This compromise was sweet
The Sweet Compromise project has come to an end: last October the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners started a programme to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, with a collection of the Monarchy’s traditional pastries. Six desserts made up the collection: 3 Hungarian and 3 Austrian recipes were updated. The recipes were standardised by the project’s organisers and given to the 67 participating confectioneries, which also undertook the task of recruiting teachers to speak about the given historical period, life before and after 1867 in the Monarchy. Desserts could be eaten on the spot or taken away in uniform boxes for home consumption. The boxes had special graphic design and featured information about the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 and the period in general. (The project was realised with the financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry for National Economy). //
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