
Magazine: Gdansk bookshop and buffet

This 11th district bookshop is operated by a Polish-Hungarian couple and also houses a small 10-seat café. The menu is rather simple but literature lovers can find everything they need...

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Men with special virtues – Video of the day

The following advertisement celebrates certain qualities of the male gender – everything is linked to the art of drinking beer. Knowing that the commercial was produced by Heineken's creative agency...

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Less than half of the population go on vacation this year

According to a national survey carried out among Internet users, only 46 percent of the Hungarian population plan to go on holiday this year. 79 percent of the holidaymakers are...

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Magazine: Oz kantin opening

In OZ KANTIN International cuisine is waiting for guests and they only use authentic spices and herbs guests select the fresh ingredients and dishes are prepared on the spot....

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Magazine: Oz kantin opening

In OZ KANTIN International cuisine is waiting for guests and they only use authentic spices and herbs guests select the fresh ingredients and dishes are prepared on the spot....

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The wellness hotels overrate themselves

The wellness hotels evaluated their quality higher than their guests – the research Karakasné Morvay Klára adjunct of the Budapest Business School (BGF) states. The questionnaire survey was prepared with...

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Lamb meal made of 86 individual components – Video of the day

Alinea chefs prepare a new course comprised of 86 individual components, in this short video you get to see some of this procedure:...

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Apocalypse now! – Video of the day

Superflex created a life-sized replica of a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant, without any customers or staff present, gradually floods with water. The film discusses ideas of consumerism and all-too-familiar imagery from...

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Popinator, a popcorn machine to shoot you in the mouth – Video of the day

The Popinator Project aims to change the popcorn eating experience by making it more fun. The idea behind The Popinator is to instantly deliver popcorn into a person's mouth just...

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Know-all grill – Video of the day

The know-all, portable grillis not quite suitable for professional grilling, but it is ideal for a couple of guests or a medium-sized family, if they all want to eat a...

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Rural tourism can remain competitive with developments

Szabó Géza, the vice president of the National Association of Rural and Agricultural Tourism (FATOSZ) drew attention to the importance of the need for developments and to the importance of...

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KSH: domestic guests are pulling up tourism

In May, domestic tourists spent 13.8 percent more guest nights in commercial accommodations than a year beforer, however, the number of guest nights spent by foreigners,declined by 4.1 percent, so...

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Hungarian ordered four times more beers during the football World Cup

The ratio of those who ordered beer during the soccer matches increased significantly in Hungary. During the World Cup one third more people purchased the dinner this way. In addition...

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A new browser system informs about tourist information services

The browser developed by the Stratis Vezetői és Informatikai Tanácsadó Kft. (Stratis Management and Information Consulting Ltd.) provides multimedia information about tourist services. The development of the system cost 620...

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The hotels are not taking advantage of opportunities offered by media services

The domestic hotels do not use the benefits of media services: 47 percent of the hotels in Budapest and 62 percent of the rural hotels only provide simple, analogue TV...

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Tacontento, a Guatemalan restaurant chain selling Mexican food, is looking for franchise partners in Hungary. The chain operates more than 60 restaurants in 5 countries, serving taco, burrito, nacho, salads,...

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Tacontento, a Guatemalan restaurant chain selling Mexican food, is looking for franchise partners in Hungary. The chain operates more than 60 restaurants in 5 countries, serving taco, burrito, nacho, salads,...

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Tourism is also a reflection of consumer optimism

The improving consumer expectations can also be detected in the domestic tourism figures according to the Senior Analyst of ING, while the Secretary-General of the Hotel Association hopes that the...

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French fries and virtual reality

From the end of May McDonald’s substitutes its usual red fry box with new designs, to emphasise the company’s role in sponsoring the football World Cup, starting in Brazil on...

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Destination: Lyon!

Gábor Molnár finished 9th in the European Final of chef competition Bocuse d’Or and qualified for the Lyon final of the unofficial world championship. Gábor Molnár works as junior sous...

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Magazine: Gourmet Club returns to KVIK

BGF’s College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism (KVIK) organises open exams for students at the end of each ‘Special food and drink knowledge’ course. This May there were nearly 100...

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Grotesque humour in a restaurant ad – Video of the day

This half-minute-long spot is perhaps one of the weirdest and most controversial Latin American commercials, created by the Jamochas restaurant in Mexico. Watch iot you are prepared to see some...

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A new record in the domestic tourism

Domestic tourism gains momentum. According to fresh datas of Szallas.hu, expansion was over 10 percent in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the same period of the last year....

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Magazine: ‘Local’ is a buzzword in tourism too

In the Hungarian restaurants there are hardly any local products which are characteristic of a given village, town or region. The same can be said about rural tourism: without having...

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Lunch at the feet of the waterfall, waterfall at my feet – Video of the day

Lunch is served on bamboo dining tables set in a few inches of crystalline running water from the falls. The experience of dining on delicious local dishes with the sparkling...

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Spas are added to the national certification mark system

Spas are added to the national certification mark system. The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) and the Hungarian Baths Association qualify those wellness spa or medical spa baths and swimming...

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Magazine: László Jakabffy’s new challenge

In May László Jakabffy left Primate Cellar tourism and wine-cultural centre where he had worked as an advisor. Now he accepted the offer of Világörökség Nonprofit Kft. in Hollókő: he...

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How to eat sushi – Video of the day

How to make a Japanese rolled omelette ( Dashimaki Tamago ) as demonstrated by the Master Chef at the Shunraku Kaiten Sushi Restaurant, Shunraku on Route 36 Eniwa Hokkaido....

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Outstanding Széchenyi Rest Card spendings can be in the region of the Lake Balaton

Three billion HUF worth Széchenyi Rest Card spendings can spin up the tourism at the Balaton region during the summer months, according to the datas of the OTP Széchenyi Rest...

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Gérard Depardieu opens a restaurant chain in Russia

The French film star who has restaurants in Paris and in Belgium opens a restaurant chain in Russia. The first restaurant opens its doors in Moscow in October under the...

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