
(HU) A nap mondása

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Furniture and interior trends 2023

Ahogy az éttermek világa folyamatosan változik, ugyanúgy a kedvelt vendéglátóhelyi bútorok is változnak évről évre, sőt, néha szezonról szezonra. Az új trendeket kutatva körbejártuk a világ meghatározó szakmai portáljait, arra...

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Domestic small-scale breweries are closing one after the other

In the past ten years, a real revolution has taken place in the beer market in Hungary. In parallel with the flourishing of beer culture, high-quality Hungarian small-brewery beers, beer...

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The cafeteria system is changing a lot

With the recent changes in the tax laws, gift giving comes to the fore. In order to plan cafeteria benefits in 2024, the tax laws of next year will be...

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The best in free-from

At the website menteshelyek.hu, consumers can search for paleo, vegan, sugar-free, reg-enor, milk protein free, lactose-free, low-carb and gluten-free places that produce, serve and distribute free-from foods.   This article...

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More and more Balaton hotels are being sold

The real estate market shows significant changes in the area of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants. On one of the largest real estate sites, the number of accommodations and restaurants for...

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Roast goose is going to be hellishly expensive this year

Roasting geese has never been a cheap pleasure, and raising geese today still requires a lot of work. However, the low supply of goose meat can also contribute to the...

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Avocado Eldorado – Video of the day

Higgy a szemednek!...

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Pop Culture Capitals – Picture of the Day

Halloween pumpkins in 2023....

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MTÜ: Kecskemét, Visegrád, Szeged, Debrecen and Eger are the most popular rural conference locations

The Hungarian capital is one of Europe’s most popular business tourism destinations, but demand is increasing outside of Budapest as well, especially during the spring and autumn peak periods, the...

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Tourist traffic in Romania has increased to the level before the coronavirus epidemic

In Romania, in the first nine months, the number of tourists using official accommodation increased by 12.1 percent to 10.7 million, and the number of guest nights increased by 11.5...

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Megjelent a Michelin Guide Hungary 2023-as kiadása, amely kiemeli a legjobb éttermeket az országban. A katalógus idén összesen 75 éttermet ajánl, amelyekből 28 Budapesten található, 47 pedig vidéken – közülük 14...

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The coffee universe of an eccentric genius – Picture of the day

Photographer and visual artist Flóra Borsi’s manipulated photos are based on self-identity, emotions, and dreams. We discovered an older series of his pictures on the internet: the background in the...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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KSH: Sales prices in the food industry rose by 4.8 percent compared to a year earlier

In September of this year, industrial producer prices were on average 2.5 percent lower compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 7.8 percent, export sales decreased by...

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Eurostat: Inflation in the euro area moderated more than expected in October

In October, the annual inflation rate in the euro area moderated more strongly than expected by analysts – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Tuesday as...

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Az örök elégedetlen

Lakatos Pál szigetszentmiklósi cukrászmester folytonosan a tökéletes eredményt keresi – az idén a Magyarország Tortája címet viselő Spicces Füge Respektus desszertjével talán meg is találta, de nem érzi magát a...

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You won’t get a woman here! – The picture of the day

Stop sign at the entrance of an American bar: the joke is close to a translatable pun (but we don’t – that should be explained too), but far from sexist...

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Again about food styling – Video of the day

It’s hard to tear yourself away from this video if you’re even a little moved by the sight of artistic serving....

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Hungarian ice cream has a bright future!

Our magazine interviewed this year’s winner of the 25-year-old Ice Cream of the Year competition, János Somodi, the head confectioner of Florida Ice Cream Parlour in Balatonmáriafürdő This article is...

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This is the cake of Budapest

Twenty exciting confectionary creations competed in Budapest’s official birthday cake competition, and the Natalis cake from Belvárosi Auguszt Cukrászda, made by Csilla Müller, won the title. Among the five finalist...

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Restaurants in the western part of the country (also) close one after another

Many restaurants in Western Hungary have still not been able to reopen, and the series of closures is still taking its toll. The waves started last April in Győr-Moson-Sopron county,...

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Gundel Award winners in 2023

A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete Gundel Károly 140. születésnapját is ünnepelve megtartotta hagyományos kitüntetési bizottsági ülését: a szakma idén 10. alkalommal döntött a Gundel Károly-díj elnyerőinek személyéről. This article is available...

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Today we are going out to dig – Video of the day

There are places where they are picked, there are places where they are dug, there are places where the potatoes are harvested – whatever the process is called, it is...

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Greenwashing – Image of the day

I pretend to drink from a cardboard mug… The idea comes from designer Tim Kowalczyk....

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Zsugorodó munkaerő-állomány

Az MVI évente közzéteszi statisztikai helyzetjelentését a vendéglátásról. Az alapvetően a KSH által közzétett statisztikai adatokra épülő jelentésből megismerhető az ágazat 2022-es teljesítménye. Az anyag rövid összefoglalójának második része forgalmi és...

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István Széchenyi University in Győr became a member of the UN World Tourism Organization

István Széchenyi University in Győr became a member of the UN World Tourism Organization. Joining means the possibility of new contacts, access to the latest data of the tourism industry,...

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