
Jean Reno plays a chefs! – Video of the Day

Recently culinary-inspired film were rare, but nowadays, the fans of these films can not complain. It would be too long to list the films that were dealing with the “adventures”...

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Ipsos: half of the employees are satisfied with their working conditions

Worldwide, 47 percent of the workers consider their work environment as safe and healthy, 27 percent of them have opposite view, while 26 percent’s position is located between the two...

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Budapest’s first Macaron Day to come

With the “Macaron Nap Magyarország” titled event, Budapest joins to the program series that have a great popularity in New York and Paris for years. The program series are designed...

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Ham purchase saw a growth both in terms of value and volume

More and more ham is being purchased in the stores during Easter-time. Last year, customers spent nearly 5 billion HUF on ham, which is 4 percent higher than in the...

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The Central and Eastern European economies will have a weak year

The Central and Eastern European economies will have a much weaker, “challenging” year than last year. Many of them – including Hungary – is expected to spend year 2012 in...

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KDNP: marketing conditions of foodstuffs may be tightened

According to the Christian Democratic Party (KDNP), the National Assembly can acept the bill on the rules of food marketing with consensus. Tarnai Richárd, Member of Parliament highlighted at a...

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Euro area’s industrial production increased in January

Industrial production of the Euro area and the EU increased in January on a monthly comparision – announced the European Union's statistical office, Eurostat, on Wednesday. In January, the industrial...

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The new rules of the agri damage mitigation

The first pillar of new agricultural risk management system was published in the Magyar Közlöny. Those producers who were hit by agricultural damages between the 1st November 2011 and 10th...

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An annual 11 million tons of food is thrown out by the Germans

According to new study presented on Tuesday, in Germany, an annual 11 million tons of food is thrown away, 81 kilograms per person. Most of the food that ends in...

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Bee Festival to debut

The Méhecske Fesztivál (Bee Festival) will be organized for the first time this year on March 17 on Saturday, in Ukk, Veszprém county. The free all-day series of events will...

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GfK: Costumers spend the most on food in hyper-and supermarkets

The GfK Market Research Institute conducted its GfK Shopping Monitor Research 2011-2012 in December 2011. The goal of the annually prepared study is the mapping of the motivations and purchasing...

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KSH: mainly energy and food prices moved inflation in February

Consumer prices in February were 5.9 percent higher than a year earlier. In a month, prices rose by 0.8 percent, due to the significant jump of household energy and food...

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Online purchase on the podium of online activities

MasterCard's latest research shows that online shopping and the associated browsing are the third most popular online activity in Hungary, only preceded by reading news and e-mailing. 38 percent of...

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Manpower: fewer employers planning redundancies

According to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, 17 percent of Hungarian employers intend to reduce their workforces during the second quarter of 2012 while only 14 percent of employers plan...

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U.S. retail sales increased

U.S. retail sales increased the fastest extent in February in the last five months; a 1.1 percent increase occurred, compared to January. As analysts expected U.S. retail sales increased seasonally...

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Chips are not responsible for the salt intake

How is it possible that in Hungary, salt intake is twice twice as much per capita than in the U.S., despite Americans consume 23 times more chips than the Hungarians?...

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Frost damage is around twenty percent in the Tokaj Wine Region

On average, 20 percent of buds has damaged, due to this year’s hard frost in the Tokaj Wine Region – states the researchers of the Vine and Wine Research Institute...

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Germans eat forty kilograms of pork annually

Last year, the revenues of the German meat distribution and event services increased by 3.2 percent. According to the Tuesday published datas of the German Meat Processors Association, consumption of...

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Weak domestic consumption continues to hold back imports

According to the preliminary datas, the foreign trade value, calculated in euros, slightly increased by 2 percent in January, compared to the previous year's high levels – the Central Statistical...

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Increasing risk of bankruptcy

According to Hungarian companies, the number of bankrupt businesses will slightly rise this year as well, following an all-time high of last year. They expect a particularly strong wave of...

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Costumers travel for special flavor vegetables and fruits

The old Hungarian fruit and vegetable varieties will reappear probably on the local and regional markets, which establish the reputation of the Hungarian horticulture. In recent decades, the old, local,...

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Hungarian distilleries are preparing the apricot pálinka of the year together

After last year's joint success Hungarian distilleries will prepare the pálinka of the year jointly again, this time from apricot. The special brew will debut in the spring, at the...

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Warsaw is the second most attractive commercial real estate market in Europe

According to CBRE international consulting firm, Warsaw is the second most attractive commercial real estate market in Europe. The survey’s results were published in the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper. In 2012,...

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Attendance record at the third Hungarian Artisan Flavours Fair

About 17 thousand visitors supported the Hungarian producers with tens of millions of forints at the third Hungarian Artisan Flavours Fair. According to their votes, the Mézmúzeum (Honey Museum) became...

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SIAL returns in May

After a record-breaking first edition in Toronto in 2011, the Salon International de l'Alimentation is back in Montreal from the 9th through the 11th of May, 2012 at the Palais...

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Revenues of Somogy county merchants and restaurateurs declined

According to the survey of the Trade and Tourism Advocacy of the Entrepreneurs in Somogy County (KISOSZ), more than half of the merchants and restaurateurs of Somogy county reported about...

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Russia bans the European pork imports

From the 20th of March, Russia bans pork imports from the European Union, due to the Schmallenberg virus emerging in Europe. The Russian veterinary authorities explained on Monday that the...

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GDP forecasts for 2012

The external demand, the performance of agriculture and the lack of credit can be the biggest risks in the evolution of next year’S GDP, which according to analysts interviewed on...

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Hungarian-Russian trade close to its pre-crisis level

The Hungarian-Russian trade dynamically evolving and it is getting close to the pre-crisis levels – said Alexei Kazacskov, deputy commercial counselor of the Russian Federation at a conference in Győr...

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GM crops: still no EU compromise

The EU member states still not reached a compromise about the proposal, which would allow that individual Member States to decide to gave permission, or to ban the production of...

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