
The capital of wine and jazz will be Debrecen

From 2 August, Debrecen will be the capital of wine and jazz for four days. The Debrecen Wine and Jazz Days are waiting for the visitors from August 2 for...

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Tusványos: Hungarian companies need own product!

According to Palkovics László, Minister of Innovation and Technology, Hungarian companies needs own products for Hungary’s success. He stressed that the government should deal with corporate innovation, as despite the...

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Dödölle festival to be held for the fifteenth time in Nagykanizsa

Wine, food and culture awaits the guest to the 15th edition of the Wine and Dödölle Festival of Nagykanizsa on 7 and 8 September – the Mayor of the city...

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The trading house held training courses for Hungarian entrepreneurs in Székelyföld

Entrepreneurship and export development trainings were held for Székelyföld’s Hungarian entrepreneurs, organized by the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) on Wednesday in Tusnadfürdő, within the framework of the professional...

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The World’s Largest Crowd Investment Conference Announces May Summit in Los Angeles

The third annual Crowd Invest Summit West will be held on May 1-2, 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The summit will feature A-list keynote speakers and a robust...

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The II. NAK Field Days awaits its guests with a number of programs

In addition to the season-specific breed shows, visitors can also find a variety of crop production exhibitions, stationary and mobile machine exhibitions on 20-21 September at the II. NAK Arable...

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The 2nd NAK Field Days will be held on 20-21 September

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is organizing the 2nd NAK Field Days Agricultural Machinery Show with the contribution of National Association of Agricultural Equipment Distributors (Megfosz) in Mezőhegyes on...

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(HU) Szavazzon kedvenc üzletére a Trade magazin Facebook oldalán!

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Restructuring can help to produce better quality wines

Structural change can help to produce wines in the highest quality and even better – Viski József, Deputy Minister of State said at the professional conference held at Kecskemét’s Peach...

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Wine and jazz days in Debrecen’s Nagyerdő in August

One of Hungary’s biggest wine events and the largest jazz festival of the country will be held between 2 and 5 August, in the Nagyerdő, around Lake Békás – the...

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One hundred craft beer specialties at the Félegyházi Beer Festival

The 4th Félgyháza Charity Crafts Beer Festival offers one hundred craft beer specialties. The festival will be held from Friday to Sunday in Kiskunfélegyháza. Ónodi Árpád, organizer of the festival...

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(HU) Milfina gomolya sajt az ALDI-nál

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More than two-thirds of the domestic webshops increased their turnover last year according to a survey

The turover of more than two-thirds of the domestic webshop grew last year and only 6 percent of them reported a decline in sales – according to the 11th WebShop...

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The wine of the Tokaj Holdvölgy was chosen as the second best muscat of the world

The 2014 vintage Exaltation Sweet Tokaji Yellow Muscat of the Mád-based Holdvölgy (Moon Valley) winery was chosen as the second best wine at the Muscats du Monde 2018 World Cup...

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Kreinbacher won four medals at the Champagne World Championship

The Champagnes of the Somló-based Kreinbacher Estate won two gold and two silver medals at the Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championship (CSWWC), the most prominent international championship. The Champagne...

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Fish soup to be made from ten tons of fish during the weekend at the Baja Fishing Festival

Fish soup to be made from about ten tons of fish, prepared in nearly 1,500 cauldrons at the Baja Fishing Festival that begins on Thursday. Bócsa Barnabás, managing director of...

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The Hajdúsági Expo to be held for the seventh time

The 7th Hajdúsági Expo and Tractor Pull Cup will be held in Hajdúböszörmény between 10-12 August – the organizers announced on Tuesday at a press conference. Kiss Attila (Fidesz-KDNP) Mayor...

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Palacsintafesztivál: lesz-e újabb rekord Derekegyházon?

Szerdától ismét palacsintafesztivált rendeznek Derekegyházon, a Csongrád megyei községben a folyamatosan sülő édesség mellett változatos szórakoztató programok várják az érdeklődőket – tájékoztatta Bánvölgyi Petra szervező az MTI-t. A művelődési ház...

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Magazine: No borders in logistics either

Ecommerce Hungary organised the 15th Ecommerce Conference with the motto ‘Intelligent without Borders’. Last year online retail sales amounted to HUF 545 billion in Hungary – told the first speaker Gergely...

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The Wine Festival in Tolcsva to be held in August

The Tolcsva Wine Festival will be held from 10 to 12 August this year, with colorful programs and live music concerts. The visitors can taste 50 wines of 25 wineries...

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The Rozé Festival in Villány will be held next weekend

The Rozé Festival in Villány will be held next weekend, on Friday and Saturday. The festival is focusing on the Hungarian-Croatian cultural and gastronomic cooperation. Kirchkeszner Ágnes organizer told M1...

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Pancake festival in Mátraterenye on Saturday

Mátraterenye Nógrád County county hoses the pancake festival this year again. The main topic will be Hungary again – Gyurcsák Tamás, organizer told MTI. According to Gyurcsák Tamás, for the...

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Budapest Wholesale Market opens to the public for a day

This year was the second that the Budapest Wholesale Market gave the public a chance to take a look behind the scenes on 20 June 2018. At ‘A Night at the...

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Harvesting festival in Ópusztaszer

The traditional activities related to harvesting can be learned and tried by visitors on Saturday in the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park – the marketing manager of the institution informed...

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Trotters festival to be held in Mezőzombor this weekend

All Saturday and Sunday will be about trotters in Mezőzombor, Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region, where the organizers await the guests with a cooking contest and special trotters meals. Kiss Dezső cook,...

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There will be many novelties at the 8th Rozé Festival in Villány

The 8th Rozé Festival in Villány awaits its guests with many novelties – including Hungarian-Croatian culinary adventures, and stifolder and kulen making competitions. The 8th Rozé Festival in Villány will...

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OECD discusses the system of online cash registers in Budapest

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been discussing the system of online cash registers in Budapest to gather the best international experiences – the National Taxation and...

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The Paks International Gastroblues Festival is awaiting the audience

Concerts, cooking competitions, traditional hungarian food and drinks show, as well with the participation of foreign and Hungarian performers, the Paks International Gastroblues Festival will be open to the fans...

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The awards of the VinAgora International Wine Competition have been announced

Four grand gold medals, 73 gold medals, 87 silver medals and 6 champion awards were awarded at this year’s VinAgora International Wine Competition. The results were announced on Thursday. At...

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