
Magazine: A multifaceted profession

József Werli, secretary general of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association told our magazine that they would be offering a wide range of programmes during the 4 days of UKBA. There will...

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The revenues of the Budapest Card will cover a part of marketing costs

In spite of the declining central resources, the tourism marketing organization of the capital plans rich  programs this year. An overall 700 million will be available for the marketing of...

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The Turizmus Kft. held its season-opening gala and awards ceremony

In accordance with the tradition, the Turizmus Kft. held its season-opening gala and awards ceremony at the Palace of Arts – writes turizmusonline.hu. In the scope of the event the...

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Magazine: Horeca trend analysis 2012

Trend analysis 2012 will be a difficult year for bar and restaurant owners but it seems that the majority of the trade are capable of adapting to changing consumer demand....

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Seven thousand six hundred Széchenyi Rest card acceptance places

In a month, the number of Széchenyi Rest card acceptance places increased to 7600 and until the middle of the year 20 thousands partners are accepted. The about 65 thousand...

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Less guests at the lake Balaton last year

At the lake’s recreation area last November there were less guest, compared to a year earlier. The majority of the foreigners are still coming from Germany and Austria – shows...

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The first tourist visitor center of the country was inaugurated in Győr

The first tourist visitor center of the country was inaugurated in Győr; the service serves the development of the tourism of the city and the region. The 224 million HUF...

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Record numbers of visitors at the CMT

Germany’s and Europe's largest tourism fair he CMT in Stuttgart achived a record in the number of visitors again on 22 January, after last year’s record – informs the German...

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Budaörs fish market

Budaörs fish market is the showroom-shop of PLP Seafood Hungary Kft., the number one seafood product company in the country. On the shelves we only find products that have been...

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Budaörs fish market

Budaörs fish market is the showroom-shop of PLP Seafood Hungary Kft., the number one seafood product company in the country. On the shelves we only find products that have been...

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Ice Bar Budapest

One simply has to try the ice bar experience: at the entrance guests are given a warm coat and gloves to be able to cope with the minus 1-7 ºC...

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Ice Bar Budapest

One simply has to try the ice bar experience: at the entrance guests are given a warm coat and gloves to be able to cope with the minus 1-7 ºC...

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Baldaszti’s Grand

The new Baldaszti unit on Andrássy Avenue uses the same stylistic features as their bistro by the Chain Bridge, but with a different concept. We find reinterpreted Hungarian dishes, plus...

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Baldaszti’s Grand

The new Baldaszti unit on Andrássy Avenue uses the same stylistic features as their bistro by the Chain Bridge, but with a different concept. We find reinterpreted Hungarian dishes, plus...

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An elite is about to leave the rest behind?

János Pataki, the president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners told our magazine that a lack of interests from confectioners in the Confectioner of the Year and Junior Confectioner of...

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On a firm basis

2012 will be the second year that Hungexpo organises Foodapest and UKBA together. We asked Zsófia Faluközi, Hungexpo’s UKBA project director about what can exhibitors and visitors expect from UKBA...

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Life in the Kistücsök

Balázs Csapody, the owner of the prestigious restaurant in Balatonszemes gave an interview to our magazine. He told that besides being a member of MVI’s presidency, he also works for...

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Ideas and results in 2011

When the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) was formed, the goal was to establish an organisation that is strong because of mutual interests and shared values. MVI represents members’ interests...

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Regulation on the marking of food products

During the Hungarian presidency of the European Union an agreement was reached on the labelling of food products: more consumer friendly labels will be placed on European food products, in...

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200 hotels have won the Hotelstars rating already

Although 40 percent of the 860 Hungarian hotels 331, hotels have already registered on the home page of Hotelstars, two hundred of them reached the end of the rating process....

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The results of the hotels in Budapest increased in December

December, which has a traditionally beneficial effect helped a lot to improve the results of the hotels in Budapest in 2011. On the basis of the datas of the Magyar...

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Fans of alcoholic beverage brands on Facebook

There are unexploited opportunities for alcoholic beverage brands on Facebook – according to András Bradács, senior consultant of Front Page Communications. Many alcoholic beverage brands have profiles but the number...

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Post News 21 December 2011 Central/South America hotel pipeline for November 2011

The Central/South America hotel development pipeline comprises 196 hotels totalling 28,958 rooms, according to the November 2011 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report. Among the countries in the region, Panama reported...

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More and more Arab tourists travel abroad

In the Turkish restaurants around Taksim Square in Istanbul, the menus are getting a new look. It's not so much the food that is changing but the languages, as more...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card can be used at festivals and at ski slopes

Few people know that the Széchenyi Rest Card can be used nit only at domestic accomodiations; in restaurants, canteens, but there are special accepting points, such as ski resorts, solariums,...

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Geothermal-heated hotels in Erdőspuszta, Debrecen

In the Erdőspuszta resting zone of Debrecen, Eastern Hungary's first back-pressing technology designed hotel’s investment has started based on geothermal energy recovery. To the 447 million HUF  investment, the local...

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EUFE: The future of the cafeteria market depends on customers

New Hungarian legislative changes have redrawn the Hungarian cafeteria market in 2012, new participants and their products have entered the market within a relatively short time. Besides, EUFE affiliates –...

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The number of guest nights is over one million in Héviz

Last year, the number of guest nights exceeded one million in Hévíz, where in the average of  the past ten years, the length of time spent by tourists increased by...

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One-tenth of the companies rejected the fringe benefits

According to the survey of K&H, about half of the companies uses the fringe benefits after the conversion of the cafeteria rules According to the December survey, 53 percent of...

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Roman tourism to be strengthened by a huge marine aquarium

One of Europe's largest marine aquarium will be opened in Rome in June. Five thousand fishes of one hundred species will swim behind the glass walls of the SeaLife Expo...

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