
Budapest Airport expects a maximum of three thousand passengers

A maximum of three thousand passengers can be expected to Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport due to the entry restrictions introduced on Tuesday, the communication manager of Budapest Airport told...

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KISOSZ: the turnover of restaurants on the shores of Lake Balaton decreased

The season at Lake Balaton started tougly, but at the end of July and August the turnover was particularly strong, however, the turnover of caterers open from spring in the...

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(HU) Alulról, felülről, középen – A nap videója

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(HU) A Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum télig meghosszabbított kiállításai

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Magazine: Hospitality 2019: A statistical report

Károly Zerényi has prepared the annual report of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) on the current situation of the hospitality sector. Basically there were as many hospitality units, 51,000...

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(HU) Idén többen választották külföldi út helyett a belföldi pihenést

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The number of guest nights in Romania decreased by almost 45 percent

In July, the number of guest nights decreased by almost 45 percent to 2.436 million, compared to a year earlier, the Romanian National Statistics Institute said. The number of guest...

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Spain received 75 percent fewer tourists in July than last year

2.5 million foreign tourists visited Spain in July this year, 75 percent less than the same period last year, the Spanish statistical office (INE) said. Most people (597,000) came from...

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Budapest Airport is prepared to implement the new entry rules

The operator of the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport has been prepared to implement the new border crossing rules. In a statement sent to MTI on Tuesday, Budapest Airport wrote...

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(HU) Szavazzon Ön is, ki kapja az idei Gundel-díjat!

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(HU) Pizza jellegű koponyák – A nap videója

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A Michelin-Starred Meal for $1.50 – Video of the day

Chan Hon Meng is the master chef behind “Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice and Noodle,” the food cart home to the cheapest Michelin-starred meal in the world. Ringing in...

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(HU) Hurrá, nyaraltunk!

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Szállás.hu: most Hungarians insist on good quality internet during their holidays

Three-quarters of Hungarians insist on high-quality internet during their holidays, and 38 percent of them do not even consider accommodation where there is no adequate internet connection – Szallas.hu told...

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The art of open fire cooking – Video of the day

Swell Party grill master Tom Ellis considers himself an event planner before a chef. Using his skills as a trained actor and caterer, he thinks of his open fire kitchen...

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(HU) Brewdog kontra Aldi – háború vagy közös reklám?

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(HU) A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete még várja a jelöléseket a Gundel-díjra

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(HU) Papír kéztörlő vagy kézszárító?

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In Romania, restaurants and theaters will open from 1 September

In Romania, health care measures to curb the coronavirus pandemic will allow the opening of restaurants, theaters and cinemas from 1 September – President Klaus Iohannis announced. At his press...

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The popular coffee chain in Japan also thinks of those who work from home

The latest store at the Japanese cafe Starbucks is designed to be completely contactless, and those who work from home can jump in for coffee at any time so that...

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Decorating spoon – Video of the day

Excellent for decorating plates and stylishly decorating sweet and savoury food, with a dish for glaze.  ...

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(HU) Ételkiszállítás utasszállító alkalmazás segítségével

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Event organizers are asking help from the government

The event organizers are asking for help from the government, because the industry, which produces almost a thousand billion forints a year, has practically ceased due to the pandemic in...

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A tourism campaign was launched to present the cultural values of Lake Balaton

A tourism campaign has been launched to promote the cultural and gastronomic values of Lake Balaton – the Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)told M1 news channel on...

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News Headlines Printed on Coffee Cup Sleeves

Gulf News, a UAE newspaper, has partnered with Tim Hortons coffee shops to increase readership. Occasionally, when I go to my local Starbucks I still hope to see the “The...

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(HU) Fagylalt to-go gazdagon – A nap videója

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PM Secretary of State: applications can be submitted for support for the development of hotels in Pest County

Applications for support can already be submitted for the call for proposals supporting the development and expansion of hotels in Pest County – Rákossy Balázs, the State Secretary of the...

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The coronavirus pandemic has severely affected Slovenian tourism

In the first seven months, the number of tourists in Slovenia fell by more than fifty percent due to restrictions on curbing the coronavirus pandemic, but the July data showed...

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Another turn may come in domestic tourism

What to expect from September in tourism? This issue has kept the industry in the heat since the government asked the public not to plan trips abroad from 1 September,...

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(HU) Jelöljön Ön is a Gundel-díjra!

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