Lívia Jeszenszki

Beosztás: ügyvezető igazgató
Cég: Reál Hungária
Lánchíd Klub tagsága: a Lánchíd Klub tagja
Cikkek melyekben szerepel
Supplier and buyer goals align, but challenges and plans vary by channel – We were learning together (Business Days 2024 Part 1)Reál is becoming more unified and coordinated
The latest issue of Trade magazin is out now!
The calm before the storm?
Numerous developments and recognitions on last year’s balance sheet
Navigation and shopping
(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)
2021 was the year of changes for Reál
Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)
Customers remain in the centre of Reál’s strategy
Reál’s new managing director