Market News

A good basis for this year’s growth in retail turnover is the increase in household savings, according to an analysis

As retail savings grew in 2020, it could be a good basis for retail growth in 2021, Euler Hermes, a credit insurer, told MTI in its latest forecast on Tuesday....

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.1 percent in February

In February, consumer prices were 3.1 percent higher than a year earlier and up 0.7 percent from the previous month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Tuesday. Annual...

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Food systems account for more than one third of global greenhouse gas emissions

The world’s food systems are responsible for more than one-third of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, according to a pioneering new study published in Nature Food. Spanning from land-use change...

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If the pick-up point of the web store can be open, the product can be picked up by the customer, otherwise not

The OKSZ requested a resolution from the National Public Health Center on the issue of the 104/2021 on the temporary tightening of protection measures. (III. 5.) pursuant to Section 4...

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Companies plan to increase their headcount by 3 percent in the second quarter in Hungary, according to a survey

In Hungary, companies plan to expand their workforce by an average of 3 percent between April and June, according to ManpowerGroup’s Labor Market Forecast, which was sent to MTI on...

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Anxiety caused by the coronavirus has also left its mark on workplace mood!

The coronavirus pandemic has brought significant changes not only in the way we work, but also in the expectations that workers expect from their own managers. Many are frustrated with...

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Japanese companies continue to play an important role in the growth of the Hungarian economy

Japanese companies continue to play an important role in the further growth of the Hungarian economy, and when they think about expanding into the European market, they are among the...

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Most Hungarian lambs are transported into Italy

Hungary sells 90 percent of the lambs produced on foreign markets. The majority of exports goes to Italy intended for Easter holiday consumption. Due to this year’s high feed prices,...

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Nagy István: Florists may be open in the markets

Although the flower shops had to close due to the tightening of protection measures, the flower stands on the market could still be open – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István...

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KSH: transport performance decreased by 5.8 percent in the fourth quarter of last year

In the fourth quarter of last year, mainly due to the decline in road transport, the performance of freight transport decreased by 5.8 percent compared to a year earlier. Rail...

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Ghost Kitchens Partners With Walmart Canada

Ghost Kitchen Brands (GKB) is excited to announce it is teaming up with Walmart Canada, its first partnership with a big-box retailer to bring one-stop meal pickup and delivery to...

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Investor confidence in the euro area has improved to a more than one-year high

The Sentix Economic Research Institute’s eurozone investor confidence index rose better than expected in March, reaching its highest level since February last year. Sentix’s investor confidence index rose to plus...

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Continuous and secure domestic food supply

Even during the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the domestic food supply is continuous and secured – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said. The Minister emphasized that the new...

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The increase in the price of meat and dairy products is inevitable

Livestock farmers everywhere are facing serious difficulties due to the 30-50 percent rise in the price of feed worldwide. This price increase will also be seen in domestic livestock farmers,...

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60 thousand stores areopen, 80 thousand closed

Would you cheat? It won’t work, the rule is accurate. Why 140 thousand? Because retail trade statistics do not include all retail outlets, such as tobacconists, lotteries, markets, and some...

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The counter belongs to girls and ladies

The number of employees in trade (wholesale, vehicle trade, retail together) is 598 thousand, of which 321 thousand are women, which is 54 percent – wrote. Within this, there...

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Almost 45 percent of Hungarian SMEs took part in online training – this is how they are trying to survive the viral crisis!

A quarter of the managers of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises regularly, almost 45 percent of them, have attended knowledge-sharing online seminars as spectators at least once in order to...

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EXIM will launch a fixed interest investment loan for the exporting SME sector

In order to facilitate the restart of the economy and to provide long-term financing for the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise segment, which accounts for 99 percent of the Hungarian...

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AM aims to make the most of natural resources

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) is to make the most of the opportunities provided by natural resources in Hungary and to use renewable energy sources in a...

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MKIK-GVI: proportion of late-paying companies has reduced

The ratio of late payment partners and chain debt has decreased by 3 percentage points among the surveyed companies since the July 2020 data survey, the MKIK Institute of Economics...

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Enviromental friendly display in the Netherlands

On introducing the reusable Mr. Flexx® display system, the Dutch supermarket chain of Hoogvliet to roll out this Mr. Flexx® Premium version in all 71 supermarkets. Maximum CO2 reduction in combination...

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Chinese exports and imports expanded in the first two months of the year exceeding expectations

Exceeding expectations, Chinese exports and imports expanded in the first two months of the year due to growing demand, although the outstanding data was partly due to last year’s low...

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Empowering women and girls is crucial to ensure sustainable food security in the aftermath of COVID-19, say UN food agency heads ahead of International Women’s Day

Hunger and famine will persist and there will be unequal recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic unless more women in rural and urban areas hold leadership positions with...

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Magazine: Online retailers also need to accommodate to the new shopping habits

In January 2021 Reacty Digital did a representative online survey on the shopping habits of Hungarian consumers. Most online retailers have benefited from the pandemic situation, but those who couldn’t...

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KSH: agricultural production decreased in volume, increased in value in 2020

In 2020, agricultural production fell by 2.2 percent at previous year’s prices, but at current prices it was 4.8 percent higher than a year earlier, thanks to a 7.2 percent...

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Varga Mihály: growth may be 4-4.5 percent this year

According to the Minister of Finance, the country be opened after Easter, in case of proper vaccinated, then there is hope that the Hungarian economy will achieve 4-4.5 percent growth...

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Analysts: retail may reach pre-epidemic levels by summer

The pre-pandemic level is expected to be reached in the summer months in retail trade. The increase in turnover in January compared to the previous month can be explained by...

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NAK introduces an extraordinary customer acceptance policy

In accordance with the emergency measures announced by the Government, the National Chamber of Agriculture will minimize the number of personal client meetings to minimize the possibility of the spread...

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For four-fifths of corporate online shoppers, the user experience decides when shopping online

The world of online commerce has changed a lot in the last one year. The global pandemic, closure and transformed consumer demands are changing the relationship between shoppers and e-merchants...

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