Market News

Choose domestic products to support Hungarian workplaces and to protect the environment!

This year has shown how vulnerable the world has become as a result of globalization and how important self-sufficiency is. It became clear that Hungary’s agriculture and food industry survived...

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Ipsos: Hungarian consumers are bolder and more realistic but for how long

A consumer reorganization similar to spring is expected not in terms of purchase frequency, but in terms of preferred channels. In response to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic,...

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The GKI business cycle index cannot rise For the second month in a row

The GKI business cycle index decreased in September after August – within the margin of error. This is due to some deterioration in consumer expectations, as business has stagnated. After...

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Many support the deposit-based glass redemption system, according to a study

According to the results of the research on the possibility of introducing a deposit redemption system, a significant part of the respondents support the placement of redemption machines, which they...

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We are beyond the one hundred millionth online account

In the summer, online invoicing was taken to a new level, so that the tax authority has already received the one hundred millionth online invoice – Izer Norbert, Secretary of...

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Immune boosting with a little twist

Autumn is around our necks, when we need to put a lot of emphasis on protecting our immune system – especially in 2020. Athletes and fans of an active lifestyle...

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The euro area consumer price index fell in August for the first time in four years

In August, the euro area consumer price index fell in August, compared to the previous month for the first time in four years, due to the fall in energy prices...

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The decline in retail sales accelerated in Russia

In Russia, the decline in retail sales accelerated more than analysts expected in August, when unemployment was also higher than estimated. According to data from the Russian statistical office, retail...

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NAK: the players in the pig sector ask retail chains to give preference to Hungarian products

The domestic players of the pig sector ask retail chains to give preference to Hungarian meat products over foreign chains in order to avoid the possible adverse market effects of...

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The sugar beet processing campaign has started in Kaposvár

With the ignition of the lime owen, the 127th sugar beet processing campaign has started at the sugar factory of Magyar Cukor Zrt. in Kaposvár on Friday, the company informed...

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KSH: more than 4.5 million people were working again in August

According to a preliminary estimate, 4,114,000 people worked in August, so for the first time this year, more than 4.5 million people worked again – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Covid shame: hidden disease poses a new challenge to employers

Three times more people are looking for sickness, quarantine and coronavirus word connections in Hungary now than in the middle of summer. In other words, as the number of official...

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Don’t expect wage rise now

The share of small and medium-sized enterprises thinking about raising wages fell sharply on the basis of the latest data of the K&H SME Confidence Index. While in the previous...

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The second wave has no limiting effect on our lives yet

According to the results of the Ipsos Omnibus research series, which is conducted with the personal interview of 1,000 adult Hungarian citizens every month, Hungarians are less cautious in their...

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ÖRT monitored with a new method

The issue of digital advertising for children is in the focus of the ÖRT, and a new research method has been introduced to examine this. Their co-worker (13 years old)...

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BDI has moderated its forecast for this year’s German GDP decline

The German economy has reached the bottom of the crisis in the second quarter, the correction has already started in the third quarter. This year’s decline in gross domestic product...

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Research space and eye tracking

A foyer suitable for tasting, a spacious group room, a one-way mirror, observation and technical rooms, modern equipment and a professional staff were presented at the opening of the Focus...

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Six tons of waste were collected from Bodrog by the participants of the 1st Bodrog PET Cup

The field of the 1st Bodrog PET Cup has collected six tons of waste from the section of Bodrog between Sárospatak and Tokaj – the communication manager of the PET...

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Palotabozsoki Zrt. has established a feed mixing plant with an investment of more than 1 billion HUF

With an investment of more than one billion forints, Palotabozsoki Zrt., dealing with plant growing, feed production and animal husbandry in Vémén, Baranya County, has established a new feed mixing...

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The OECD expects global GDP to fall less than expected this year

The OECD expects a smaller global economic downturn than previously forecast in June, mainly due to better-than-expected performance by China and the United States in the first six months as...

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The Pálinka of National Cohesion was born

Every year, the city of Gyula becomes the capital of pálinka in the Carpathian Basin for three days. This year, the Gyula Pálinka Festival, which was delayed due to the...

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Flour becomes more expensive again

There will be a flour price increase this month, it can be assured – Lakatos Zoltán, CEO of Hajdú Gabona Zrt. He told Világgazdaság on the flour market situation that...

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Employment in GKI may have stagnated in August

In August, GKI Zrt. conducted a representative population survey of 1,000 people in order to find out the employment situation in Hungary. (Of the 1,000 respondents, 679 were employed.) At...

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An online meeting room helps cross-border business relationships during COVID

Until the end of the year, a new business partner search platform called “Here and Now” (Itt és most) will help Hungarian, V4 and Carpathian Basin entrepreneurs. The site, created...

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AM: farmers applied for permission to plant more than 17 thousand hectares of new forest

In the country forestation program announced last autumn, farmers applied for the planting of more than 17,000 hectares of new forest – the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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ZEW’s German Economic Sentiment Index is on a twenty-year high

In September, instead of the expected decline, the economic sentiment index in Germany rose to a twenty-year high in a survey by the ZEW economic research institute in Mannheim. The...

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Investor survey: sentiment has improved, but many market participants fear protracted stagnation

Within the global institutional investment community, perceptions of the medium-term global economic outlook have improved, but the latest survey says many fear a prolonged stagnation following the economic crisis caused...

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GDP may decline in the Asian region for the first time in sixty years

For the first time in sixty years, the gross domestic product of the Asian region may decline this year, according to the forecast of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). According...

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Consumers are still accumulating cheap products

Customers are becoming more price-sensitive as a result of the protracted health emergency, and retaining them is therefore a major challenge for even the largest companies, according to EY’s international...

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Strategic investments can be made in Hungarian agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture is helping farmers, producer organizations and food businesses to manage the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the form of non-refundable support – Nagy István,...

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