Market News

Analysts: investments are needed to achieve higher growth

On the basis of the detailed GDP figures this year’s economic growth may be even more favorable than the analysts' expectations – according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who also...

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The farmers expect a better vintage at the Szekszárd wine region compsred to last year

More and better grapes are expected at the Szekszárd wine region this year, where harvest begins with the early varieties of grapes for rosé wines. The winemakers of the wine-growing...

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Mihály Varga: the NAV is prepared to introduce online cash registers in January

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) is prepared to extend the mandatory use of the online cash registers in January. Varga Mihály told journalists on Wednesday in Budapest that...

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Sixty-seven Hungarian companies among the biggest companies in Central and Eastern Europe

Sixty-seven Hungarian companies are among the 500 companies with the largest turnover in 2015 in Central and Eastern Europe. The company list (CE TOP 500) was published on Wednesday by...

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Europe's first beer fountain was opened in Slovenia

Europe's first beer fountain the Green Gold was opened in Zalec in Slovenia – the local media reported on Wednesday. Janko Kos mayor wants to boost tourism in the small...

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An increase in air passenger and freight traffic

According to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), passenger and freight traffic in July, compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the communication...

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Hungarian apricot in Vienna

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that on the 31st week, the price of apricot was HUF 400/kg at the...

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Another record: sales neared 3.4 billion forints at the end of 2015

In November-December 2015 seasonal sweets were sold in retail for a record-breaking HUF 3.4 billion. 655 tons of seasonal confectionery products were sold and like-for-like value sales rose 7 percent....

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Magazine: Classics reloaded

Christmas gift packs not only sell well: sales keep growing, too. According to Nóra Schleisz, Unilever Hungary’s gift brand manager, during the busy days before the Christmas holiday it is...

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Analysts: the slowdown in retail sales growth is only temporary

The slowdown in retail sales growth is only temporary. In the next few months, the previous momentum may return – according to experts interviewed by MTI. Ürmössy Gergely, senior macroeconomic...

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KSH: GDP increased by 2.6 percent in the second quarter

The volume of the gross domestic product grew by 2.6 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to the seasonally and calendar adjusted...

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KPMG: European family businesses are optimistic

Despite the low growth environment and difficulties in the labor market, the European family businesses are flexible and successful – according to KPMG’s survey. The leaders of family businesses believe...

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The indigenous small livestock development project is near completion

The indigenous small livestock development project has many results, including the breeding indicators of the indigenous turkey have improved opposite to the hybrid turkey – was said on Tuesday in...

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Tobacco shop robbers were arrested in Szabolcs County

Four suspects were arrested in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County who robbed eight national tobacco stores – the press office of the police told MTI on Tuesday. According to the information the robberies...

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Slowdown in GDP growth in the euro area

In the second quarter, GDP growth slowed in the euro zone and in the European Union – according to the report of Eurostat published on Tuesday. According to the third...

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Romanian retail sales grew by more than 10 percent in July

The sales volume of Romanian retail expanded with 11.7 percent in July in a year over year comparision. The seasonal and calendar effect adjusted value shows a 13.8 percent growth....

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KSH: an increase in retail sales in July

According to the raw data the volume of retail turnover in July, increased by 2.7 percent. The calendar effect adjusted data rose by 3.8 percent compared to the same period...

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NGM: retail continues to grow for 37 months

Retail are continuously growing for more than three years. The annual voulme of retail trade increased by 4.9 percent compared to last year's January-July period – the Deputy Minister of...

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Depressed prices on the honey market

Less than average honey was produced this year, but the purchase price is still low. The Hungarian beekeepers are selling the honey on depressed prices and want EU action against...

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The state provides support to the connecting of the food and beverage vending machines into the online system

According to the Economy Ministry's decision state aid will be guaranteed to the connecting of the the food and beverage vending machines into the online system – Varga Mihály, Minister...

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The proportion of lactose-free products is increasing

The growing sales shows that buyers today are not only choose organic foods because of health considerations – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Although, more and more Hungarian suppliers can be...

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The performance of consumer markets in the EU continued to improve

The performance of consumer markets in the European Union continued to improve, however, there are still serious differences between the individual Member States – according to the European Commission’s report...

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Hungary and Romania to coordinate agricultural diplomacy

Hungary and Romania will coordinate their agricultural diplomacy efforts in the planning and shaping of the EU’s agricultural policy (CAP) – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture and Achim Irimescu Romanian...

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India and China may also introduce VAT

The Value Added Tax (VAT) originally comes from France. India introduces the VAT next year, while China is switching to the new system these days – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote....

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Retail sales increased by 1.6 percent in the Czech Republic in July

In July, retail sales increased by 1.6 percent on an annual basis in the Czech Republic – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday in Prague. Compared to the 6.3...

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Scientists may found the substitute for cocoa beans

Those who are addicted to chocolate will be happy; scientists may have found a way to solve a potential impending shortage of cocoa – wrote. Scientists may have found...

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Investor sentiment improved in the euro area

The improved sentiment index of September reflecting the finish of the Brexit-effect – according to the Sentix investor survey. In September, the investor sentiment index of the Sentix economic research...

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Art for shopping

Several works of art from the Louvre-Lens museum of fine arts have been exhibited in the Auchan hypermarket of Noyelles-Godault in France. The store manager hopes that the 60m² exhibition...

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Greek chain about to go bankrupt

Marinopoulos Group, the company that operates Greece’s biggest supermarket chain, has temporarily been granted protection from its creditors by the Athens court. Marinopoulos Group supposedly owes EUR 500-700 million to...

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This year's vintage will be good

This year's vintage will be quantitatively mixed, but will have a good quality – these are the first experiences of this year's harvest – according to the growers and winemakers'...

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