
Presidential chefs in Russia at Club des Chefs des Chefs

President Obama is a very “adventurous” eater who often interacts with his White House chefs, Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford said from Moscow on Saturday. Comerford is attending the annual weeklong...

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(HU) Törvényes

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The consumer protection authority inspects the catering units and entertainers

Connected to the tourist season, between June 20 and August 26 consumer protection authorities particularly check the entertainers' equipments and catering units – said Petrik Sándor, Director of Csongrád County...

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47 percent of the Hungarian population does not plan to go on holiday

Forty-seven percent of the Hungarian population does not plan to go on holiday this year, or not sure that could go – shows an European Commission survey. On a European...

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Tourism-related information for smartphones in Croatia

Croatian company active in software development for mobile platforms has developed customizable tourist navigator application with full OS integration. Application is currently available for iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian and...

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Winner of the Best Job of The World published

Erika Tóth, Kerekes Áron and the dog Denisz from Nyíregyháza has won the competition The Best Job Of The Country: they are going to be the experience controllers of Szarvas...

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The Hungarian hotel industry’s revenues are not too promising

The Hungarian hotels in the Central and Eastern European region are still only on the fourth place on the basis of revenue per room in May among the five tested...

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Demonstration can interfere the Sziget Festival

Bús Balázs, mayor of Óbuda called it shocking and unacceptable that anyone, referring to the right of assembly can disturb any cultural events or festivals. According to the expressed opinion...

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Budapest’s new Water Gate on the Danube

Budapest's new water gates will be ready soon in Budafok. A family owned venture would like to create a a vibrant life in the 22nd district with creating a marina...

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Sziget Festival: a building permission would be needed for the tower

The notary of Újbuda urgently arranges in the two authorization processes, which the organizers launched in connection with the organizing of the Sziget festival. Horti István, notary of the 11th...

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Special event in Győr

Győr is about to give home to a unique event called Baroque magic, centered around the well-known era and movement in art, music and literature. The Baroque Wedding and Ceremony...

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The Ministry of National Development supports tourism attracting events

The Ministry of National Development (NFM) wrote out a tender to support international and national scope events that have tourist attracting effect. The total available support is 150 million HUF,...

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Furmint and Wine-village at Hegyalja

Tokaj's Hegyalja fesztivál cannot be complete without delicious local wine, therefore organizers decided to put furmint in the focus of the event this year. The new festival venue is called...

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Day of the Sea Festival in Tallinn

Open the sea for the Estonians – is the main slogan of Tallinn, European Capital of Culture 2011 (ECC) program, which deploys about seven thousand programs, including the Day of...

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Hegyalja opened with a record number of visitors

Hegyalja Festival has closed its opening day Wednesday with a record number of visitors: by the time the gates opened, 15 thousand festival-goers were there, and later this number increased...

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The Government intends to improve the situation of hospitality

Let the Széchenyi Rest Card to be used early next year – in the scope of fringe benefit – in order to increase the turnover of hospitality – among other...

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The number of Hungarian tourists increasing in Croatia

The number of tourists visiting croatia increased by 20 percent in June. The number of Hungarian guests increased by more than 14 percent. According to the Hungarian tour operators, in...

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Tokyo is the world's most expensive city

According to the list of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU); Tokyo remained the most expensive city, but at the forefront many changes occurred, compared to last year. Tokyo retained its...

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A nearly three-meter long Finlandia-bottle by Lake Balaton

Festival-goers managed to witness a rather unique sight at Balaton Sound where two famous ice sculpurers have built a nearly 3 meter-long Finlandia-bottle of the newest type. Kimmo Frosti is...

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Wine-magazine leaving Hungary

The famous Hungarian winemagazine issued by Hamu is Gyémánt publisher is going to release its last issue in July 2011, because the co-operation of the British licenseowners and the Hungarian...

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The revenues of the domestic hotels increased by seven and a half percent

The number of guests in commercial accommodationsw increased by 4.2 percent, while the number of guest nights increased by 3.6 percent, compared to the level of the previous year. The...

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Passenger record at the Liszt Ferenc airport

In June, a record number of 827,457 passengers passed through the Liszt Ferenc International Airport – announced the Budapest Airport Zrt. According to the company operating the airport; the number...

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The European hotel rates have risen in the resort areas

The tourist should pay more at summer holiday resorts, while in the European cities, hotel rates generally reduced in July, compared to the previous month. The prices in the resort...

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Beverage machinery production growing again

German beverage machinery production maintained its leading role in the world market during the financial and economic crisis and has grown appreciably again in 2010 and in the course of...

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Summer 2011 action at the Lake Balaton in order to prevent

Contrary to the practice of the previous years, the large-scale ten-day control action of the Somogy County Government Office was charactrerized by not the punishment, but support. The aim of...

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No season tickets left for Sound

Heineken Balaton Sound nearly managed to close with a fullhouse right on the first day. Season tickets were sold out on the first day, and now there are only a...

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(HU) V. Egri Történelmi Vigasságok – Középkori Piactér

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Energy Island on the Balaton Sound

The “Energy Island” of the Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. (Hungarian Power Companies Ltd.) continues its path at the Balaton Sound Festival. The special interactive exhibition had a huge success at...

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New winefestival to be opened in Badacsonytomaj

8th and 9th July is going to see the opening of a rather cozy festival for all song- and wineloving people in Badacsonytomaj, at Laposa wine-terrace, with artists like LMT...

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At least 100 different types of beer at I. Budavári Beerfestival

The first Budavári Beerfestival is going to close the summer festival season on 25th-28th August in the Buda Castle, with 100 different types of beer, well-known domestic and international beer...

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