
3,300 billion HUF worth food products on the Hungarian market

Annually, about 3,300 billion HUF worth food and food related products are distributed on the Hungarian market – said Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Secretary of State at the Ministry of Rural...

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Hungarians use fewer cell phone functions than the European average

Hungarians use cell phones – in addition to phone calls – mostly to send SMS messages (72 percent), to take photographs (58 percent), or to leave messages (52 percent) –...

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Five billion forints for food businesses

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI on Wednesday, that the application to develop agricultural and food processing plants has been published. Farmers can apply for 3, the the...

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The Food Bank has received a honorary degree

The Food Bank (Élelmiszerbank) was received a honorary degree signed by György Habsburg, president of the Hungarian Red Cross. In the letter, György Habsburg expresses the recognition and appreciation on...

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Czechs boycott Polish food

The Czechs significantly limited the purchase of Polish food products, because they are frightened by the news that Polish manufacturers preserved several food products with industrial salt. According to the...

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Hungarians Pushing More Online Shopping Carts

Few areas of the economy show growth to the extent produced by internet commerce in 2011, says GKIeNET – T-Mobile’s research survey titled “Report on the Internet Economy” and published...

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NÉBIH: brochure on the marking of eggs

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) has published a brochure on the key informations on the marking of eggs – told NÉBIH on Wednesday to MTI. At the newest...

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The middle class of the emerging markets represents a huge buying power

According to the Retail Market View study of Cushman & Wakefield, the retail world is a  boundary-free global market. The developed retail markets are the base of this market, while...

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A good yield is expected in case of autumn sown crops

According to Czerván György, State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM), responsible for agri-management in case of sunflower and corn a good yield is expected. In case of...

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The Third Chinese Brands Exhibition has opened in Budapest

The Third Chinese Brands Exhibition opened on Wednesday in the China Brand Trade Center (CBTC) in Budapest. The event lasts until May 25. About 200 Chinese companies will present their...

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Pálinka and hungaricum days in Tihany

The Pálinka house and the local government organizes Pálinka and hungaricum days in Tihany: from Saturday to Monday cultural, entertainment and culinary programs will await the visitors. This is the...

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VAT increase in the Czech Republic

The two keys of VAT will be increased by one-one percentage points to 15 and 21 percent – from January in the Czech Republic. The Czech government accepted the Finance...

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Grana Padano: blood pressure lowering Italian cheese

According to an Italian study, the Italian Grana Padano Parmesan cheese, has reduced blood pressure at people do not taking ACE inhibitors. Among the inhabitants of the European Union every...

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Retail food prices in the first quarter increased by five percent in Europe, six percent in Hungary

The average Hungarian food retail prices have risen by 6 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared to last year's comparable period. This is the second highest inflation...

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Oversupply reduces milk prices

In Hungary, the average producers price of raw milk was 87.57 HUF per kilo in April 2012, which is a 4 percent decrease compared to March – announced the Agricultural...

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The turnover of webstores increases from year to year

Last year, the retail sales of web stores increased to 155 -160 billion HUF, from the 133 billion HUF of 2010. 50 percent of the growth was achieved by new...

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Night of Thousand Lights: International Day for missing children

Thirteen thousand juveniles were reported missing in Hungary over the last year. The Milk Carton action to be renewed and be extended with the School Milk action. The Szentkirályi mineral...

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End to upward trend of consumer climate

The largely stable development of the mood among German consumers continued in spring this year. Economic expectations improved slightly once again and willingness to buy almost remained at the same...

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The wine of Günzer Tamás has won the first prize in the Wine Festival in Szeged

The 2011 vintage Villányi Chardonnay of Günzer Tamás won the main prize on the eighteenth Wine Festival of Szeged. The recognition was handed over on Monday. The masterpiece of the...

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100 million bags of instant noodles are sold in China each day

China is the world's largest instant noodles consumer, the Chinese are buying more than 100 million bags a day – said industry's experts at their international conference, held during the...

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Invitel: six percent growth is expected on the IT market

It is projected that the value of the IT services will increase by about 6 percent annually in the next 6-7 years on the Hungarian market, while the system integration...

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Many new programs against diabetes

Diabetes has become an endemic and unfortunately more often appears among children. Therefore, the One Drop Attention Foundation (Egy Csepp Figyelem Alapítvány) created by Erős Antónia wants to help in...

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Exploding consumer confidence in China

Consumer confidence in the first quarter in China rose to heights, has not seen since seven years – shows the survey of Nielsen international market research firm. The consumer confidence...

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Red wine, fruit compound could help block fat cell formation

The newly discovered component of grape juice inhibits the development of fat cells, thereby preventing obesity – U.S. researchers found. Fat subsides mostly on the hips and is primarily on...

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Gamay Summer begins on Friday in Sopron

The Gamay Summer  Festival begins on Friday with a four day feast in Sopron and lasts until the end of September. On the Monday press conference  of the series of...

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Work-Life balance improves

Workers across the UK declare that the balance between their work and personal life has improved since 2010, according to a new Work-Life Balance Index based on the views of...

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OKSZ: it would be a mistake to close recidivist multinationals

In recent days, a statement was said that the consumer protection authority is ready to close the recidivist multinationals. The intention is understandably, but it is questionable that, does the...

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The decline of real wages may further tighten the internal demand

According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office, the average gross earnings exceeded the level of last year by 4.4 percent, at businesses with at least five employees, at...

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In Hungary, 59 percent of the companies does not pay on time

In Europe the smallest proportion of Portugese companies pay their bills on time, while the best performance of the payment deadline can be found in Germany- shows th analysis of...

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FruitVeB: frost damages are smaller than initially seemed

The damage caused by the frost is smaller, than it was expected, however, the Hungarian fruit growers can expect worse year than last year in terms of the value of...

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