Market News

Increase in sales concentration, more self-service products sold

In last March-April ham sales valued at HUF 7 billion – value sales were up 2 percent and volume sales augmented by 3 percent. Cooked ham realised 92 percent of...

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Last year the labour market was livelier

According to data from the Randstad Workmonitor, 2016 was a busier year in the labour market than the previous two: most people – every fifth worker – switched jobs between...

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Messze még a 6 millió sertés

Az állattartó telepek hatékonyságnövelő támogatására, az agrárképzés fejlesztésére és testre szabott finanszírozási megoldásokra van szükség ahhoz, hogy el lehessen érni Magyarországon a sertésstratégiában kitűzött 6 millió darabos állatlétszámot – írja...

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The mills would increase flour prices

The majority of the domestic mills will try to increase prices in March. The mills would increase the price of flour by around 5 percent, which would be equal to...

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KSH: the services and agriculture pulled last year’s GDP

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in last year’s quarter exceeded the previous year’s same quarter by 1.6 percent. The increase was primarily due to market-based services and agriculture...

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The Association of Hungarian Small Breweries debuted in Bucharest

The Association of Hungarian Small Breweries debuted in Bucharest on Tuesday. The members of the association want to expand beyond the borders of Hungary the first in Romania. Gyenge Zsolt,...

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Cofidis: Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular last year

Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular products of the credit market in 2016 – according to a recent national representative survey of Cofidis that was sent to...

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A szaktárca megemeli a Nemzeti borkiválóság program idei forrását

A Földművelésügyi Minisztérium (FM) megemeli a Nemzeti borkiválóság program idei forrását; míg a korábbi években a program végrehajtásara átlagosan mintegy 40 millió forint állt rendelkezésre, addig 2017-ben ez az összeg...

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The Minister of State discussed export options in Japan

Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) discussed about export options in Japan with the Japanese Deputy Minister of Agriculture – the FM told MTI on...

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Romanian retail started the year well

Romanian retail sales volumes rose 6.4 percent in January, compared to last year’s first month – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday. The calendar adjusted value indicates a...

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A Hungarian franchise conquering foreign markets

Duna House group is one of Hungary’s biggest real estate franchises that also offers related financial services. In April 2016 we bought 100 percent of Polish real estate agency Metrohouse...

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Invitel goes greener

In the spirit of sustainability, in the second half of 2016 Invitel Group started the full replacement of its 400-vehicle fleet. All of the new vehicles purchased meet the strictest...

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Consumer protection authorities focus on e-commerce

Ákos Kara, secretary of state responsible for consumer protection and infocommunication at the Ministry for National Development, told that this year the authorities are focusing on the dynamically growing online...

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Good positions for manufacturer brands

Combined sales of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard exceeded HUF 19 billion between December 2015 and November 2016. Value sales were 4 percent higher than in the base period. MAYONNAISE: retail...

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Magazine: With data analytics against counterfeiting

Chinese market leader e-commerce company Alibaba uses data analysis to fight counterfeit products. In early January the Alibaba Group announced that the so-called Big Data Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance already has 20...

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Analysts: this year’s economic growth will generate consumption

This year started well in retail according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who believe that GDP growth this year will be mainly generated by increasing household consumption. The Central Statistical...

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NGM: retail sales increasing for 43 months

The growth in retail sales continues in Hungary. The growth in consumption lasts for 43 months – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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GKI: economic growth can be around 3 percent this year

This year the GDP growth can be about 3 percent or slightly higher in Hungary – GKI Economic Research Co. told in its latest forecasts. In their communication sent to...

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FM: the horticultural sector should be developed

The fruit and vegetable production should be developed and the proportion of producer organizations should be increased in the horticultural sector to 40 percent – Nagy István, Minister of State...

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The majority of the SMEs spend less than one percent of the turnover on information technology equipment

The Hungarian small and medium-sized companies consider Internet use important: 84 percent of them have their own website, operated by professionals, but most of them spend less than one percent...

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FM: grants and favorable credits also help the farmers

Nearly 400 billion HUF European Union and about 100 billion HUF national support will flow into the Hungarian agriculture this year, contributing to farmers’ income stabilization – Czerván György Minister...

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(HU) GKI: Tavaly több mint 60%-kal estek a költségvetési szektor beruházásai

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The draft of the revised climate change strategy is complete

The draft of the second national climate change strategy for the 2017-2030 period providing outlook up to 2050 is ready. According to the document published on the government’s website by...

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Coordinated wine marketing: Cooperation between the state and the profession

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) in order to ensure the coordinated and effective supply of community wine marketing...

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January retail sales in the eurozone

Eurozone’s retail sales increased by 1.2 percent year-on-year in January 2017, following an upwardly revised 1.2 percent growth in December and missing market expectations of an 1.6 percent gain. Retail...

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Logistics to miss out on digitalisation?

Logistics experts are worried that the sector will fall behind as the process of digitalisation is speeding up – revealed the Continental Mobility Study 2016. 9 percent of experts were...

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A big gun enters the Hungarian market

n November 2016 Spain-based Natur House, one of the most dynamically growing European franchise networks entered the Hungarian market. In Hungary NaturDiet Zrt. represents the healthy and weight loss diet...

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Magazine: Rapid beauty solutions are popular

Last year sales in the hair care category increased by 6.9 percent in value. The premium and natural hair care product segments were growing especially fast. According to Bianka Perge,...

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The number of employees broke a record in the EU and in the euro area again

In July-September, the number of employees in the European Union and the euro area has risen to a new record for the third consecutive quarter, indicating that the labor market...

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Coca-Cola Hungary starts dual trade education programmes at four universities

On 20 January 2017 Coca-Cola Hungary signed an agreement with four Hungarian universities to start dual trade education programmes. Thanks to the new type of cooperation the soft drink company...

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