Market News

Common farmland bird populations continue to decline

Birds in the EU are less abundant than a few decades ago. However, after many years of decline, it appears that the numbers of common birds have started to stabilize...

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That’s the way we tend to choose a car these days

Sustainability and car reliability are important, as we age, we prefer brighter colours, swear a lot while driving and like to give our car a name, according to a survey...

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Magazine: Hungarians haven’t stopped snacking

Pandemic here and lockdown there, Hungarians continue to enjoy snacks. Last year’s sales data indicate that shoppers reserve a little space in their ‘pandemic pantry’ for salty snacks too. According...

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Everybody got hooked on fast-commerce

In the morning we swear by cocoa snails, and in the evening we lose the best of cold beer, at least when it comes to immediate delivery. More and more...

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Finally, more money is spent on ads for booze

Advertising spending on promoting alcoholic beverages could rise to $7.7 billion over three years from $6.6 billion last year. Although alcohol brands spend twice the average on television, audience shrinkages...

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AM: Applications for support for plantation can already be submitted

Since 24 May, Horticulture – plantation planting and medicinal plant production support applications can be submitted, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture announced. The planned budget available for support is 15...

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MNB: In terms of sustainability, the Hungarian economy is in the midfield within the EU

In terms of sustainability, the Hungarian economy is in the middle of the EU, according to the MNB, it is the 15th among the countries of the European Union, the...

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Ifo’s German business sentiment index for May improved better than expected

The ifo economic research institute at the University of Munich said on Tuesday that its business sentiment index rose to 99.2 points in May from the 96.6 points of the...

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Shoppercentricity – The future of retail

A real shopper marketing flagship is the store presented in this aticle. This store is so packed full of great shopper-centric thinking, some of this must be part of what...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index exceeded its pre-crisis level in May

After an unprecedentedly large rise in April, GKI’s economic sentiment index made a much smaller, but still significant step up in May, reaching its pre-pandemic level of Feb-ruary last year....

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Get to know new foods thoroughly, advises the Hungarian Dietetic Association

There are a lot of food innovations these days, most of which are created for sustainability, ethical or health reasons, of course business interests are not negligible. It is primarily...

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Magazine: Cereal successes

Last spring households were stockpiling different cereal products too, although not to the same extent. For instance various cereal-based bars were affected negatively by the lockdown. Tamás Simonics, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s...

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(HU) SAP webinar a fogyasztói élményről: a márkák túlbecsülik a vevőik lojalitását

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(HU) A járdán marad a boltos távolságtartás

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(HU) K&H: Az innováció jelentheti a kulcsot a sikeres nemzetközi piacra lépéshez

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(HU) Országos közvéleménykutatás a hazai élelmiszeripari termékek vásárlásáról

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PLMA enviroment news

Focus topic of the May newsletter E-Scanner of the Private Label Manufacturers Association is the enviromental novelties of retail players. This time a UK initiative and dm’s new private label...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices rose by 13 percent

Agricultural producer prices prices rose by 13.0 percent in the first quarter year-on-year. Within this, plant products became 25.0 percent more expensive, but live animals and animal products became 7.9...

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Ministry of Agriculture: agricultural machinery sales peaked last year

For modern agriculture in the 21st century, reliable technology, good machinery, related expertise and information are the most important findings for efficient farming, the Secretary of State responsible for Agriculture...

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An EU tender is launched to encourage conscious shopping

Schools, public or private organizations can win up to 35 million HUF with an awareness-raising competition announced by the European Union’s Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), which can be applied for...

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The renovation of the market square in Sándorfalva has been completed

The renovation and expansion of the market square in the center of Sándorfalva has been completed. The investment was realized from 388 million HUF, with EU support – the local...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area and the EU improved in May

Consumer confidence in the euro area and the European Union has improved in May, according to a preliminary flash estimate published by the European Commission on Friday. In the eurozone,...

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Abolishing the VAT exemption for small goods ordered from outside the EU may discourage shopping

At first, the desire to buy may be curbed by the fact that from July 1, VAT will also have to be paid on items under 22 euros that arrive...

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Magazine: We don’t hesitate when it comes to doing the dishes

According to Dóra Szűcs, brand manager of Henkel Magyarország Kft., the coronavirus pandemic influences the washing-up product market too, as sales grew by two-digit numbers in 2020 for the first...

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(HU) Nemzetközi szinten is elindult az Európai Friss Csapat program

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(HU) Nagy István agrárminiszter: A beruházások kora jön az agráriumban

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Shops are shining stars now… or maybe not

Compared to last year’s store closures, yes. The calendar of recent statistics moved to the weeks after it opened on April 8, but the comparable period remained in last year’s...

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Hungarian-French-Belgian program to promote fruit and vegetable consumption

A three-year program to promote fruit and vegetable consumption has started with a Hungarian-French-Belgian collaboration, the organizers told MTI on Thursday. The European Fresh Team program in Hungary primarily aims...

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GKI Digital is focused on the Hungarian online retail market

The concentration of the Hungarian online retail market is indicated by the fact that last year the online turnover of the three largest domestic e-merchants exceeded 200 billion HUF, while...

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The Templárius Foundation and the Szent András Sörfőzde cooperate with the Hungary Helps program

The Templárius Foundation and the St. Andrew’s Brewery in Békésszentandrás are cooperating with the Hungary Helps program. Azbej Tristan, Secretary of State for Assisting Persecuted Christians and Implementing the Hungary...

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