
The entrepreneurs consider the narrowing of financing as the biggest problem

The most significant problem for the Hungarian companies is the the narrowing of financing opportunities – the Roland Berger Strategy Consultant announced the results of its survey carried out with...

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This year’s maize crop fulfills the domestic demand

The Minister of State at the conference of the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) told on Thursday that according to the latest figures, 95 percent of...

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Shopping center operators are confident

According to analysts, domestic consumption boost is not expected. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects a decline of about 1-2 percent on the consumer market in 2012. The Ministry of...

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InterCool: Dairy Products, Frozen Food and Meat in Düsseldorf

he international trade fairs InterMopro, InterCool and InterMeat today came to a close after three days at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. 13,800 trade visitors from 22 countries came to gather information...

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The wine marketing center in Sopron was inaugurated

The wine marketing center in the downtown of Sopron was inaugurated. The wine marketing center was implemented with  three-quarters of EU funding. The goal of the 150-square-meter facility is to...

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Hungarian exhibitors in Yekaterinburg

The “Local Governments of Russia” 5th International Investment Forum and Exhibition was held between 17-19 October 2012 in Yekaterinburg, where five Hungarian companies took part at a joint booth with...

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The consumption of apple has increased

According to Budai Gyula, domestic consumption of apple has increased, thanks to the sales campaign launched by the Ministry of Rural Development (VM), the Agricultural Marketing Center, the FruitVeB and...

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The Hungaricum Committee held its inaugural meeting

The Hungaricum Committee held its inaugural meeting in Budapest, at the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). The fifteen-member panel was established, after the Hungaricum law entered into force. The Hungaricum...

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A five percent decline in the packaging industry

An about 5 percent drop was measured in the first half of this year in the Hungarian packaging industry. The main problem beside the general economic problems is the unfavorable...

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S&P: recession is expected in the Euro zone

This year, recession is expected in the Euro zone and it is not granted that economic growth will occur the next year – Standard & Poor's announced on Wednesday in...

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The Bolgheri Sassicaia 2009 of Tuscany became Italy's best red wine

According to the recently published edition of Gambero Rosso wine guide, this year’s best Italian red wine is from Tuscany, while the best white wine is bottled in Friuli. Three...

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Hungarian origin colored pork found in Slovakia

The inspectors of the Slovak Food and Veterinary Authority (SVaPS) found Hungarian origin, colored frozen pork in Slovakia at a reseller’s warehouse premises in Bratislava – confirmed Paulína Komárová, the...

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Cégér: Gastro-razzmatazz on the Erzsébet square

The Forum Hungaricum organizes a wine festival under the Gasztro-Zsibongás (Gastro-Razzmatazz) name, where those wineries and the restaurants will present themselves that take part in the Cégér, sign label design...

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GfK Purchasing Power: Hungary backlogs the region

According to the Purchasing Power Study of GfK study in Hungary the per capita annual disposable annual income is 4,884 euros, the quarter of the Austrian value. The wealthiest country...

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Food prices may increase by ten percent

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) expect a smaller, about 10 percent food price  increase in the next six months – MTI writes. This announcement may easen the already tense...

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Nielsen: dairy products’ retail sales increased both in value and volume in the first eight months

There is an expanding demand for dairy products. In terms of value, retail sales of the fourteen different categories increased by 5 percent during January-August this year, compared to the...

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Success of Hungarian wines in Stockholm

Hungarian wines were introduced in Sweden in the scope of a large-scale demonstration. The event organized by the National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) was accompanied by high attention both from...

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GKI: Domestic economic expectations remained pessimistic

GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects has been essentially unchanged since May. A modest increase at the beginning of the year was followed by a fall in May,...

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Magazine: Trends, whys and answers – part 5

The market share of a carbonated soft drink brand, let us call it ‘A’, started to fall in one of the country’s in our region. At the same time competitors’...

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Pricing troubles by merchants

At Dale Furtwenger, the author of the book ‘Pricing for Profit’ analyses the pricing strategies of retailers. He underlines the importance of being consistent and value-centred but writes negatively...

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Hungaricum Committee opening discussion at the Ministry of Rural Development

The so-called Hungaricum Commitee has opened its founding conference on Thursday, at the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). The board consists of 15 members, and the main purpose of these...

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RSM DTM: The fiscal adjustment whitens the economy, but takes the chance of growth away

According to the RSM DTM Hungary Zrt. consulting firm, the Wednesday announced government measures on one hand will whiten the economy, but on the other hand will take away the...

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Fazekas Sándor: tobacco growing is a very important industry

Tobacco growing is a very important sector of the Hungarian Agriculture – Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister said in Budapest on Thursday at the 33rd congress of the European Association...

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Analysts: real wages may decline this year

Gross wages can grow by 4 to 4.5 percent this year, so – because of the high rate of inflation – a fall may occur in real wages – believed...

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The increasing importance of innovation in the Hungarian economy

The second annual international, high-level Conference on Cyberspace took place in the Hungarian capital at the beginning of October, focusing on the increasingly critical issue of digital security. From the...

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Hungary's Representative Plants Tree at U.N. Biodiversity Conference

eputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Katalin Tüth represented Hungary and planted a tree at the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad, where participants from over...

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Amazon is America’s most popular retailer

It is now official that Amazon is the number one retailer in the USA, after Boston-based OC&C Strategy Consultants published its research results. They evaluated retailers based on nine aspects...

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NÉBIB closed an illegal green food packaking plant in Csongrád county

The Tax and Customs Administration of Csongrád county and the Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Directorate of the county seized the content of an illegal green food packaging and...

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New Matolcsy Package to come

According to the new Matolcsy Package, transaction tax will increase and cafeteria rules will be strenghtened The EU did not found the 400 billion HUF package announced in early October...

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Employment does not change in the SME sector for seven years

In Hungary, employment is stagnating since 2005 at the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The number of SMEs did not increase as well. The indicators in connection with the status...

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