Market News

Artificial intelligence built in the washing machine

An artificial intelligence solution developed by IBM Watson is built in Whirlpool washing machines. Thanks to this, the Whirlpool washing machine can communicate directly with the Whirlpool tumble dryer, informing...

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Where to invest in 2017

Amid a dense fog of uncertainty, an aging bull will have to find its footing in 2017. Rarely has the way forward been so obscured by the murky policies of...

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Nielsen: Packaging is a dark horse in case of the new hit products

Packaging design is one of the least mentioned tool of marketing, despite it contributes significantly to the success of the new products in the last two years. Nielsen’s “Breakthrough Innovations”...

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Six tons of apples were sold in the apple consumption promotion campaign

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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There will there be enough meat on our tables

The increase in population and in standard of living both increase the consumption of animal protein, while sustainable development calls for efficiency gains from the livestock breeders. This is a...

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There is a growing shortage of labor in trade

In the third quarter of 2016, labor shortages continued to increase in trade by almost 30 percent in one year. Now there are 4,800 vacant jobs in trade, which is...

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There is still no inflationary pressure in the economy

The November inflation data did not cause a surprise – according to the analysts interviewed by MTI. Despite the wage increases there is still no inflationary pressures in the economy....

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More companies were established in 2016 than in 2015

While it is not the end of the year, the company incorporation numbers of 2015 seem to manage to surpass the numbers of 2016. “Year 2016 was balanced both in...

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Beekeeping cooperatives should be created

The Hungarian apiary society should think about to create cooperatives, the beekeepers can not individually show sufficient strength – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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The land use regulation of the vine and fruit tree nurseries has become more favorable

For the initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) – and on the basis of the decision of the National Assembly – the land use regulation of the...

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Considerable expansion in the sheep and goat sector in the last five years

Between 2010 and 2015 the output of the sheep and goat sector increased by nearly 50 percent. In 2015 the sector produced a value of HUF 20.8 billion (0.8 percent...

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72905.pngAgri-man of the Year competition reaches second stage

Nominations for Agri-man of the Year were accepted until 20 November. In this competition the organisers reward those – in several categories – who not only do an excellent job...

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Eating is an experience

Shoppers want to buy an experience, not just food. According to a recent survey by Euromonitor, in the next few years demand will surge for ready meals and ready-to-cook meals....

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Slight decline in global food prices

FAO's Food Price Index declined slightly in November, marking a mild departure from its steady rise over the course of 2016. The Index decreased by 0.4 percent from October, averaging...

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The vine and wine sector strategy is complete

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of its existence. A further cause for celebration is that the vine and wine sector strategy has been...

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The agricultural ministry aims to strengthen the producers' communities

The establishment and operation of the producers' communities is one of the cornerstones of the successful implementation of the Origin Protection Program – Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State of...

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The export may pick up again in the coming months

In the coming months the export picks up again because the industry weakness’s was probably temporary and the European economic data also indicate an upturn – analysts commented the latest...

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Without foreign workers British food would be more expensive

The UK’s largest food companies, according to higher prices and less choice than at present would gain food to British consumers if the sector could not be free of foreign...

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Trading House: bilateral agreement helps the Hungarian-Slovak relations

The Slovak-Hungarian economic relations are expanding dynamically. In order to the continuous growth, the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) and the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) signed a...

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Consumer confidence improved in the USA

Consumer sentiment in the US improved more than expected in December, according to preliminary figures released on Friday, as Americans reckoned President-elect Donald Trump’s policies would boost economic growth. The...

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Milk’s purchasing price grows again

In August 2016 agricultural production prices decreased by 2.6 percent from the level of August 2015 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). This decrease was driven by the price...

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FM: soybean crop may be 181 thousand tonnes this year

This year, 181 thousand tons of soybeans can be transported into the granaries, about a quarter more than in 2015. The yield has improved significantly to 3 tonnes per hectare...

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The new generation has arrived: a record year in corn business

The experts are basically optimistic about the Hungarian corn situation and this year's records also support this – wrote. Many people emphasized during the Agricultural Sector 2016 conference that...

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The inflation rate was above 1 percent in November

In November, consumer prices were on average 1.1 percent higher than a year before. Compared with the previous month, prices increased by an average of 0.1 percent – the Central...

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NAV: the illegal cigarette market has decreased

The proportion of the cigarette black market significantly decreased the this year, compared with a year before – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) told on the basis of...

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KSH: export and import declined in October

In October, the value of exports in euros decreased by 1.1 percent, while the value of imports in euros declined by 3.5 percent, compared to a year before. The trade...

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FM: 324 billion HUF to adapt to the climate change

In Hungary, almost 324 billion HUF can be spent on the elimination and adaptation to the effects of climate change, from the 1174 billion HUF source of the Environment and...

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The Heim Pál Children's Hospital asks for our help

The Heim Pál Children's Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce: the money was gathered to buy the breathing machine to the Heim Pál Children's Hospital. However, the child health institute’s...

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Consumer spending in the region

Four years ago in the third quarter 76 percent of Hungarians said that they had changed their spending habits if compared with the previous year – the European average in...

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GKI: wage increase prospects for the next year

The low level of wages in Hungary is becoming a more acute problem. While the employees feel the severity of the problem for a long, the employers are beginning to...

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