Today even those consumers economise who didn’t do it last year
In April 2023 Publicis Groupe has commissioned Kantar Hoffmann with doing a survey on consumption habits in 23 categories.
This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7.
It has been Hungarians who gave the strongest reaction to the worsening economic conditions in the region: 41% of them reported cutting back on their spending; one year ago this proportion was just 22%. In the Czech Republic this year 22% did the same vs. the 15% last year, in Poland 28% started spending less (20% last year), and in Slovakia this ratio was 25% (vs. 21% last year). Consumers feel they need to do this less and less because of the war, as the main reason now is the growing inflationary pressure: 58% named inflation as the main reason for spending less and only 15% said it was because of the war. //
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