
KSH: slight increase occurred in the euro value of exports and imports in May

In May, exports and imports calculated in the euro increased by almost the same extent, by 1.7, and 1.8 percent, compared to a year earlier – the Central Statistical Office...

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The licensing fee will be adopted to the quantity of the marketed wine

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) significantly reduced the fee on wine marketing authorization and the related fees of analytical tests. With the forthcoming measure, which will come into force...

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Brau Beviale 2012: Tradition, innovation and naturalness

Brau Beviale starts a day earlier in 2012 – on Tuesday, 13 November. Some 1,350 exhibitors and a good 31,500 visitors can look forward to the beverage industry’s most important...

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Nielsen: the amount that Hungarians spend on home maintenance is an European record

The Hungarians spend the most part of their monthly budgets on housing-related services among the residents of twenty-eight European countries. While in Hungary, 36 percent of the average costs usually...

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Melon market participants consult in the ministry

Local watermelon producers and multinational chain of stores are consulting in the Rural Development Ministry (VM) on Friday, on creating balanced melon market conditions – informs Simonka György, President of...

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Kalocsai paprika powder under EU protection

The European Commission registered the “Kalocsai paprika powder” into the register of protected designations and protected geographical indications on July 3 – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI...

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Low-quality food distributors may be sentenced to several years in prison

Those who will distribute low-quality, unhealthy or false food will risk even several years of  sentence from January 1 next year – when the new Criminal Code will enter into...

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The Hungarian Prison Service joins to the “Start” work model program

The Annamajori Kft., the Baracska-based farm of the Hungarian Prison Service delivers about 22 thousand chickens to forty municipalities nationwide from Friday. The Annamajori Kft., has joined to the “Start”...

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The most ice cream in Italy is consumed in Rome

Rome leads the list of Italian cities of artisan ice cream consumption with an annual 19 kilograms per person. In Rome an annual six or seven kilograms ice cream is...

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The genome of melon was decoded by Spaniards

In the scope of the cooperation of nine Spanish research centers the complete description of melon’s genome is ready. Seven melon versions were introduced to the genetic analysis, the researchers...

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Pancakes will be fried in Derekegyház for one hundred and seventy hours

At the sixth Pancake Festival in Derekegyháza pancakes will be fried for one hundred and seventy hours in the scope of a record attempt. So far, Hungarian records were born...

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Bike mall to be built in Csepel

Indotek Group will start the construction of the on ten thousand square meters Pedál Market for byciclists in the beginning of 2013 on the area of the former Csepel Metal...

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Workplace Protecting Plan – positive impact is expected in trade

According to experts, the costs of wages are the biggest in trade, so the Prime Minister's package of measures announced on Monday can be beneficial. Prime Minister Orbán Viktor announced...

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OTP launches a one hundred billion HUF investment loan program

OTP Bank launches a one hundred billion HUF investment loan application its corporate clients. One priority of the program is to finance manufacturing, agricultural and food investments, that are planned...

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Policy Agenda: improving SME sector expectations

The expectations of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprise sector continued to improve in the second quarter, however the leaders of the companies still not expect a significant change in...

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Ten percent of the wheat was already harvested in Vas county

On the 40 thousand hectare wheat field, 10 percent of the crop was already harvested in Vas county. Experience has shown that there will be no problems with the amount...

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VinAgora: record number of entries

A record number of 630 entries from twenty countries arrived to one of Hungary's most prestigious and only accredited international wine competition the VinAgora International Wine Competition, held for the...

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Bull's Blood celebration in Eger

The Mountain Village of Eger organizes the Bull's Blood celebration in Eger for the 16th time this year. The festival lasts from th 5th to the 8th of July, on...

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Annually 200 million Chinese get sick from contaminated food

The Chinese leadership promises to improve food security –the Renmin Ribao central party newspaper wrote on Wednesday. The government has promised the introduction of a more effective regulatory system and...

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Tokaji wineries were debuted in Russia

Eight Tokaji wineries were presented themselves in Moscow on Thursday. The audience of the event was mainly consisted of Moscow-based Russian wholesale chains, and the largest buyers, but many representatives...

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Retail sales of the EU and the euro area increased in May

In May, retail sales increased in both in the 17-member euro zone and in the 27-member EU – the European Union's statistical office the Eurostat announced on Wednesday. In May,...

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Corn prices increase in the heat

Due to the hot days, maize and sunflower have significantly deteriorated in recent days. The assessment of damages has already started. The great drought and the almost African heat destroyed...

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Magazine: Business Breakfast – Optimism on the boat

Spoon Café was the venue of PwC Hungary’s exclusive business breakfast (held in cooperation with Trade magazin, Chain Bridge Club and the Brand Association) on 16 May, where the main...

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Sommelier as the hero of a comic

The first wine manga, entitled “Tears of the Gods” was created by Shin and Yuko Kibayashi – informs the Borkultusz. Its main character, Shizuku Kanzaki is a sommelier, who has...

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The world's most expensive peaches were stolen in China

Three men stole invaluable peaches from a state research farm in China. Scientists have worked for 13 years, crossing different varieties to refine the perfect peach. Three villagers – presumably...

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Thousands of people at the sheep cooking festival in Karcag

Thousands of people took part at the 14th Sheep Cooking Festival of Karcag. For the sheep cooking contest almost three hundred teams entered – told the Ministry of Rural Development...

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Global retail chains are expanding in the largest developing countries

The largest developing countries, especially the BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India and China) remain the most attractive expanding destinations for the global retail networks, while Hungary is not among the...

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GfK: Consumer confidence improved slightly

Consumer confidence improved slightly in Hungary in the second quarter, compared to the previous quarter, but still not reached the level of of 2011 or 2010 – shows the latest...

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Hungary can get about 1,300 million euros from the CAP per year

An all-day conference is being held at the Ministry of Rural Development about the reforms of the CAP, namely the Common Agricultural Policy. In 2014 a new, seven-year budget period...

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Foreign trade turnover is on last year's level

In the first four months of 2012, the volume of exports was 0.7 percent higher than in the same period of the last year, while the volume of imports decreased...

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