Market News

Carrefour Launches Deposit System To Encourage Reuse

Carrefour has launched its own deposit system in 150 Carrefour City stores in Paris, in partnership with Coca-Cola, Heineken and Citeo. The move aims to encourage shoppers to reduce the...

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The ProWein success story continues in 2024

From 10-12 March 2024, more than 50,000 wine and spirits experts are expected to attend the ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf. These professionals can be sure to discover here the...

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Bird flu was also identified in the county of Komárom-Esztergom

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the county of Komárom-Esztergom. In addition, the disease also...

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Once again, DDC won the right to use the Hungarian and Domestic Product trademark!

Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. (DDC) won the right to use the prestigious Hungarian and Domestic Product trademark for the first time almost a decade ago, in 2014, which has been displayed...

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Hungarians base Christmas more and more on sales

Similar to last year, this year’s awareness determines the attitude of Hungarians when purchasing Christmas gifts – this year’s already traditional Christmas research by Árukereső.hu reveals. Most people buy their...

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(HU) Az év keresésekben: Google keresési trendek 2023

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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UNEP: Meat and dairy alternatives can “significantly reduce” the environmental impact of the global food system

According to the latest report of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the rise of meat and milk alternatives can “significantly reduce” the environmental impact of the global food system....

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The growth rate of food products moderated in the Czech Republic

In November, annual inflation decreased to 7.3 percent from 8.5 percent in October in the Czech Republic, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday in Prague. In particular, the rate...

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The journey of coffee is an experience box – a cycle around our daily cup of coffee

In recent decades, sustainability and circularity have been increasingly emphasized in the food industry. Along the supply chain of one of our favorite hot drinks, coffee, we are seeing more...

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU would have unforeseeable consequences for agriculture

Ukraine’s accession to the EU would fundamentally and drastically change European agriculture and the agricultural support system. European farmers cannot compete with hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian farms owned...

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Make stress management a part of your daily routine! Mars helps

Growing up is a wonderful journey, say many who have already been through the emotional roller coaster that comes with it. The school and university years are already in the...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas in the Great Plain is increasing

In recent days, precipitation has arrived in several waves, significant snow cover has formed in many places, but the size of inland water areas is increasing in the Great Plain,...

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The needy receive a bigger holiday food donation than ever thanks to the Pro Filii Foundation

As in previous years, the Pro Filii Foundation, which coordinates the charitable activities of the Mészáros Group, will donate ten thousand food packages to those in need during the Christmas...

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According to the president of the Chamber of Agriculture, the European food security and agricultural support system will be threatened if Ukraine becomes an EU member

According to the president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), Ukraine’s EU membership would certainly bring about drastic changes for European, including Hungarian, agriculture, since the entry of...

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The busiest period of the year in stores has begun

The Christmas shopping season has started, according to the expectations of the food chains, the traffic in December may be stronger than last year, according to the overview prepared by...

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Promotion season 2023 – The declining demand enhance promotional activities

Global consumer durables market ends year struggling with slowdown The global technical electronics and consumer durables (T&D) market faces a challenging promotional season again this year. Despite this, the consumer...

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KSH: Consumer prices increased by 7.9 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In November 2023, consumer prices were on average 7.9 percent higher than a year earlier. Prices did not change on average compared to October, but vehicle fuels became 3.6 percent...

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Several commercial chains will be closed on December 24

Among the food chain stores, all stores of Penny and Lidl will be closed on December 24, Spar will also keep most of its own stores closed, with the exception...

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GVH: the online Price Monitor also contributed to another decrease in food inflation

Food inflation, measured on an annual basis, fell by more than 3 percentage points to 7.1 percent in November, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Friday. The effectiveness of...

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Márton Nobilis: the safety of the food industry strengthens the country’s sovereignty

The safety of the food industry strengthens the country’s sovereignty, there is no good food industry without good food safety, said the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry...

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FAO: World 2023 cereal production forecast up from last month; early prospects for 2024 point to limited area growth for wheat

FAO’s forecast for world cereal production in 2023 has been raised by 3.6 million tonnes this month, reflecting improved prospects for wheat and, to a lesser extent, coarse grains. Now pegged at...

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AM: the best pálinkas were awarded

Every country has its own spirits, fruit spirits can be produced anywhere, but pálinka can only be made in Hungary and from Hungarian fruit – the Ministry of Agriculture’s state...

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41 percent of the affected domestic e-commerce companies expect Christmas traffic to be lower than last year

his year’s temporary drop in real wages and the limited resources available to customers will also have an impact at the end of the year. 41 percent of online stores...

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K&H: the record series continues, 64 percent paid more than once with a smart device

In October, K&H made nearly 5 million payments with their smart devices, which is one and a half times more than a year earlier and represents a new monthly record....

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Applikációval támogatja az élelmiszermentést az Auchan

Az Auchan Magyarország számára ki­emelten fontos az élelmiszermentés, és már tíz éve különböző programokkal lép fel az élelmiszer-pazarlás ellen. A jelenleg bevezetés alatt álló Smartway rendszerük segítségével a kiárusítási folyamatot lehet majd...

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K&H: aratnak az okoseszközös fizetések

Továbbra is nagyon lendületes növekedést mutatnak az okoseszközös fizetések a K&H-nál. Az idei év első 8 hónapjában óránként átlagosan több mint 5500 okoseszközös fizetést bonyolítottak a pénzintézet ügyfelei, ami 67%-os emelkedésnek...

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Ministerial fees and diplomas were handed over on the day of producer communities

In the 25th anniversary year of the launch of the News Program, 5 products of 3 applicants won the right to use the news, and the number of trademark products...

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Gyorsan változó trendek

Október 12-én az NIQ (korábban Nielsen) irodájában rendezték meg a POPAI Magyarország Egyesület soron következő találkozóját „Very Fast Mov­ing Trends” (Nagyon gyorsan változó trendek) témában. Az esemény házigazdája Bacskai Júlia, az NIQ MarComm specialistája volt, aki...

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The requirements for prescribing antibiotics for food-producing animals are tight

The Nebih draws the attention of veterinarians treating food-producing animals that, under the relevant decree*, from 1 January 2024, an antibiotic for food-producing animals can only be prescribed by a...

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Three were given the title of the Nation’s Farmer

Those who have received more of talent, perseverance, perseverance have more responsibility and duty. Anyone who can do more than their own and their immediate environment can give an example...

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