
The Mercure Budapest Korona became Hotel of the Year

The Association of Hungarian Travel Agents (MUISZ) has selected the Mercure Budapest Korona as the Hotel of the Year. The 30-year-old hotel will be completely renovated this year, with the...

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The number of tourists in Romania increased, but fewer foreigners arrived last year

In Romania, the number of tourists increased by 3.6 percent last year, but the number of foreigners decreased by 4.1 percent. The number of guest nights spent by all guests...

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The epidemic is a major challenge for tourism

The coronavirus epidemic, which can have economic effects beyond tourism, is a major challenge for tourism – Halmai Péter – university professor told M1 news channel. According to the economist,...

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Flirting with the barist – Video of the day

You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you lock eyes with that cute coffeeshop barista? Comedian and all-around good person Amy Schumer sure does. In this Comedy...

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The board of directors of Hunguest Hotels was reorganized

Hunguest Hotels board of directors re-established: Jean-Paul Herzog, former chairman of the Hilton hotel group responsible for Middle East and African markets, has become board member of Hunguest Hotels. Gál...

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(HU) Vendéglátás felsőfokon – A beszélgetés vendége Bíró Lajos

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Hungary’s first touristic job expo


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Mashed potato in a special way – Video of the day

Dalva e Dito serves aligot in São Paulo, Brazil. Aligot is a French dish made from mashed potatoes and cheese, which servers constantly stir so the cheese melts properly....

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Future Store – This year between 4 and 6 February! Visit us and participate in the guided tour!

In the store of the future we present the different elements of the latest retail trends. We introduce unmanned store solutions, equipment used by both offline and online stores, and...

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Hungarian travel agencies hope to avoid travel restrictions during the high season

Many Chinese tourists have traveled home for the Lunar New Year and the European high season begins in April. Restrictions on the coronavirus are currently hitting Chinese domestic tourism –...

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(HU) Torkos tél

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The coronavirus has a demonstrable effect on tourism in Hungary

The coronavirus is already having a noticeable impact on Hungarian tourism: from Monday, organized tour groups will not leave for their European cruise from China, and hundreds of Chinese guests...

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Starbucks keeps half of its Chinese cafés closed

Starbucks closes nearly half of its Chinese units to protect its workers from the disease, in line with government efforts to fight the coronavirus – origo wrote after BBC. One...

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Bakeries are the place to get your daily bread!

József Septe, president of the Hungarian Baker Association talked to our magazine about how the baking industry had been suffering for years from the loss they were making on the...

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The Hungarian McDonald’s has contributed to the promotion of reading with nearly one million books

McDonald’s reading promotion program will continue in 2020. Thanks to the initiative and continuous development launched in 2012, nearly one million books have been placed in the hands of the...

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Artyfarty grocey store – Video of the day

Visual artist Lucy Sparrow talks about how her immersive felt-art installations came together, the experience of running two successful Kickstarter campaigns, and what it was like to realize that people...

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Gyopárosfürdő in Békés County won funds for tourist development in a value of 650 million forints

Gyopárosfürdő in Békés County has won 650 million HUF from the EU Operational Program for Spatial and Urban Development (Top) for tourism development. The municipality told MTI that in the...

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Fjällräven Hiking Tour to the fabulous Balaton Uplands!

From 27 to 31 July this year, nature lovers are invited to explore the most beautiful landscapes of the region. The Fjällräven Hiking Tour is one of the longest continuous...

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The beginning of a successful era

Balázs Ipacs, vice president and László Selmeczi co-president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners gave an insight into the state of play in the Hungarian confectionery sector to our readers....

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Balaton is the guest of honor at this year’s travel fair in Debrecen

This is the thirtieth time that the Debrecen Travel Fair will be held this year, and this time Balaton is the guest of honor of the three-day event opened on...

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Budapest Airport is again certified as carbon neutral

Budapest Airport has once again received a carbon neutral rating from the International Council of Airports, which means that the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport fully compensates for the carbon...

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Királyi portói

Portugália észak-keleti részén, a Douro borvidéken készítik a portói bort, amelynek készítése során az erjedést borpárlat hozzáadásával szakítják meg, hogy megőrizzék benne a gyümölcsös aromákat, hosszan érlelhetővé tegyék, és nem...

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The educational workshop is finally ready

Balázs Erdélyi, president of trade matters told that the educational workshop built in the guild’s new headquarters will serve three purposes. 1. Training courses for confectioners, 2. Preparing confectioners for...

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A tervezhetőség a legfontosabb! – A hozzávalók útja az éttermi konyháig

A HoReCa-szektorban jártas szakemberek egyöntetű véleménye alapján az elmúlt pár évben tapasztalható gyorsulás és a kényelemre való törekvés magával hozta az online lehetőségek felé történő nyitást. Ma már nemcsak a...

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20st century modern times – Video of the day

For all the workaholics who don’t have time to eat, this machine will feed you peas, potato, asparagus, chicken and even a cupcake and coffee!...

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(HU) Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületének konferenciája a Sirha Budapest kiállításon

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(HU) A Szent András Sörfőzde nagy sikere: arany és ezüst a WBI-n

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Magazine: MVI’s end-of-year gala for the ninth time

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) organised its annual Gala Dinner for the 9th time in Gundel Restaurant, where the Gundel Károly Awards were also presented: Tibor Meskál, Szabina Szulló...

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