the...

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Improved consumer confidence in the world's largest economy

The consumer confidence index of the U.S. Conference Board economic research institute increased in July. The index increased to 59.5 points from the revised 57.6 points of June. The experts...

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Coface: the number of liquidation procedures grew

The number of liquidation procedures in Hungary rose 21% in the first half from the same period a year earlier, credit insurance company Coface Hungary told MTI. Liquidation procedures were...

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Hungarians do not want to work over the retirement age even for more money

Two-third of the Hungarian workers would not work after retirement age, even if their salary would be raised – shows the latest datas of Randstad Work Monitor. According to the...

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The plantations of the Somló Wine Region escaped from the red sludge

Scientific studies have shown that last year's red sludge disaster did not cause any damage to the vineyards of the Somló Wine Region – told Somogyi Lajos Hill Judge over...

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75 thousand pounds for a bottle of white wine

A 200 years old 1811 vintage Chateau d'Yquem white wine was sold for seventy-five thousand pounds – 22.5 million HUF – in London at an auction. The buyer is a...

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The ability to adapt to ever-changing needs: EIPA’s first 30 years

The National Institute of Public Administration and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) jointly organised the meeting of the EIPA Board of Governors, on 6-7 June 2011, in the...

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John Dalli to push full smoking ban across European Union

The European Commission announces it is preparing to introduce legislation in 2011 to ban smoking in public places right across the union. reports that European Commissioner for health and...

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Hungary will penalize planting, distribution of GMO seeds

The Hungarian goverment is going to penalize planting and distribution of genetically modified seeds with fines of up to 2 billion HUF, government spokesman Zoltán Kovács pointed out at a...

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Women are better at shopping than man according to Hungarians

The average Hungarian person is convinced that women are the most suitable persons in charge when it comes to shopping and purchasing items necessary to do household chores – the...

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Retail turnover rose in May

In May, retail sales turned out to be better than expected, but there is no reason for joy: the Swiss franc has started to soar, and the pension fund real...

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The majority of the population does not trust in the social impact of the chips-tax

Although two-third of the population supports the introduction of the new public health product fee, called chips-tax, the majority of the respondents still skeptical of its social impact – shows...

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The commercial property sector is beyond the nadir

The Hungarian commercial real estate sector commercial shows a varied figure, hovewer it can be stated at all segments that the market is beyond the low point and entered into...

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(HU) Hazai tejtermékek kerülhetnek be az uniós segélyprogramba

Domestically produced dairy products can be included to the EU's food aid program in Hungary in the next year. The(UHT) milk and cheeses, that do not require cooling, will be...

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