
KSH: the gross average wage was 217,800 HUF in January and February 2012

According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) the average gross earnings of the full-time employees was 217,800 HUF, 225,200 HUF of people working at enterprises and 202,000...

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The Labor Code will be more flexible

From the 1st of July the Labor Code will change in a number of points. The new law, that was adopted in December will significantly influence the labor relations after...

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Consumer confidence weakened in Europe

Consumer confidence weakened in the euro area and throughout the European Union in April, after three consecutive months of improvement. According to the Thursday released preliminary data of the European...

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Szolnok is still collecting the downpayment to the citric acid manufacturing investment

Szolnok’s Mayor informed Népszabadság, that the city is still working on to collect the own contribution to the Chinese backgrounded citric acid factory. They are investigating whether banks or other...

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Leading economic research institutes expect boom in the German economy

In Germany, the economy develops vigorously in 2012 and 2013, despite the economic crisis. Unemployment will fall, wages will rise, the deficit will be getting smaller – shows the joint...

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The Wine City of Budafok was handed over

The Wine City of Budafok presents the famous domestic wine regions and the specificity  of the wine cellars. The inauguration ceremony was held on Thursday. The project was carried out...

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“Bar code” was already used in ancient times

Italian archaeologists have discovered “bar code” on the closing plugs of ancient amphoras. The recorded informations can be found on pottery used for carrying primarily oil. These artifacts can help...

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IMF: global economic outlook seems to be improving again

After last year’s decrease, the global economic outlook gradually improved again, although the downward risks remain pronounced – shows last year’s World Economic Outlook, published on the website of the...

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Brau Beviale: Meeting of the European beverage industrialists

The Brau Beviale will be held between 13 and 15 November 2012 in the Exhibition Centre, in Nuremberg. 1350 exhibitors (2011: 1,384), including world famous regulars, as well as new...

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FruitVeB: hard-shell plants suffered the most due to the cold Easter weather

On the basis of the preliminary surveys, this year's Easter frost caused larger damages in the orchards of the country than last year – said Mártonffy Béla, president of the...

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Sága’s grilled sausages made of turkey meat can be the hits of the summer

Sága starts the summer season with popular – Hungarian and cheese – flavored, turkey products: from may, the company provides spicy Hungarian style (pepper) and grilled sausages enriched with pieces...

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Beer consumption is decreasing, while wine consumption is increasing in the Czech Republic

According to the datas of the Czech Statistical Office (CSÚ), while in 2005 the per capita beer consumption reached 164 liters, in the Czech Republic, this figure dropped back to...

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Budapest Pálinka Festival: The Ocho Macho loves pálinka

The bands of the main stage prepare with special acoustic live acts for the May 10 opening of the Budapest Pálinka Festival.  Pál Utcai Fiúk, the Ocho Macho and the...

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More and more tourists from Slovakia visit Hungary

The number of guests from Slovakia is increasing from year to year, at hoilday resorts in Hungary. Last year, only at the Lake Balaton 13 thousand tourist spent their vacation...

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Several food companies among the Top 20 list of the Hungarian companies expanding abroad

The New York-based Vale Columbia Center and the ICEG European Center examined the expansion of Hungarian companies in abroad. The foreign assets of the ranked twenty companies between 2008 and...

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Nemtudom P3 plum and Csengődi cherry in the National Species Catalogue

The Species Certificating Committee  recognized newly bred grapes and fruit varieties – told the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) to MTI on Tuesday. The Board, among others, took up the...

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Two billion HUF remains in the food industry

The Hungarian food industry no need to pay the two billion HUF worth annual disaster protection contribution, because the parliament changed the certain provisions of the Act. The original legislation...

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Fee should be paid for the registration of recyclable packaging products

The National Environmental Protection and Water Management Inspectorate will register the recyclable packaging, on the basis of companies and types, in the future. The registration will cost 80 thousand HUF...

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Czech-Polish food debate

The Czech Republic will try to achieve at the competent fora of the European Union, to ban the imports of Polish food – said Petr Bendl, Czech Minister of Agriculture...

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The ZEW index indicates an improved mood in the strongest economy of Europe

Economic sentiment further improvement in April in Germany. The ZEW index increased from 22.3 points to 23.4 points. According to the survey of the Mannheim-based ZEW, German economic sentiment improves...

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Coface: persistent credit risk in most countries

he situation of companies in the construction sector closely reflects the world, regional and national economic trends. At a time when the world economy is characterized by divergences between countries,...

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Dissolving of the mall stop is not on agenda

Contrary to the expectations, the dissolving of the mall stop was not the subject of last week's cabinet meeting. As they say, the retail floor space is  strictly regulated in...

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The delay of investments caused a 300 billion HUF loss to the SMEs

According to the survey of GE Capital, business activity and investment sentiment greatly reduced in the case of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the past two years. The...

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Coface: Can not see the light at the end of the tunnel

According to the latest survey of the international credit insurer Coface Hungary, in the first quarter of this year, the number of insolvency proceedings increased by a total of nearly...

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The founding document of the Hungarian Gastro Map Cluster has been signed

It is a common interest that Hungary to be able to provide safe food, with  the use of mainly domestic raw materials – said Kardeván Endre, Secretary of State at...

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Retail sales growth is higher than expected in the world's largest economy

U.S. retail sales showed a greater recovery for the third subsequent month, despite the fact that gasoline prices increased. Turnover grew by 0.8 percent in March, while analysts expected 0.3...

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ATM-number stagnating, but quality service becomes a priority

According to calculations, at least 5-10 billion HUF is left untouched in ATM-machines in Hungary. This sum could be decreased by 15-20 percent if integrated cash-optimization systems were introduced. Banks...

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Five thousand inspections and 25 million HUF fines are the results of the spring food chain controls

The spring food chain control was carried out by the coordination of the National Food Chain Safety Office between 19 March and 9 April. 5162 test were carried out, 25,327,888...

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Fungus production could be doubled

According to the latest summary of the Hungarian Horticultural Council, fungus production improved significantly. The production can be doubled, it is expandable to at least 50-70 thousand tons, and employment...

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Innovative products at Alimentaria

Alimentaria is one of the most important food and drinks trade shows in the world. Since the event's primary keyword is innovation, it is obvious that in the last part...

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