Market News

FM: Fazekas Sándor is in talks with agricultural cooperatives in China

Minister of Agriculture Fazekas Sándor is in talks on agricultural cooperation with his Chinese counterpart, and with several local leaders – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday....

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Italian Ambassador: Italy will become Hungary’s third largest business partner

Italy will become Hungary’s third-largest business partner this year – after Germany and Austria – as trade flows between the two countries can reach 10 billion euros in 2017, Italy’s...

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Analysts: inflation in August accelerated as expected

Inflation accelerated in August in line with the expectations – according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI – but despite the accelerating processes, there is no change in monetary policy....

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FM: a huge amount of Hungarian grain can be exported

Hungary’s grain supply has been assured despite lower annual results, compared to last year’s record, and a huge amount can be exported as well – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of...

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The milk and meat yield of the Hungarian multicolored cattle have improved

The milk and meat yield of the Hungarian multicolored cattle are gradually improving since 2010. The Association of Hungarian Breeders is planning a genomic selection program to further improve the...

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Free training to be launched for poultry breeders

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), in co-operation with the Poultry Product Council, will start training for poultry holders who do not have a special degree, and want to make...

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The Hungarians are interested in the new technological revolution of Internet

The world is expected to change a lot in the next few years, as the era of the 5G technology is about to emerge. And what does this mean to...

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GDP growth in the EU and the euro area accelerated in the second quarter

GDP growth in the EU and the euro area accelerated in the second quarter on quarterly base – according to not definitive figures. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said...

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NFM Minister of State: irregular product demonstrations can be repressed with tighter regulatory cooperation

With the help of more stringent official cooperation, irregular product demonstrations can be repressed. The government, in addition to the police and the tax authorities, also counts on the work...

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Átadták Vác első elektromosautó-töltőállomást

Átadták Vác első elektromosautó-töltőállomását, amelyet a városban még három, a következő másfél évben pedig országosan 300 villám- és gyorstöltőállomás fog követni – mondta a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium (NGM) gazdaságfejlesztésért és -szabályozásért...

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KSH: Consumer prices rose by 2.6 percent in August

Consumer prices were on average 2.6 percent higher in August than a year before. Compared with July, consumer prices grew by an average of 0.1 percent, according to the Central...

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Global food prices decreased in August

Global food prices fell in August. The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) index decreased by 1.3 percent to 176.6 points from the previous month’s 178.9 points. ; In the three...

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FM: the government supports the tobacco growers

By 2020, the government continues to support the work of tobacco growers in Hungary – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said at the open...

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Targeted funding for domestic winegrowers: a strategic agreement has been concluded between the National Council of Mountain Villages and the Takarékbank

Under the agreement signed at the Budapest Wine Festival, the Takarék Group will develop special credit products and banking services for the sector by the end of December. The Takarék...

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Air freight and passenger services grew in July

According to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) there was a strong growth in the freight and passenger sector in the world in July. According to the...

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K&H: Hungarian SMEs optimistic about revenues climbing

Hungarian SMEs expect their revenues to climb by 8.5% on average over the coming year, according to a survey by K&H Bank, quoted by national news agency MTI....

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Mastercard: 7 percent of the college students regularly pay with mobile wallets

7 percent of college students regularly and 13 percent occasionally pay with mobile wallets., 72 percent of them positively evaluated the new technology, and 1 out of 4 students would...

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Nébih: Acrylamide exceeded the warning level in case of two chips

Acrylamide level exceeded the warning level in case of two chips out of the ten different branded cheese chips tested within the Szupermenta product test. The acrylamide is an organic...

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Interactivity contributes to a better consumer experience

Today 77 percent of the US population owns a smartphone and this influences mobile and online shopping trends. New York & Company has installed self-service kiosks in their shops, where...

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Analysts: the rise in retail sales may continue in the coming months

Growth in retail sales may continue in the coming months. Takarékbank expects a 4.5 percent, while ING expects a 4.7 percent growth. According to the first estimate published by the...

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Product Council: about 500-550 thousand tons of apple yield is expected this year

Due to the spring frosts, the lack of rain and the warm weather of the past one and a half months this year, only about 500-550 thousand tons of apple...

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The administrative burdens of the small-scale wineries can be reduced

As a result of the new excise law introduced this year, the administrative burden for small-scale wine producers is expected to decrease by the end of the year, Gál Péter...

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NGM: retail sales is increasing since forty-nine months

The retail sales has been growing steadily for forty-nine months. The growth of July is fitting into this year’s upward trend – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Counterfeit honey can be dangerous to health, according to professional organizations

Unknown origin fake honey can be a risk to health, according to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Hungarian Association of Beekeepers (OMME), so they propose to...

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Chamber of Agriculture: not only technology, but the products also need to be developed

Not only the technology but also the products must be constantly developed to maintain and enhance competitiveness, for example, for import substitution – the Food Director of the National Chamber...

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The Minister of Agriculture has ordered increased control of import of poultry meat

The Minister of Agriculture has ordered increased control of imported poultry meat in order to protect Hungarian consumers from contaminated import goods – the Minister told M1 news channel on...

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Magazine: Whole bean coffee makes a return

After the success story of capsule coffee in the last few years, sales of whole bean coffee have also strengthened recently. Raw coffee’s price elevated last year and this could be...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 4.1 percent in July

In July, retail sales increased by 4.1 percent year-on-year, according to the raw and calendar adjusted data – the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) revealed on Tuesday....

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Agricultural Chamber: plum yield will be about 62 thousand tons this year

Approximately 62,000 tons of plums are expected in Hungary this year, this is about half, third of the amount of the early 1990s – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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KSH: GDP grew 3.2 percent in the second quarter

The volume of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter was 3.2 percent higher than in the same period last year. According to seasonally adjusted and balanced data,...

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