Market News

The Russian meat ban can affect the Hungarian companies badly

The Russian meat ban is a major problem for the Hungarian meat companies, who were interviewed by the MTI. From May 14 Russia temporarily prohibited meat imports. Several companies complained...

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Slovak wine producers welcome the tightening in the production of Tokaji aszú

The wine producers in Slovakia are happy, because thanks to the decision of the Mountain Village Council of the Tokaji Wine Region, in the future only 5 and 6 butt...

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The Chamber of Agriculture and the National Commercial House signed a cooperation agreement

The cooperation agreement was signed in Budapest on 8 May 2014. The document states that the agricultural sector is a strategic sector. The improvement of the sector is a common...

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The e-toll unveils VAT frauds

The system of e-toll, facilitates the the catching of VAT frauders. The NAV obtains the informations, on which they can follow the path of shipments. So it turns out if...

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The special rice subsidy payment has begun

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) has started to pay out the special rice subsidies to payments 60 rice producers in a value of more than 380 million HUF...

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Import tomatoes are traveling thousands of kilometers, despite we have the delicious Hungarian tomatoes

The key to the livelihood of the domestic tomato and pepper growers if they continuously produce better quality goods than foreign competitors with reliable technology. Another break point is to...

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KAVOSZ Zrt.: the Széchenyi Card Program stimulates investments

The domestic small businesses instead of solving the short term business problems are thinking about increasing investments. These investments programs are stimulated by the Hungarian National Bank’s growth credit programs...

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New sampling rules apply from March

London-seated Gain and Feed Trade Association’s new sampling rules (GAFTA 124) are already in effect in the case of contracts signed after 1 March 2014. The first change in sampling...

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GfK: the share of private labels in the fast moving consumer goods market increase slightly again

After the slight decrease of 2012 the private label products were able to achieve a greater share again. On the basis of the annual volume datas the private label products...

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The victims of the cash register exchange to unite

The Érvek (Arguments) Pros advocacy group urges the victims of the cash register exchange to carry out concerted actions. Tens of thousands have been left without state support of those...

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The Mangalitsa became an anime hero in Japan

The main character of the comics, based on Mangalitsas is Tóth Péter, president of the Mangalitsa Breeders ' Association who saved the Hungarian bred Mangalitsas 20 years ago. The Mangalitsa...

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Palm oil consumption grows all over the world rapidly

Today, 35 percent of the vegetable oil production and consumption in foods, cosmetics, medicines, lubricants and in biodiesel is palm oil – the Conclude Investment Ltd. informed MTI. Nearly 35...

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SMEs are using but do not really understand the Facebook

Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are using but do not really understand the Facebook. According to Joanelli Tamás, Managing Director of the Be Social community marketing company in Hungary...

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Game will be served at the canteens from June

Game dishes will be served at the canteens twice a month from June in 256 canteens of the Junior Catering Co. (Junior Vendéglátó Zrt.) in 17 cities in the scope...

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Cherries to mature this weeekend

The world's earliest maturing cherry variety, the Hungarian bred Rita can be harvested two weeks earlier this year. While in recent years, this early variety matured around 20 to 25...

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Industrial Revolution 4.0 to come

We are entering into a new industrial revolution, intelligent factories, digital networks, trade relations embracing everything are the corner stones. The integration includes all elements of production, supply and the...

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The new cash register identifies the purchaser on the basis of the blood vessels

The cash register of the future identifies the purchaser on the basis of the blood vessels. Based on the idea of a Swedish inventor, a safe, rapid biometric solution is...

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Retail sales growth accelerated further in March

The retail sales in March were 8.3 percent higher than in March 2013, after the 6.7 percent increase in February – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The...

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Retail sales increased in the EU and in the Euro zone

Retail sales grew in the EU and in the Euro zone in March by 0.3 percent, compared to the previous month. Compared to the previous year the increase in the...

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Professional training for tobacconists

A national professional training to be launched in the cooperation of ND Zrt., the NAV the National Consumer Protection Authority and the Hungarian Tobacco Retailers Association, organized by the Chamber...

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The MVH distributed 1.1 billion HUF milk support

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) launched the the fanal payments of the transitional national milk support in the first days of May. In the scope of the program...

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The first quarter brought almost ten thousands companies

Until 31 March 2014, 9689 ventures started to operate in Hungary – the datas of Cé operated by the Wolters Kluwer Kft. and shows. That is a more than...

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Magazine: Smoother skin for the summer

Home depilation brought revolutionary changes in women’s lives. Ágnes Fóris, brand manager with Target Sales Group Kft. told our magazine that the current season would see the debut of a...

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Safe sunbathing with UV protection

Suntan oils and after sun lotions are rather popular in Hungary, but the leading product group in the category is undisputedly suntan lotion: Nielsen survey shows that in volume sales...

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OTC product retail sales are growing dynamically

Retail sales of drugs and medicinal products that can be bought without a prescription (OTC products) grew by 11 percent to HUF 147 billion last year. According to Bernadett Osztoics,...

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GKI: the positive datas at the beginning of the year are due to mostly temporary factors

According to the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the positive growth and inflation datas in the beginning of the year are mainly due to temporary factors, but the economic growth of the...

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KSH: trade surplus increased further

In the first two months export rose by 3.9 percent, while import by 1.6 percent, compared to the same period of last year. The trade balance surplus rose by 321...

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The El Niño may bring food price increases

The climate phenomenon called El Niño is ikely to occur this year with a two-third probability. It can cause significant increases in food prices – wrote. The El Niño,...

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Revolutionary changes in shower gel ingredients

– Since the skin is one of our most precious sense organs, it is important to use the right shower gel, one that vitalises and nourishes – Szilvia Baranyi, trade...

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Market expansion in both value and volume

Shower gel retail sales represented HUF 13 billion in March 2013-February 2014. Both value and volume sales rose 2 percent. Hypermarkets’ 42-percent share from value sales didn’t change, drugstores gained...

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