
Ministry of National Economy: the ECE has not called for exemption under the mall stop

The ECE that is planning to build a 140 thousand square meters mall in Óbuda, has not yet applied for exemption from the plaza stop – said the Ministry of...

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A mall is under construction in Óbuda

A shopping center can be built between the Szentendrei Road and the Filatori Dam train stop. Roads an utilities will be renewedstored, and the proportion of green areas will be...

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The majority of companies in the meat industry has not implemented the wage compensation

The expected wage increases, wage compensation has not implemented by most of the meat industrial companies, or could not perform in the areas of trade unions – told the Meat...

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Sticker festival in Győr on the weekend

Győr organizes a three-day sticker festival during the weekend, beside the meat fans those people are also expected who are interested in folk artisans and their products. Visitors can also...

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Anuga FoodTec: Future packaging will be expected to fulfil rigorous requirements

At present, food packaging tends to get judged in terms of three criteria: the environment, marketing and functionality. Packaging and packaging technology have been around for over 100 years now....

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Nielsen: Consumers find advertising on tablets more acceptable

Consumers find advertising on tablets more acceptable, more memorable and more enticing than advertising on smartphones, according to the latest UK Connected Devices report from information and measurement firm Nielsen....

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Hegyalja-Borsodi: more sponsoration to help Northern Hungary

From now on, there is az even stronger co-operation between Borsodi Brewery and Hegyalja Festival, in order to help the Northern-Hungarian region with a wide range of cultural programs. The...

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Domestic industrial orders did not develop well in December

While in the European Union and in the euro area new industrial orders increased in December, in Hungary they decreased in the greatest extent –told Eurostat. The new industrial orders...

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Poultry-products are getting more and more expensive

In a couple of weeks, poultry prices will see a significant change in prices. According to pre-calculations of the Poultry Product Council (BTT), chicken and turkey may get 40-50 HUF...

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The European Commission proposes to freeze 495 million euros worth cohesion fundings

The Commission proposes to suspend the disbursement of 495 million euros (142 billion HUF) worth cohesion fundings to Hungary from next January, because Hungary has failed to fulfill obligations of...

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NGM: The number of employees in the private sector increased by 25 thousand in 2011

In the January-December period, the number of employees increased significantly in the private sector by 25 thousand at companies that have at least five employees, while at the financial institutions...

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Textiles are the hit products of illegal trade

Despite the highest rate of VAT in the EU, according to the experiences to the tax authority, the market of cigarettes and fuel are getting cleared, but hackery increased with...

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Slovakia is the least self-sufficient country within the EU

Slovakia imports too much food and the country should follow a path of greater self-sufficiency, it is the country with the lowest rate of self-sufficiency within the entire European Union...

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The MÁV also joins to the Gluttonous Thursday

The MÁV-START Zrt. joins again to the seventh Gluttonous Thursday initative. The rail company offers a 50 percent discount to those who will choose the trains of MÁV to place...

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Fair of Hungarian Handicraft Taste Products: new shops to be opened

The organizers of the Fair of Hungarian Handicraft Taste Products will open new stores in the forthcoming – announced the organizers at the press conference of the fair, that will...

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The position of the Government of Hungary on the proposal adopted by the European Commission today

The European Commission today issued a proposal to suspend in part the commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary in 2013. Our government regards it as an unfounded and unfair...

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Analysts: wage growth is expected this year

Gross wages increased better than expected in last December and this year due to the minimum wage increase and the recommended salary increases strong gross wages growth is expected, this...

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GfK: the tobacco law may result in the losses of jobs in retail

According to the GfK Market Research Institute; the tobacco law may result in the termination of up to 15 thousand jobs in retail. The new system ócan result the expansion...

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Coface: the proportion of risky companies reduced last year

Last year, the number of risky companies in Hungary  decreased to 49.84 percent from the 51.36 percent, of the previous year, so the Hungarian companies appear to be less risky,...

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Hamburger from stem cells

The researchers of the Maastricht University promise to produce the first hamburgers, which are not made of cattle for the next fall. Mark Post, researcher of Maastricht University talked about...

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Magazine: An opening to the Arab world

Last autumn the Arab-Hungarian Association for Fostering Bilateral Economic Cooperation was established. President Dr György János Kiss, member of the board Abdulrahman Raad and funding member Márta Szabó told our...

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ProWein App offers daily updated information

In a few weeks’ time the leading trade fair ProWein will open its doors and over 3,800 exhibitors from some 50 countries will present high-calibre wines and spirits to the...

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Detailed program of a Villány wine region-event

The wine festival V. Ördögkatlan Fesztivál, organized by the wine region of Villány will take place from 1st to 5th August, here is the detailed list of programs: kiemelt-programok-a-villanyi-borvideken 2012-1(1)...

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Hungary has sent its answers to the European Commission

The Hungarian Government submitted to the European Commission today, within the requested deadline, its responses in the three infringement procedures initiated in January (the independence of the Hungarian National Bank...

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The exemption rules from the mall stop can be found on the site of the government

According to the law amendment, that came into force in January, until the 31st of December 2014, commercial buildings over 300 square meters can not established or expanded. The Minister...

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Fazekas: balance is need between livestock and crop production

The Ministry considers to restore the imbalance between animal husbandry and crop production as a priority task. An important role will await those farmers, who produce on state fields as...

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Magazine: High-turnover dairy products’ market positions generally improved

Value sales of cheese, fruit yoghurt, sour cream, curd, butter, kefir and plain yoghurt climbed 2-12 percent in December 2010-September 2011, from the previous comparable period. Total annual sales of...

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Tobacco retail – the Parliament is waiting for Brussels

The final vote on tobacco retail sails is expected to be postponed again. Fidesz seeks for the opinion of the EU. The Constitutional Affairs Committee on Monday – with 19...

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The world's largest cognac collection on auction

A Dutch man, auctions a cognac collection of five thousand bottles – including a bottle derives from the Napoleonic times. The latter is the most valuable piece of  the cognac...

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Gastronomy Festival in Szatmárcseke

The International Tomtit Cooking Festival and the Demonstration of Folk Foods will be held for the 14th time on February 25 in Szatmárcseke – told Sarkadi Pál István, mayor o...

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