Market News

Retail sales were developing well at the end of last year

In November 2018 like-for-like retail volume sales augmented by 5 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 4.9 percent – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Non-food sales...

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Growing market, expanding research

Ágnes Szűcs-Villányi, market leader of Nielsen in Hungary told Trade magazin that last year Hungarian stores had sold 7 percent more FMCG products than in 2017. Sales by discount supermarkets...

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Last year was the best of the decade

According to GKI’s estimation, the Hungarian economy grew by 4.6 percent in 2018 – this growth rate was exceptionally good in the European Union (ranked 2nd or 3rd in the...

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Good performance from the poultry sector

According to the latest market report of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI), the European Commission forecasts that the EU’s poultry meat production will keep growing until 2030. Between January...

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OECD: positive outlook, with risks

According to the latest OECD report about the Hungarian economy, economic growth will be 3.9 percent in 2019 and 3.3 percent in 2020. The report was presented to the public...

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McKinsey: online FMCG retail is in a vicious cycle

New York-based global consulting firm McKinsey has analysed online FMCG sales in Europe. Their report states: the fact that masses of European consumers haven’t started buying food and drinks online...

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Provident: only every tenth buyer has financed Christmas and New Year’s expenditures from loans

Participants of the Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.’s 600-person telephone research typically spent the holidays at home, preparing for Christmas and New Year’s Eve expenditures, and this time they also considered the...

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PwC CEO survey: the trust in global economic growth is shaken

According to the latest Global CEO Survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), trust in a global economic growth has become smaller in almost every country. 30 percent of executives think that global...

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Analysts: policy intervention is needed to increase employment

The Hungarian economy practically reached full employment last year. The 3.6 percent unemployment data of the fourth quarter of 2018 indicate a tight labor market, and a further policy intervention...

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The amount of the Farm Development Program has doubled this year

The total amount of the Farm Development Program was doubled compared to last year to 2.4 billion HUF in 2019 – the Deputy Minister State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Euro area GDP growth is on a four-year low

In the fourth quarter of last year, economic growth in the euro area stagnated at a four-year nadir, according to a preliminary estimate of the European Union’s Statistical Office, Eurostat,...

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The EU-Japan Trade Agreement comes into force

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement will come into force on 1 February, which will abolish the vast majority of customs duties of about 1 billion euros per year for the...

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(HU) GfK: Merre halad a magyar digitális fogyasztó?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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A new trend: in-store greenhouses

Auchan has teamed up with Agricooltour to grow herbs and lettuce in a Torino store, which the customers can pick themselves. The 30m² greenhouse was built in November 2018. Casino...

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The problems with cashless payment

A British study calls attention to the problems with cashless payment: ‘Access to Cash’ informs that in the United Kingdom the proportion of cash payments is 34 percent at the...

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Mobile payment platforms are spreading in Europe

After the US launch four years ago, Apple Pay is now available in Germany too. Partner companies already included Deutsche Bank, HypoVereinsbank, Bunq and Boon, Comdirect, N26 and O2 banking....

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Portugal plans to make PET bottles returnable

The Portuguese government has launched a programme to encourage the return of non-reusable plastic bottles: a new bill states that from 1 January 2022 a system for the storage of...

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GKI: 2018 was probably the best year of the decade for Hungary

GKI estimates that Hungary’s GDP expanded by 4.6 per cent in 2018 and this rate was remarkably high in the EU. The growth cycle is likely to have reached its...

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Wrangling about the profit

At the end of January the European Commission (EC) decided to go to court about the Hungarian rules for the retail sales of agricultural and food products – the EC’s...

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Retail Decoded continues

Shop!’s podcast series already has six episodes: in the latest one Jean-Pierre Lacroix, president of the Toronto-based agency Shikatani Lacroix gives an insight into how artificial intelligence technology can be...

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nIm – milk in Klingonese

Fozzy Group, one of the biggest food retailers in Ukraine has opened a 1,170m² Star Trek-themed supermarket in Kharkiv. In the store product categories are also indicated in the Klingon...

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Magazine: Blockchain is waiting for retail to discover it

On 16 October the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) organised a conference about the not yet utilised opportunities offered to retail by the blockchain technology. Zoltán Házi, the...

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More young people bought Christmas presents using apps

The latest report by Selectivv has revealed that more and more consumers are using some kind of smartphone app to buy gifts. In the last quarter of 2018 the number...

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How does the introduction of Payment Services Directive 2 in 2019 affect retailers?

The European Union gave a green light to the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in November 2017, which is basically a collection of regulatory technical standards (RTS) enabling consumers to...

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There is no one to carry out the digital revolution

Digital transformation affects basically the whole Hungarian SME sector, but only a few of these companies can exploit the opportunity created by the digital switchover, because there aren’t enough experts....

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GKI: Real estate market races without braking

n January of 2019, the GKI real estate indices for Budapest and Hungary stood at 9 and 11 points respectively. Budapest index decreased by almost 2, the national index rose...

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Nielsen: manufacturer brands and discount stores are the most popular in retail

Manufacturer brands and discount stores were the most popular participants of retail in 2018, according to the retail survey of Nielsen monitoring 90 food and 80 household chemicals and beauty...

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We are running out of domestic potatoes

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute, 192.7 thousand tons of potatoes were produced on 8046 hectares last year. The average yield ranged from 13.4 to 50 tons – Világgazdaság...

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The Ministry of Agriculture is the partner of farmers in the apple issue

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) wants to be a partner for apple growers to solve the apple market situation, but farmers need to decide how they want to produce in...

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KSH: the number of employed increased in the fourth quarter of last year

In October-December last year, the average number of employees was 4 million 481 thousand, 34 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of 15-64-year-olds increased by 0.7 percentage...

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