Market News

The Agricultural Chambers of the V4 countries should guarantee the continuity of EU fundings

According to the Agricultural Chambers of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries, the continuity of EU fundings, including payments to farmers, should be guaranteed and equal conditions of competition should be...

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Craft beer is the new wine

They talk about beer revolution in domestic gastronomy, and many people say that craft beer is the new wine for consumption. Over the past few years, bars and pubs offering...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area is on a twenty month nadir

In November, the consumer sentiment of DG ECFin, decfreased more than expected and reached a 20 month low – according to the preliminary data. In November, the consumer sentiment index...

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The European Commission has published a report on the prospects for EU plant protein production development

The European Commission has published a report the on prospects for the development of EU plant protein production, which describes a number of existing policy instruments and new proposals that...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index was favorable in November as well​​​​​​

GKI’s economic sentiment index remained essentially unchanged in November. Business expectations continued to improve, whereas consumer ones declined further. The business confidence index is around its yearly average now. Although...

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KSH: retail sales continued to grow

Retail sales in September increased by 4.4 percent, compared to the previous year. Calendar effect adjusted, the growth was 5.4 percent higher, compared to the previous year – according to...

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Nielsen: online retailing is four times faster than traditional

Globally, online retail sales are expanding four times faster than traditional offline trading and will grow by nearly a fifth every year in the future. Over the next few years,...

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There are many more misconceptions about conscious nutrition

Although more and more people are seeking a balanced diet and consciously choose from the shelves of the food stores, Nestlé’s most recent home nutrition habits and a basic nutritional...

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Magazine: The palettes of self-expression

According to data from L’Oréal, decorative cosmetics represent the biggest value in the Hungarian beauty care market, and it is also one of the most dynamically growing categories (+11.7 percent...

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OECD: Hungarian GDP may increase by 4.6 percent this year

According to the OECD projections, Hungarian GDP growth rises to 4.6 percent this year from last year’s 4.4 percent. The previous forecast predicted 4.4 percent. For the next year, the...

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KSH: earnings have continued to grow

In September, the gross average earnings were 322,800 forints, 10.4 percent higher than a year before. In January-September gross average earnings were 324 100 forints, net average earnings were 215...

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Turkey Association: the sector is stable, but it is necessary to increase competitiveness

The position of the turkey sector is stable, but the increase of its competitiveness and the promotion of consumption are crucial in the future, the Hungarian Turkey Association told MTI....

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AM Minister of State: it is important to transfer technological knowledge to the agricultural operators

In order to increase competitiveness, it is important that the technological know-how to be available in different agricultural research and educational institutions for agricultural operators, including agricultural entrepreneurs, Feldman Zsolt,...

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The consumer sentiment has fallen in the United States

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University became worse than expected in November. In November, the Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University dropped to 97.5 points...

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Growth in life expectancy has slowed in the EU

Life expectancy in the European Union is one of the highest in the world, but the continued growth in life expectancy has slowed down and there are still significant differences...

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Magazine: Great opportunities for the small ones

Erik Vágyi, sales director of Nielsen gave an insight into how things are in two retail channels at the Business Days conference in Tapolca, in September. He revealed that in...

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Poultry meat will be more expensive next year

It’s good news for consumers that festive dinner for this Christmas will not be more expensive, and the prices of poultry meat and preparations do not generally increase. The bad...

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Coffee prices increased significantly

Arabian coffee prices rose 7.2 percent in one week in the US commodity market for the March deadline – Világgazdaság Online wrote. According to the data of; yesterday, the...

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Nagy István: application for subsidies should be easy in the new CAP

Hungary will only support a new common agricultural policy (CAP), which makes the application and payment of subsidies easy for both farmers and Member States’ organizations – Nagy István Minister...

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The authorities of the region have been negotiating about the fight against counterfeit pesticides

In the spirit of counteracting the trade of counterfeit and illegal pesticides, the Taxation, Customs and Plant Protection Authorities of the Visegrád countries have been negotiating for the third time...

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The OECD indicates a slowdown in world economic growth

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicates the slowdown in world economic growth in the next two years in its Progress Report published on Wednesday. The main driver...

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Hungarian-Ghana relations are on the rise

Hungary looks to be a special partner for Ghana and is proud of the fact that professional and diplomatic relations are on the rise – the Parliamentary Minister of State...

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African swine fever: so far the Romanian authorities killed 360,000 pigs

The Veterinary and Food Safety Officers of Romania have detected the pathogens of African swine fever in other Bihar settlements – the Agerpres news agency told on Monday. The Bihar...

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(HU) IFS & Élelmiszer-IPAR 4.0 Konferencia (2018. november 30.)

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Growing popularity of juices with fruity bits

  According to Réka Soós, category and innovation manager of Sió-Eckes Kft., in the first half of 2018 sales in the Hungarian fruit juice market jumped more than 10 percent...

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Environmental protection product fee: a raise would be exaggerated and disproportionate

At the end of September a draft of a planned amendment to the environmental protection product fee law appeared on the government’s website. According to this, from January 2019 the...

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The best stores honoured for the fourth time

The jury selected the winners of the SuperStore 2018 competition in 15 categories. This prize rewards points of sale created with the most innovative concept, honouring those solutions which meet...

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Hungarian packaging designers are among the best in the world

Miklós Nagy, secretary general of the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) told our magazine that packaging use had increased a little – but less than the 4-percent...

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Oilseeds dried in Nak

An agricultural logistics centre has been built in Nak with HUF 110 million provided by the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme, where oilseeds are going to be processed. The...

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Special government support for the market entry of food products

Since 2014 the government has financed the food industry with HUF 230 billion from both national and EU sources. Thanks to this the level of investment increased and more processed...

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