Service Desing Day – the biggest business design conference is coming

By: Gyarmati Orsolya Date: 2021. 11. 22. 11:00

Almost 100 instructors talk about opportunities and experiences of the possibilities of client-based business planning in the fields of innovation, product development, marketing and HR. Visitors of the online conference can gain insight into the works of Hungarian agencies and can learn from successful corporate case studies.

One of the main topics of this year’s Service Desing Day is the role of service design in the new normal.

The topics of the event are the following: How can client based thinking

  • support the transformation of companies
  • help to understand and follow the changes in customer needs and habits
  • help creating the operation of companies;

and where do hybrid and agile working meet with customer experience?

For the program of the event, click here!

The research of Service Desing Map can be filled here:

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