
Water in the desert – Video of the day

The event Főzdefeszt is going to take place from 14th to 16th September 2012, for the fourth time, in the most beautiful part of Józsefváros....

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Summer vodka course -4 °C

Various representatives of the press have taken part at a special program at the Hungarian Jégbár (Icebar), where a number of Finlandia cocktails have been offered to the guests....

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MT Zrt. promotes the use of Széchenyi Rest Card in hotels

The autumn campaign of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (MT Zrt.) aims to promote the use of Széchenyi Rest Card in hotels and the cashing of holiday vouchers. The MT Zrt....

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Magazine: Back to the roots

To rethink the Spanish winebag is a great idea: wherever you are, you can take a bottle of wine with you – in a more convenient and more secure way....

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A reduce in the proportion of SMEs providing fringe benefits

After the stagnation of the previous quarter, the proportion of SMEs providing fringe benefits has been declined. In the coming year, less than half of the domestic SMEs, only 45...

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Counterfeit Erzsébet-vouchers

In recent weeks someone tried to pay with counterfeit Erzsébet-vouchers in several shops in Szeged – Szenti Szabolcs, spokesman of the Csongrád County Police told MTI. The counterfeit 1000 HUF...

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Magazin: Fruity beer

Beer connoisseurs agree there is simply no comparison between Liefmans cherry beer and any old run-of-the-mill cherry beer. That's why the Liefmans Kriek was renamed as 'Liefmans Cuvée Brut'. Made...

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Cod and chips world record battered in Doncaster

A Doncaster chip shop claims to have broken the world record for the largest portion of cod and chips, BBC announced. Scawsby Fisheries served 33lb (15kg) of battered cod alongside...

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A pioneer importeour

The finalists in this year’s SIAL d’Or (Salon International de l’Alimentation) new product competition epitomise the most innovative products – and possible fresh concepts to introduce into the South African...

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Magazine: Trends in the first half of 2012

US magazine Restaurant News published the results of a Datassential survey on restaurant trends in the first half of 2012. The study emphasised the following 4 characteristics: 1. using special;...

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Research on rural tourism

A PhD research has started entitled “What is the value in rural tourism in Hungary for tourists?” in order to recognize the needs and motivations of tourists. The niche research...

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Magazine: In top restaurant quality

Primizie, a New York-based company that supplies the restaurants of Daniel Boulud and Thomas Keller, now sells its extra premium pastas, olive oils, truffles, spices, hams, etc. on the Internet...

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Budapest was selected among the most beautiful cities again

The ucityguides.com set up the top ten list of the most beautiful cities of the world. Budapest is also included. There are no large surprises on the list, and although...

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The Kőlyuk cellars of Eger to be renewed

Eger will be enriched  with another tourist attraction – Serfőző Jánostól, Principal Administrator of the mayor's office told Turizmus Online. photo: Turizmus Online The Kőlyuk cellars of Eger and its...

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Magazine: Mobile luxury

Atlanta watercloset provides exceptionally clean portable restrooms for outdoor special events throughout the metro Atlanta area. Our fresh and clean luxury portable restrooms feature flush toilets, fresh water hand wash...

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Traditions, flavours, regions

Well-known performers and traditional Hungarian dishes are awaiting the visitors at the fifth HÍR-es Íznapok event in the Vajdahunyad Castle. Unique historical flavor trip, colorful programs, and the music of...

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Butter – Video of the day

Last year, we first learned of “Butter,” the movie about, well, competitive butter sculpting. Starring Jennifer Garner, alongside an all-star cast that includes Olivia Wilde, Hugh Jackman, Alicia Silverstone, Rob...

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Magazine: He not only talks about it

Lajos Jakab, the owner of Gastrobázis got fed up with everyone complaining about the quality of catering course books – he not only speaks but would like to act too:...

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Personalized tapestry

It is more than likely that the future of the interior design of local catering unit-businesses is not going to be influenced by the idea below, but the new digital...

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Ecotourism center to be handed over in Győrszemere

An ecotourism center will be handed over in Győrszemere on Saturday: the vernacular architecture building will be the starting point of trips in the Sokoró region and can serve as...

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Czech congress tourism increased

Congress tourism grew in the Czech Republic. In the first half of the year the number of international congresses and conferences held in hotels increased by 12 percent in the...

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Spray-on coating keeps bananas fresh

A spray-on coating made from a substance found in crab shells can prevent bananas ripening too fast and keep them fresh for up to 12 days, scientists claim. Bananas become...

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Hundred thousand people spent their holidays in the scope of the Erzsébet-program

The National Holiday Service estimates that in 2012 about 100 thousand people spent their holidays in the scope of the Erzsébet-program – Guller Zoltán, managing director of the National Holiday...

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Is molecular gastronomy a real threat?

White House pastry chef Bill Yosses shows off the gingerbread house in the State Dining Room on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009 in the Washington, D.C. The replica, made of white...

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Magazine: Consumer demand for better quality is growing

In the following article we discuss the sauce market using in the wider interpretation of the term ‘sauce product’ that involves salad dressings, special creams and flavoured horseradishes and mustards....

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Czech breweries getting more and more popular

While productivity may have been low, there was no argument about the quality of the beers brewed. Open fermenters, long lagering times and absence of pasteurisation produced distinctive and flavoursome...

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The Hungarian Grand Prix brought more traffic to the hotels than last year

The demand was significantly stronger in the hotels of Budapest during this year's Formula 1 Grand Prix, compared to 2011, the average room rate, however, remained unchanged from last year...

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Conan, the barbarian – Video of the day

Inspired by the great Olympic feats captured in slow-motion, Conan O'Brien got his hands on a slow-motion camera. And then he filmed himself doing various things, oncluding smashing a burrito...

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A real man's place is in the kitchen

When a previous generation of men saw women leaving the kitchen and entering the workforce, they watched with more than a bit of trepidation. They were losing something—or so they...

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Hévíz is the most popular rural city

Nearly one million overnight stays were registered last year in Héviz, making the spa town as the country's most popular rural city – the Hévízi Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. informed MTI...

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