Market News

MNB Director: Sustainable achievement of the inflation target is expected a quarter later, in mid-2019

According to the latest Inflation report of the Central Bank, the sustainable achievement of the inflation target is likely to be achieved by one quarter later in mid-2019. The investments...

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The French farmers are protesting against the ban on the most popular herbicide

Approximately three hundred French farmers protested on Friday in Paris on the Champs-Elysées Boulevard against the planned ban on glyphosate herbicides. Emmanuel Macron head of state had promised in the...

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(HU) Szeptemberben újabb csúcsot döntött a GKI konjunktúraindexe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Biopolymer-based packaging designs

DS Smith Packaging Hungary Kft, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Polifoam Plastic Processing Kft. have been granted HUF 552.21-million funding for developing a multifunctional biopolymer-based packaging system....

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GfK: Seven out of ten people would buy more online in exchange for free home delivery

Every second online order is delivered by a courier service. The first five incentive factors for online shopping focus on the discounts. Among them, home delivery has an utmost importance,...

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A comprehensive disease control test to be launched at poultry holders

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) launches a comprehensive and unified disease control investigation as the initiative of the Poultry Product Council (BTT) at Hungarian poultry holders. The autumn...

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Sunflower production is good, but it is worth to store the crop, due to the low prices

In the second week of September, the harvesting of sunflower seeds has begun. According to the data so far, crops will not be outstanding because of drought, but due to...

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40 billion HUF for detergents, 20 billion HUF for fabric softener

The retail sales of detergents were below average, while the retail sales of fabric softeners showed an above the average growth in domestic retail trade between August 2016 and July...

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Agrarian expert: new impetus for agricultural investments

Agricultural investments have been further boosted: in the first half of the year the value of agricultural investments grew by 30 percent – Fórián Zoltán, senior agricultural expert of the...

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KSH: gross gross earnings grew in July by 13.1 percent

In July, gross average earnings grew by 13.1 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The growth rate of earnings slowed a slight decrease after the 14.4...

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The large state company has started to buy grapes in Tokaj

This year’s grape purchasing was started at the state-owned Grand Tokaj Zrt, which is the largest recipient of the Tokaj wine region – wrote. The company pays 100 HUF...

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The Takarékbank has raised its economic growth forecast this year

The Takarékbank (Savings Bank) is expecting a further boost in investment, raising this year’s GDP growth forecast from 3.9 percent to 4 percent, and next year forecasting 4.2 percent instead...

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Fazekas Sándor discussed about the further expansion of agricultural relations with his Japanese counterpart

The further enlargement of agricultural relations was discussed between Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture and his Japanese counterpart Taniai Maszaaki, Minister of State of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and...

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NGM: 45 SMEs received 5 billion forints development support

In order to improve its competitiveness and research and development 4.5 billion HUF were given as research and development support to 15 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Pest county....

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The government is also helping the SMEs entering the stock market

The government supports the companies interested in entering the stock market with two initiatives – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy said at the meeting...

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Magazine: The Netherlands is one of the driving forces of the world market

The Netherlands is the world’s 5th biggest product exporter and in 2016 the country exported goods in the value of nearly USD 668 billion – this sum represents 3.5 percent...

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Outstanding quality wine yield is expected this year

About 2.8 million hectoliters wine yield is expected in Hungary this year, which is similar to last year’s harvest – Kiss Eliza, Ministerial Commissioner for special oenological tasks at the...

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MNB: Card payment transactions grew by 25 percent in the second quarter

Payment card purchase turnover increased by 25 percent in the second quarter of this year, exceeding all previous growth rates – the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) announced on Monday....

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MGYOSZ: lack of specialist means the biggest limit for growth of companies

According to the survey of MGYOSZ, 92 percent of the company executives indicated the lack of specialists as the biggest obstacle of growth. The National Association of Employers and Industrialists...

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Fazekas: Far East markets are promising

Relationships with the Far East markets are promising – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Tuesday. The Minister drew attention: Japan is the guest of Honor...

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Nougat slice infected with with glass

A customer found a piece of glass in Germany in a nougat slice that was manufactured in Germany. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Monday that the...

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Bananas in danger

One of the most popular fruits of the world is endangered by an aggressive mushroom specie, complete extinction is in the pile, but fortunately there is still hope –

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FAO: Wheat and meat push FAO Food Price Index higher in June

Global food commodity prices rose in June, led by wheat and meat prices. The FAO Food Price Index, a monthly trade-weighted index tracking international market prices of five major food...

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Magazine: Consumers appreciate more layers

Taking a closer look at the sales trends in various household paper product categories, we can see that the market has been expanding steadily. Value shares have been growing faster than...

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Good quality wine is expected

About 2.8 million hectoliters wine yield is expected in Hungary this year, which is similar to last year – the Minister of Agriculture told MTI in Szekszárd, on Friday. Kiss...

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KSH: the dynamic expansion of the Internet market continues

The dynamic growth of the Internet market continued in the second quarter; the number of subscriptions exceeded 9.1 million and was 8 percent higher than one year before – according...

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Cooperation agreement for the development of agricultural training

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), the agrarian training institutes of the region and small and medium enterprises in the area have signed a...

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Nébih: Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk

The Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed MTI on Friday. Nébih’s communication states: “Based on the experience of...

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The domestic market has a key importance to large companies

The domestic large companies’ profitability depends on mainly the domestic demand while the decisive public burdens are no longer affect the companies sensitively. The forint’s exchange rate fluctuations and inflation,...

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The consumer sentiment has deteriorated in the United States

The consumer sentiment in the United States decreased in September – the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University revealed. The preliminary results were published on Friday. In September, the...

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