A triple-patty burger dislocated the jaw of a woman in Liverpool
Nicola Peate's jaw locked while she was eating the triple-patty in Liverpool. A Doctor had to manipulate her jaw back into place using his thumbs – DailyMail wrote.
A woman bit off more than she could chew at a burger restaurant and was left nursing a dislocated jaw. Nicola Peate’s jaw locked while she was eating the triple-patty 'Kids in America Burger' at Almost Famous in Liverpool.
Nicola has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), which means she has hyper-flexible joints that are unstable and therefore prone to dislocation, so she has visited many hospitals over the years.
The clinical director of the Royal’s Emergency Department Kathryn Clark said: 'Thankfully, incidents such as this are rare but our staff are very experienced in diagnosing and correcting dislocations. (MTI)
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