
Pálinka tasting house

Gyulai Pálinkamanufaktúra Kft. opened a tasting house where visitors, while tasting the different pálinka varieties accompanied with the best hams, sausages, breads and wines of the region. In the courtyard...

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Five-storey hotel is under construction in Szeged

The construction of the four-star hotel starts today in the downtown Szeged. The sixty-room hotel is scheduled to be ready in autumn 2012, from about two billion forints – informs...

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The Hertelendy Castle became the first 5* superior in Hungary

In Hungary the Hertelendy Castle became te first hotel that has won the first five-star superior rating in the Hotelstars Union hotel rating system. The system is based on 270...

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Government to Sell Minority Shares in Budapest Airport Zrt.

In a resolution, the government has given the minister for national development, who is also responsible for the supervision of public assets, the green light to exercise an option to...

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The card rules of the Széchenyi Rest Card have changed

The government has fixed the contribution fee at 1.5 percent after the services of the Széchenyi Rest Card and modified the conditions for applying for partner cards – writes the...

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Record traffic at the Liszt Ferenc airport

In the first five months of the year, 3.1 million passengers visited the Liszt Ferenc airport. This is a new record: This year's traffic is 13 percent higher, than the...

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The Budai Gourmet ended with a loss

Only ten thousands paying customers attended the Budai Gourmet culinary festival instead of the expected 25 thousand, so the first time this year, an event organized by the Sziget Kft....

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Co-operation within the HORECA-scene

The Association of Hungarian Caterers (MVI) and the Association of Touristic Managers (TMSZ) held a meeting on 8th June 2011. The two assoctations agreed to help each other professionally and...

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HORECA event in August in Kunszentmiklós

The first weekend of June is going to see a nationwide trade show and festival for everybody working in the HORECA scene. The event will be located at Kunszentmiklós and...

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The first Hungary hotel, that received five stars

The Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest has received a five-star rating of the Hotelstars system. Emile Bootsma, hotel manager received the certificate from Kopócsy Andrea honorary president of the Hotel Association...

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This year the vacation in the Adriatic may be cheaper

Annually about 300 thousand Hungarians visit Croatia for holiday purposes, which is only a drop among the nearly 10 million tourists. This year, due to the weaking of the the...

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The Tihany Legend Project to be launched

Tihany receives about 800 million HUF support for tourism development. Tósoki Imre, mayor of Tihany and Temesvári Balázs, director of the Central-Transdanubian Regional Development Agency signed the support contract on...

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Good facilities for job search within the HORECA scene

Hungarian employers are careful when it comes to adding new employees to the staff throughout the next quarter, Manpower's market research survey proved today. Out of 751 employers, 11 percent...

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Travel agencies expects a better season than last year

The travel agencies expects a slightly better summer season  than last year. According to the taravel agencies, travelers continues to like the beach, the main criterion is the price, the...

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Austrian young people to be attracted to the Sziget and VOLT festivals

The Hungarian Tourism Co. (MT Zrt.) and the Sziget Kft. are joining forces and launched a concerted campaign in Austria to invite more young Austrians to the domestic music festivals,...

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(HU) A szarvasi önkormányzat is Ország Legjobb Állása pályázatot írt ki

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The EU Presidency was good for the hotels of Budapest

In the first four months of 2011, the number of guests and guest nights in the commercial accommodations rose both by 8 percent, compared to the previous year's same period....

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Hotel market: the stars are Eastern Europe, Istanbul, Moscow and Warsaw

According to the most recent study of Jones Lang LaSalle, the hotel segment is definitely showing the signs of recovery in Europe, in the Middle East and in Africa. In...

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Sopron became the winner of the internet poll

Sopron is the most popular destination of the Internet vote, that received more than 20 thousand votes to 2,200 domestic settlements. One can vote on the settlements that the respondents...

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The 100 candidates for the Restaurant of the Year title were selected

On Friday at the MagyarBrands conference, the top 100 domestic restaurants of whom the Restaurant of the Year will be chosen were named. This year, the organizers changed the way...

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The number of foreign tourists increased in the first quarter of 2011

In the first quarter of 2011, 1 percent more foreign tourists visited Hungary (7.6 million), than in the same period of 2010 – reports the Central Statistical Office. Foreigners spent...

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The best restaurant in the world?

Restaurant Magazine organises ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ voting each year and last year’s winner was voted best restaurant of the year once again. It was in 2006 that Noma...

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Celebrity restaurants: recognition does not guarantee success

Here comes the new Hungarian celebrity restaurants: VV Laci opens a restaurant in Óbuda. According to the own admission of the Real World's former doctor; he lost 20 million in...

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New product family at Zimbo Perbal Ltd.

A brand new grill sausage has been introduced by Zimbo Perbál Ltd. in Budapest on Thursday, within the compass of a press conference. Attila Hotváth, CEO of the Hungarian Zimbo-Bell...

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New special wine products at the airport

Lisze Ferenc international airport is willing to introduce a number og high quality wines to a wider audience, such as: 1940 Tokaji Aszúeszencia 1940 Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos 1956 Tokaji...

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We can pay with festival cards on the events organized by the Sziget Iroda

The Friday starting Budai Gourmet will be the first l event organized by the Sziget Iroda, which will completely eliminate the cash payment. At the VOLT, the Balaton Sound and...

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The Kaposvár bath was renewed from three and a half billion HUF

The three and a half billion HUF reconstruction of the Swimming Pool and Spa in Kaposvár arrived to a significant milestone. The bath was presented to the journalists on Monday,...

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Within the EU Hungary has the best price-value ratio

This year, Hungary remains one of the best price-value ratio among the most popular travel destinations of the Austrian tourists – states the Hungarian National Tourist Office (Magyar Turizmus Zrt.)....

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The municipality of Gyula plans multi-billion HUF tourism developments

In more than a decade, several billion HUF tourism development may also take place in Gyula, if the investor sentiment will be positive, and a long-planned medical, recreational, resort and...

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Domestic tourism can increase by one-third with the introduction of the Széchenyi Rest Card

The National Economy Ministry estimates that the introduction of Széchenyi Rest Card will cause a 35 percent increase in domestic tourism in a relation of 3-5 years. The government decided...

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