
If the mountain is notgoing to Bock bistro

They have brought the Bock experience closer to guests who have the means to enjoy meals in a great restaurant! In September a new Bock bistro opened at the place...

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If the mountain is notgoing to Bock bistro

They have brought the Bock experience closer to guests who have the means to enjoy meals in a great restaurant! In September a new Bock bistro opened at the place...

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The Budapest-based hotel group is expanding abroad

The first international hotel, the La Prima Fashion Hotel Vienna of the Budapest-based Mellow Mood Hotels group was opened in Vienna on the beginning of October – the group told...

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Magazine: The name of the style is Soup and bagette

Budapest’s Bors GasztroBár combines the advantages of tww genres, street food and bistro cuisine – the owners themselves call their style Soup and baguette. In the light of the place’s...

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It's the size that really matters

Snake beans are getting extremely popular in the Western world of fine dining chefs. The plant is of a different genus than the common bean. It is a vigorous climbing...

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Magazine: A success story that tastes like beer

Stari brewery was started two decades ago in Tapolca as a micro-brewery targeting the middle class with a better-than-average light beer. There and then the concept did not fully succeed,...

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Is the gourmet coffee truly gourmet – Video of the day

For those who are passionate about fine coffee, espresso and cappuccino,this is a great product: it was founded over ten years ago based on the desire to provide quality equipment,...

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Magazine: Their daily bread – part 2

The most important development last year was the publication of the dietary health recommendations by the Medical Officer Service for public catering service providers. Examination results and international data both...

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EWG Releases 2012 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Environmental Working Group has released the eighth edition of its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ with updated information on 45 popular fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads....

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Empellón Cocina’s first Push Series dinner – Video of the day

Empellón Cocina inaugurated its Push Project, a series of collaborative dinners between a visiting chef and Empellón's Alex Stupak. Last month, Stupak announced plans to host four similar dinners a year,...

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Magazine: Their daily bread

The National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (ÁNTSZ)’s dietary health recommendations, which were published last year, have had a detrimental effect on a few public catering companies. It is...

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The attack of the killer sushis – Video of the day

We think we may have just found the superior sushi movie: a trailer for something called Dead Sushi hit the Internet this week, and the movie looks terrible. And by “terrible,” we of...

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Hotel Association: hotels in Budapest are good in occupancy lagging behind in prices

In case of occupancy, the hotels of Budapest are on the 11th place, but in terms of net average room price are on the 30th place among the studied 31...

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Magazine: Know who you play with!

In the USA the Center for Science in the Public Interest has recently decided to sue McDonald’s if it does not put an end to Happy Meal-type promotions, which try...

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The historic city center of Eger will be renewed from five billion forints

According to the plans of Eger’s local government, the public spaces of Eger will be decorated by demanding works of fine art, in the scope of a five billion HUF...

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What will happen with cafeteria?

The preservation of the value of the real wages seems to be the privilege of a few – Dara Péter, executive director of Devise Hungary, said on the basis of...

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NÜSZ: one can pay with Erzsébet-vouchers at more than 22 thousand accepting places

Thus, the Erzsébet-voucher is no longer a fringe benefit only, but can be given as a social benefit as well – the National Holiday Service (NÜSZ) announced. The SPAR Magyarország...

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Magazine: Red celery is coming

Red celery will hit selected supermarkets — in time to add some eye-catching color to holiday tables, said Dan Duda, president of Duda Farm Fresh Foods, which was set to...

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Magazine: Why do companies go for Hoventa?

Földi Kft. We have been present at every Hoventa trade fair in the last ten years, our partners know this very well and they are looking for us when they...

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Foragers are coming – Video of the day

Lucien and Regina are foragers – they gather wild mushrooms in the woodlands of New Jersey and sell them to restaurants in New York. Their lifestyle is simple, their income...

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Lealkudtuk.hu – Fewer people were on holiday this year than who planned

According to an early summer survey, of more than 80 percent of the population planned vacation this year, but only 69 percent actually made it to go on holiday –...

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The Sziget Festival and the Balaton Sound are also participating in the competition of European festivals

After last year’s success, the Sziget Festival is once again competes for the Europe's best major festival title at the public vote of the European Festival Awards, where this time...

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Szallas.hu: we are spending more for accomodiations in the fall than in the summer

Hungarian guests are spending an average three times more during the fall on accomodiations – Szallas.hu hotel search page told MTI on Monday, referring to its own statistics. According to...

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Regulations are too strict in the hospitality industry

The Kaledonia Scottish pub was shut down for 60 days for a minor offense in Budapest. According to the survey, carried out on behalf of the restaurant, the majority of...

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The world's most expensive cocktail costs nearly two million forints

A cocktail record was broken at the London Playboy Club: a renowned bartender Salvatore Calabrese prepared a drink for 1 million 850 thousand HUF. According to Salvatore Calabrese he was...

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Magazine: Not even the dog wants it?

Activists fighting for the proof of the dangers of junk food suddenly received unexpected help: Australian veteranians found that junk food is just as unhealthy for dogs as it is...

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Culinary olympics were a success again

The World Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, Germany attracted a strong international competitive field. The culinary Olympics, which take place every four years in Erfurt, Germany, were attended by 1,600 chefs...

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Stars were given to an additional fifteen hotels

The National Ministry of Economics, the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) and a committee, consisting of the representatives of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry decided on...

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What goes on in the mind of a chef? – Video of the day

Premiering Friday, November 9, 2012, PBS's new series The Mind of a Chef combines travel, cooking, history, science, and humor into an unforgettable journey. Join executive producer and narrator Anthony...

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Magazine: Sommeliers’ pseudo-lexicon

Chicago’s luxury Italian restaurant Moderno made an unusual wine list: one compiled with almost mathematical precision. Six flavour characteristics are indicated on the list and the intensity of each one...

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