
Caferia budget shrinks

he average value of in-kind benefits for employees at Hungarian companies fell 10% on a yearly basis in 2011. Many employers rather cut back on cafeteria than dismiss employees. The...

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New venue for Sabosi-Törley Jazz Festival

Sambosi-Törley Jazzfestival is waiting for visitors on Tuesday and Wednesday with concerts, exhibition, and plenty of Törley-drinks – chief organizer of the evenr Ilona Bosnyák pointed out. She also added...

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Yet another wine festival in Eger

This is the 23rd year the Agria International Folkweekend of Eger is going to be organized from 18th to 21st August in Eger, at the Dobó street. The event is...

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Exports expand faster than imports

In January-May 2011, the foreign trade volume of exports exceeded the previous year's level by 16, imports by 14 percent – reports the Central Statistical Office. The trade balance surplus...

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Hungary imports twenty thousand tons of cane sugar from Brazil

The Magyar Cukor Zrt. started the import and processing of 20 thousand tons Brazilian cane sugar. 19 thousand tons of pure sugar will be made of the quantity ttransported to...

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Chinese Province looking for Hungarian market

Zhejiang Chinese province is interested in Hungarian business opportunities: looking for a market for its products. Vencsou the capital of the province is called the centre of the Chinese car...

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Nearly 4 million tons of autumn wheat and 8 million tons of maize crop is expected

According to the preliminary estimates; 3.9 million tonnes of autumn wheat and 8.1 million tons of maize crop is expected this year – told the Agriculture Directorate of the Agricultural...

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MasterCard: the future of customer loyalty programs

It is possible that we can handle the different customer loyalty programs with using a single smart phone. Technically, in the near future it will be possible to treat the...

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Increased retail sales in the euro area

Eurozone retail sales increased by greater-than-expected in June – reported Eurostat today. The monthly retail sales rose by 0.9 percent, after the 1.3 percent decrease of May, though the projections...

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Webshops face a 30 percent growth this year, again

Webshops made a revenue of 137 billion HUF last year, which is quite a high number compared to the 99 billion HUF revenue of 2009, and the 65 billion HUF...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index reached its lowest level of the year

In July the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU the declining...

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The strong Swiss franc obstructs the growth of consumption and retail sales

According to the calculations of market analysts; the strengthening of Swiss franc since 2008 causes an affect corresponding to a six percentage point interest rate increase to the Hungarian households...

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Jászberény hosts the international beekeeper meeting

The international honey fair and beekeeper meeting will be organized in Jászberény on the first Saturday of August. This will be Hungary's largest professional event of beekeepers,  beekeeping equipment manufacturers...

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This year's earliest European wine will be made of Csabagyöngye grape

Last Friday the grape harvest has been started in Balatonboglár. The Csabagyöngye grapes will be transported to the Badacsony-based Varga Winery where Europe's earliest wine will be produced from it....

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Here is the list of foods that should be avoided in public catering

The Chief Medical Officer recommended bouillon cubes, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and syrup, among the food products that should be avoided in public catering. The list also including too fat meat...

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Fair at the Hungarian-Croatian border

A fair of local products will be held at the Hungarian-Croatian border near Letenye on both part of the Mura river in early September. The fair will be held between...

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Watermelon Day in Ópusztaszer

Those who visit the National Historical Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer on Saturday can become acquainted with the traditional methods and tools of melon cultivation. At the yard of the open-air...

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Magazine: Short-term product advertisements replace brand building messages

Al Reis, owner-managing director of Atlanta-based strategic marketing agency Reis&Reis wrote on AdAge’s website that these days big manufacturers are only riding the waves of product images they established with...

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Social responsibility with L'Oréal Hungary

Citizen Day 2011 is an initiative with a global reach but which hopes to effect local changes. In Hungary, L’Oréal is focusing on endeavors concerning children’s development. Through Citizen Day...

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NFH: National risk map is necessary in the field of consumer protection

National risk map is necessary in the field of consumer protection in order to carry out more effective preventive work – toldPintér István, Director General of the National Consumer Protection...

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The school milk program continues

The long-time ago established school milk program continues. Currently only every seventh child reaches milk. With the EU and national support about 760 thousand primary school students could consume 2...

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The ATM network is expanding

According to the Brink's C.L. Hungary Zrt. value and cash logistics service company; following the expected expansion of the Hungarian ATM network a market worth of 3-5 billion will open...

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Wine marketing in late

After the non-transparent operation of the previous years, the major wine-marketing campaigns could not start in time even in the new organizational system. The popular musician and TV personality, Hajós...

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Wine Carnival of Debrecen at the Lake Békás

Quality wines will lead the main role in the first week of August at the Lake Békás, that can be found in the Great Forest (Nagyerdő) of Debrecen. 29 famous...

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Magazine: Tesco holds on to their market leading position and keeps investing in Hungary

Since April Gerry Gray has been Tesco Hungary’s new CEO. He joined the Tesco team in 1988 as a shelf-replenisher and kept climbing up the corporate ladder in the following...

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Development Ministry on the Achievements of the Hungarian Presidency

Hungary will benefit from it’s successful presidency in the long term, as stated during the press conference organised by the Ministry of National Development to give account of the activities...

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Hungarians are the most pessimistic in terms of financial situation improvement

Hungary has the highest proportion of people who do not expect that their financial situation will improve – shows the latest Mood of the World 2011 study of GfK Roper...

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Campaign for the consumption of the Hungarian melon

The Hungarian Melon Association and the FruitVeb with the support of the Agricultural Marketing Centre spends more than 20 million HUF, to stimulate the consumption of Hungarian melon domestically –...

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Chemicals and cosmetics market sales slightly decreased in both volume and value terms

Hungary's retail household chemicals and cosmetics market was worth about 300 billion HUF in the first half of 2011, while sales slightly decreased in both volume and value terms, market...

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The Ministry of Rural Development easens the situation of slaughterhouses

In order to encourage local production, the Ministry of Rural Development will make the food safety standards clearer and more transparent. The ministry's regulation raises the number of animals that...

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