
The rain washed Buda Castle Wine Festival away

To organize a European level event costs a lot of money. This year, several complicating factors caused hard headaches for the organizers. The number of visitors reached a negative record...

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Wine Competition to be held in the Cathedral Square in Szeged

From Wednesday an autumn wine muster awaits the wine lovers to the Cathedral Square in Szeged, where eighty producers will present their wines for five days – said Licsicsányi Ilona,...

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Milk farmers demonstrate for better market conditions

This summer farmers demonstrated on the roads to call attention to the import dumping of dairy products – many of which are imported illegally and sold at very low prices....

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60 billion HUF a year can be spent on agricultural subsidies linked to production

From the next year unil 2020, an annual 60 billion HUF can be spent on the production of specified crops, on the support of horticulture and for protein crops –...

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The harvest begins in the Tokaj wine region

Despite the rainy weather the harvest is expected to be started in the Tokaj-hegyalja historic wine region on Monday – the Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. told MTI. The company told that...

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The tenth of the sunflower was harvested in Komárom-Esztergom county

Only 1,300 hectares of sunflower was harvested from the planted 11 thousand hectares of sunflower in Komárom-Esztergom county. The rainy weather is an obstacle in harvesting the rape as well...

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A long-term regulation is necessary for nut production

Similar to grape production, a long-term regulation is necessary for nut production. The development of a ten-year program is ongoing – Gombos Sándor said. Gombos Sándor, the president of the...

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Nearly 16 tons of fish to be planted to the lakes and watercourses of Vas county

Nearly 16 tons of fish to be planted to the lakes and watercourses of Vas county during the autumn. On Thursday, about 2.7 tonnes of carp and grass carp to...

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The Oktoberfest in Budapest moves to a new location

The second Oktoberfest of Budapest awaits the lovers of beers and festivals at a new location in the Ice Rink of the City Park between 9 and 12 October. At...

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A supermarket was opened in China without staff

The supermarket is equipped with vending machines. No staff is required in the supermarket opened in Qingdao Northeast China – the news portal reported. China's first ever shop without...

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Mushroom production may double

By 2020 Hungary’s mushroom production may double, from the current 25,000-30,000 tons/year to 50,000-70,000 tons. Information from FruitVeB’s mushroom branch reveals that production value may rise to HUF 30-40 billion...

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Changing price level

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) keeps monitoring and publishing the world’s agri-food prices and trends. Their latest report reveals that at the Budapest Wholesales Market on week 31 the...

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KSH: Agricultural producer prices fell 5.1 percent in July

In 2014, the agricultural producer prices declined by 5.1 percent, compared to the same period of 2013- the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday. The price of plant products...

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Cash register raid: the NAV closed restaurants and a café

The National Tax and Customs Authority closed two restaurants and a café, due to irregularities in several occasions. The inspectors of the tax authority held raids with an intensity never...

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Only a few farmers have have checked in for the temporary support

The European Commission opened extraordinary and temporary support measures to the producers of some kind of fruits and vegetables with a budget of 125 million euros in order to help...

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More livestock

In the first half of 2014 Hungary’s pig stock improved by 82,000 and the cattle stock increased by 5,000 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In the middle of...

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FruitVeB plans cooperation with Milan wholesale market

Hungary’s Interprofessional Organisation for Fruit and Vegetable (FruitVeB) and Milan wholesale market Sogemi are negotiating the conditions of a future cooperation. Hungary’s fruit and vegetable sector aims at increasing production...

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(HU) Promócióverseny pályázati adatlap 2014

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Hungary’s favorite fish is the carp

The carp is the clear winner of the fish popularity contest – Hungarians like carp the most among the fish. The survey on the domestic fish consumption also revealed that...

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The EU applications can get the green light

“After the new finalized EU partnership agreement, the next step will be the adoption of the operational programs. The specific call for applications is expected to be released in the...

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The NAV is welcomed as a regular in the patisserie

It is a beautiful tradition that the regulars get their mug at restaurants. In the Auguszt patisserie in Budapest a new name was painnted on the mug: the NAV also...

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Generational change is taking place in the Hungarian agriculture

More than two hundred people participated at the events of the Young Agricultural Professionals' Club, that were organized by Syngenta and were held in Balatonszárszó, Kecskemét and Hajdúszoboszló in recent...

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The environmental burden of the households decreased by a quarter in the ÖkoKör

The household water and energy consumption, as well as the waste production of the 650 households that are taking part in the ÖkoKör reduced by about a quarter since 2010....

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This year’s wheat is at a safe place

Farmers just about completed the harvest by 1 August all over Hungary. Data by the Grain Producer’s Association – Hungary (GOSZ) show that average yields were as forecasted in the...

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Fruit harvest may be 1 million tons

This year’s fruit harvest may reach 1 million tons – according to a survey conducted by Hungary’s Interprofessional Organisation for Fruit and Vegetable (FruitVeB). The reasons behind this are the...

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Supply chain management and technology share a common future

A global IBM survey asked logistics and supply chain managers about how technology is changing their work. The study has been conducted with the participation of more than 200 managers...

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Developments may make rural tourism competitive

Géza Szabó, vice president of the National Association for Village and Farm Tourism (FATOSZ) has called attention to the importance of development projects, thematic routes and training programmes in order...

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Thirty percent of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable exports would be transported to Russia

The Hungarian producers would like to transport 30 percent of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable sector’s export to Russia by 2020; therefore the Russian embargo has extremely negative effect on...

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Czerván: the output of agriculture expanded by 4.2 percent

The value of the total output of agriculture in 2013, calculated at basic prices was 2,265 billion HUF, which was 4.2 percent above the previous year's result – the Minister...

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Nielsen: 76 percent of the newly introduced goods fails in the first year

Thousands of new products that are introduced to the market fail in the first year and cause losses to the manufacturers, who could make the process profitable if they would...

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