
Real Madrid would also conquer the world with a restaurant chain – Video of the day

A restaurant chain will also strengthen the Real Madrid brand in the future, the first store of which will open in Mexico City in October. The founders, Real Madrid and...

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Don’t go to bed hungry – Picture of the day

…because the pizza-shaped lighting fixture can torture you at night. Although it may bring nice dreams; in any case, it is more effective than a cookbook hidden under the pillow....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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You can also take part in the gala dinner organized on the occasion of the Gundel award!

Be a part of a large-scale gala event in the company of the cream of Hungarian gastronomy, taste the menu prepared by the award winners. The ceremonial presentation of this...

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1.5 billion Asians can’t be wrong – Video of the day

I mean, the noodle soup is good. And in the more modern parts of the eastern half of Asia, they also know that instant noodle soup can be made well....

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Beverage cooling with amphibians – Picture of the day

A cooler for those who want to always have their cold drink with them – both in water and dry. The practical little vehicle needs no explanation: it’s worth clicking....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Eurostat: the number of guest nights booked on online platforms increased

The number of guest nights booked in the European Union on online platforms continued to increase in the second quarter of 2023, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat,...

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A sustainable plate is made from mycelium and hemp in collaboration between MOME and the Michelin-starred Salt

A sustainable plate is made from mycelium and hemp in collaboration between the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts (MOME) and the Michelin-starred restaurant Salt: during their joint research, a new plate...

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Another professional recognition of the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

A Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest örömmel jelenti be, hogy másodszor nyerte el a World Travel Awards „Magyarország vezető luxusszállodája” (Hungary’s Leading Luxury Hotel) díját. The current recognition is a worthy...

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Nicely Arranged Things – Picture of the Day

There is a website, thingsorganizedneatly.tumblr.com, i.e. Nicely arranged things, which presents thoughtfully put together everyday objects with the attitude of order-obsessed people. As they say: they take the messiness of...

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Changes in the Citrus Press Industry – Video of the Day

The citrus press of the Dreamfarm company, known for its unique kitchen gadgets, squeezes the fruit “flat” despite its household size, its hinged design makes it easier to use, so...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Genius in a bottle

The level of environmental pollution associated with the packaging and transportation of bottled water can also be significantly reduced by the use of filtered water in catering. Their use not...

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Nyári kedvenc a jegeskávé

A kávékedvelők több mint fele rendszeresen vagy alkalmanként fogyaszt jegeskávét a nyári hónapokban – derült ki a Costa Coffee és a gkid 2023 nyarán készült reprezentatív kutatásából. A fogyasztók körében a...

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The new congress center makes Balatonfüred the capital of conference tourism in Balaton

The new congress center will make Balatonfüred the capital of conference tourism in Balaton – declared the minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office at the handover of the investment in...

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A Nébih a balatoni vendéglátóhelyekről

A Nébih nyári szezonális ellenőrzéseinek sorában a turisztikai szempontból nagy jelentőségű, balatoni vendéglátóhelyek is kiemelt figyelmet kaptak. A vizsgálatok fókuszába az éttermek ellenőrzésére jellemzően a higiéniás állapotok, az alapanyagok nyomon követhetősége,...

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Medusa on the plate – Picture of the day

According to mythology, Pallas Athena, in her anger, turned the beautiful girl Medusa into something so ugly that anyone who saw her turned to stone. Vik Muniz, the New York...

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Fruit peel – Video of the day

You simply cannot get tired of the sight of fruit peeling machines!...

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Egyre több borravaló egyre kevesebb szolgáltatásért: terjedő jelenség ez az Egyesült Államokban. A Square pénzügyi tanácsadó cég adatai szerint az amerikaiak 2022 utolsó negyedévében 17%-kal több borravalót adtak az éttermekben, mint...

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Csirkehús mínusz csirke

Többévnyi várakozás után óriási áttörés tanúi lehettek július elején a San Franciscó-i Bar Crenn étterem vendégei: a szükséges hatósági engedélyek megszerzése után először került sor sejttenyésztett csirke felszolgálására vendéglátóhelyen. A...

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The two-handed barista – Video of the day

Adam works at the Botbar Cafe in New York, where he not only prepares great coffee, but also dances for the sake of charity. The latter is only interesting because...

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In the footsteps of our protected shops – A downtown experience walk reminiscent of the past

For the anniversary of the unification of Pest, Buda and Óbuda, the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum has developed an exclusive program. As a specialist museum, the participants are invited...

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What should I do with a kilo of kiwi? – The picture of the day

So play with them, as Patrick Darby, the photographer from Phoenix, did: he personified them with a sharp knife!...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Az italvilág forradalmasítása

A világhálón fellelhető hihetetlenül nagy mennyiségű információt, tudást az AI olyan sebességgel képes feldolgozni, összefüggéseket feltárni, ami az emberek számára szinte felfoghatatlan. Birtokában van az italokkal kapcsolatos átfogó ismereteknek is –...

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MTÜ: the Tourinform offices are preparing nearly a hundred programs for World Tourism Day

The tourist information offices at 47 points in the country are waiting for tourists with a total of 98 programs on Wednesday, World Tourism Day, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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Most van soha!

Adott egy világ, amelyben nemsokára 9 milliárd embert kell táplálni. Egy világ, amelynek fenntarthatóságát veszélyezteti a természet erőforrásainak kizsákmányolása, amiben óriási szerepe van az állattenyésztésnek is. Ebben a világban a...

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Unicorn recipes from the 14th century – Picture of the day

It is possible that unicorns lived in herds in the forests of medieval England, because in a recently “discovered” cookbook, a chef named Geoffrey Fule also recommends recipes for dishes...

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Queuing at Oktoberfest – Video of the day

What’s more, it’s something you can’t see as a guest. Click here to see the video...

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