Market News

Hungarian sellers smiled less last year

The customer service development would require a change in perception at home Hungarian sellers smiled a little less than in the previous two years, however, they greet the customers in...

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NAV: the legal sales in the Wholesale Market increased as the result of ekáer

As a result of the electronic road traffic control system (ekáer), tax evasion decreased on the Budapest Wholesale Market. In a year, the amount of payable Value Added Tax (VAT)...

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Europe wastes 88 million tons of food a year

The EU-funded project FUSIONS, in which the Hungarian Food Bank Association also participates presented the new estimates on the amount of food waste that is thrown away in the EU...

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Chamber of Agriculture: 24-25 thousand HUF greening support per hectare

The European Union (EU) greening support is about 24-25 HUF per hectare for the farmers who fulfill the conditions. Győrffy Balázs, president of the Chamber of the National Agricultural Economics...

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Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market

Due to quality problems and shortcomings in indication, the Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) stressed...

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French prohibited the use of plastic bags in trade from July

The ban, once introduced, will apply to small shops and supermarkets alike. Only reusable thicker plastic bags and paper bags may thenceforth be used. These may be given free of...

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The Yugoslavia three

In the five countries of the former Yugoslavia Milka, Coca-Cola and Vegeta are the strongest brands. These FMCG brands do exceptionally well but it must also be mentioned that Serbian...

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Consultation on the water resources of the Danube-Tisza region

A forum was organised for various water resources management organisations and authorities, and water users and farmers in NAK’s Bács-Kiskun County headquarters about the most important issues and problems to...

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Magazine: Hybrid categories

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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NAK study trips

NAK organises 2-4 day study trips for members, on which they get the chance to exchange information with colleagues and learn about innovative new technologies in Hungary and abroad. NAK...

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Hungarian Cash Machine Association: regulation of the online cash registers have become more rational

According to the Hungarian Cash Machine Association, the new regulation on the online cash machines will easen the unnecessary rigor, impose reasonable rules than before. According to the association it...

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36.53 billion HUF for the development of animal husbandry

The Prime Minister's Office opens another tender for the animal breeders. The dairy restructuring welfare support will be 36.53 billion HUF – the Prime Minister's Office told MTI on Thursday....

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Several billion HUF to be allocated to agricultural marketing

The agricultural marketing program for the next three years is ready. The government would allocate the program with a total of about 6-7 billion HUF from domestic and EU funds....

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GKI: a 2.3 percent growth is expected this year

The GKI Economic Research Co. expects a 2.3 percent economic growth and a 0.8 percent inflation this year – Vértes András, CEO of the GKI Economic Research Company announced on...

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Slight increase in retail sales in Slovakia last year

Retail sales in Slovakia increased by 1.4 percent on an annual basis – the analysis of the Poštová Banka reveals. Retail sales in Slovakia in 2015 amounted to 19.139 billion...

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NÉBIH inspections in the dairy market

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) examined unfair market practices by retailers against suppliers in selling 1.5-percent fat UHT milk. NÉBIH performed 41 inspections and in more than 30...

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Magazine: Skin care and freshness when standing in the shower

After the stagnation of recent years 2015 brought a sales explosion in the shower gel market. This very positive trend was the result of the hot weather and the increased...

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Wine import halved

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that domestic sales of wines without geographical indication and wines with protected geographical indication...

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Agricultural trade surplus was over three thousand million euros

Horticulture is a strong, stable branch of the Hungarian agriculture. Horticulture gave about one-sixth of the annual agricultural output last year – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said at the...

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FM: the national economy can also produce a reduction in VAT for other food industries

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) hopes that the national economy will produce a reduction in VAT for the products of other food industries. Feldman Zsolt Minister of State of the...

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Further support for the grape growers

The Agriculture and Rural Development Office awaits the support claims for vineyard restructuring and transformation from April. According to the 142/2012. (27 Dec) Ministry of Rural Development (VM) decree, support...

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The National Pálinka Council was transformed into a public body

The National Pálinka Council (PNT) was transformed into a public body – the Minister of Agriculture announced at the inaugural meeting in Budapest on Wednesday. Fazekas Sándor reminded that the...

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Declining economic sentiment in Europe

Economic sentiment declined in the euro zone and in the European Union in March for the third consecutive month. According to the report issued by the European Union’s Economic and...

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Romania is also struggling with the Chinese honey

Honey falsification occurs in Romania at an industrial pace, so the local beekeepesr suffer serious loses, however, the health of consumers is at risk as well – the Magyar Nemzet...

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Strategic agreement was reached on raising up the countryside

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH), and the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) signed a strategic cooperation agreement to strengthen agriculture and...

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MLSZKSZ: strong logistics industry is the basis of the economic development

The competitive and strong logistics industry is the basis of Hungarian economy’s development, without it there is no industrial development – the Association of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ)...

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Shops are closed on Sundays for a year now

It was in March 2015 that the regulation, according to which stores must stay closed on Sundays, entered into force. Today the majority of shoppers would still like to go...

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Magazine: Demand keeps growing for dark chocolate

The chocolate bar market is characterised by increased demand for branded products with a good price-value ratio, while the market share of private label products keeps shrinking. Korinna Kozma, marketing...

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Coffee prices are increasing on the Hungarian market

The world market coffee prices are on the lowest levels of the past two years, due to favorable harvest prospects in Brazil, but due to the supply that is lagging...

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The pork campaign continues

The promotion of the high-quality branded pork products continues after the Easter store tasting – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Tuesday...

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