
Magazine: Who are your most important partners from the FMCG sector?

László József Molnár, Logi-Store: – SPAR Hungary is our key partner in the sector. We built a 65,000 storage unit (for chilled, frozen and dry cured products) warehouse system for...

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France remains the world's number one tourist destination

Last year, about 83 million foreign tourists visited France, which remains the world's number one tourist destination – the French tourism ministry announced on Tuesday. With the new record in...

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New gastronomy award

The Ethics Committee of the Industrial Chamber of Hungarian Caterers had a meeting on 9th July 2013, where they decided to to found the Károly Gundel Gastronomy Award. The professional...

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An evening with wine about catering

A retro-styled professional event will be organized by the Hungarian Commercial and Catering Museum, from July from 6 pm to 10 pm, for eleven weeks. The goal of the event...

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Soft drink made of green coffee – Video of the day

New Starbucks Refresha™ beverages are a completely new way to refresh and recharge yourself. Swing by your local Starbucks for a Starbucks Refresha™ Berry Hibiscus (with real whole blackberries) or...

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There is no department at the ministry dealing with catering

Due to new set-up at the tourism and catering department of the Ministry for National Economy, the catering department founded in October 2011 was eliminated. This way, there is no...

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Cake shovel-exhibition

A special exhibition is about to open its gates on 1st August 2013, at The Hungarian Commercial and Tourism Museum. Cake shovel. It is a device we use every day,...

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Magazine: Long live the new king!

British magazine Restaurant organised The World’s 50 Best Restaurants voting for the 11th time this year. Last year’s runner-up El Celler de Can Roca (Spain) reached the top this year,...

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Bigger plate, more food

Small kids who are given large plates and then allowed to serve themselves take more food and consume more calories, new research finds. The study used 41 first-graders in a...

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The most delicious food and wine pairings at the Lake Balaton

The Lake Balaton is Hungary’s most popular summer destination. Thanks to its valuable fish stocks and significant historic wine regions it is a great field to make experiments with summer...

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MKB Széchenyi Rest Cards: 98 percent of the 2011 grants were used until the deadline

Only two percent of the 2011 grants were not used by the owners of the MKB Széchenyi Rest Cards, so only 5 million HUF needed to be transferred to the...

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Special Hungarian cuisine was presented in Moscow

Specially prepared and served food lines were presented the Hungarian cuisine in the Russian capital, where the opening of a Hungarian restaurant is planned. “Hungary has an incredible 'retro' cult...

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Magazine: With strange reasoning

The Hungarian Public Catering Association (MKSZ) calls the attention of the public to the fact that certain traditional dishes, because of their high oil, salt or fat content, will disappear...

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The 18th Hungarian Wine's Journey Rally

Although the last weekend of August still seems to be a bit far away, the 18th Hungarian Wine's Way Rally is already in the preparation process. The event will take...

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According to the Italian pizza guide, the best round pizza can be found in Naples, while the best sliced pizza in Rome

The homeland of pizza, that can be consumed at tables is Naples, while the best sliced pizzas can be found in Rome – states Gambero Rosso’s new gastronomic guide that...

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Magazine: Bock Bisztró Balaton

Bock Bistro Balaton, the latest member of the only Hungarian fine dining franchise is going to open in Vonyarcvashegy this November. It will operate as part of Zenit Hotel Balaton...

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Coninvest Ltd. has been known for the production of high-quality items, thus they offer a very favourable price for their customers due to a econstruction process. Go to their FAcebook...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card is looking forward to an exciting season

The about 650 000 Széchenyi Rest Card holders of the OTP Pension Fund can use their benefits at more than 20 000 accepting places, including the largest pop music festivals...

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Vending winemachine

Here's how the magical wine machine work. Slide the driver's license into the machine. Look into the attached camera. A person in a remote location verifies the face with the...

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Magazine: Summary 2012

On 29 May the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held its annual general assembly. The guild represents members’ interests in the drafting of legislation, it gives opinion on planned laws,...

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Vienna broadcasting the keys of its tourism in Budapest

Vienna's tourism is minly focusing on the 20-25 year-old youngsters, but any generation can have fun in the Austrian capital – a Vienna-night, organized within the compass of an event...

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A gastronomy-related serie from a new perspective – Video of the day

James BeardAwardsemifinalist Vivian Howard (of Kinston, NorthCarolina'sChef&the Farmer) getsthedocumentarytreatmentintheupcoming PBS show A Chef's Life. The 13-episode series follows Howard and herhusbandBenKnight astheyrun a farm-to-table restaurant in “one of the poorestCongressionaldistrictsinthenation,”...

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Magazine: A sense of comfort

Here are a couple of new, creative and challanging ideas for comfort:...

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Does wine have a character?

At Gut Oggau Estate Wines, generations of vintners have been producing Austrian wines with quality and character. Literally. To help the drinker identify what they can expect once the cork...

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Even the business travelers are touring

According to the experiences of the world's leading hotel operator, the Accor Group, business trips are increasingly merging with the private and relaxing trips. The new trends require different preparations...

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OTP Széchenyi Rest Cards: 98 percent of the 2011 grants were used until the deadline

The card holders could use the benefits given to them two years ago, until 31 May this year. The amount of the expired card uploads were close to 30.5 million...

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Magazine: Fliers today, iPhone tomorrow

iPhone and iPad applications are now used for brand building and advertising in the world of bars and restaurants. After the successes of Pizza Hut and Starbucks, a growing number...

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Magazine: Different budgets

When furnishing terraces and gardens variety, design and quality are just as important as in the case of interiors. The cheapest shading solution is always the free parasol provided by...

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Bath Association: Hungarians can spend more on bathing this year

This year, Hungarians can spend more on bathing, because from 1 July from all “pockets” of the Széchenyi Rest Cards can be used to pay for spa and beach entry...

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Funny horeca-mistake: cat on the graduation cake instead of a hat

A student ended up with a cat on her head, instead of a cap, on graduation day after an embarrassing bakery shop mix-up. When Laura Gambrel, 22, graduated from Indiana...

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