Market News

It’s not just in agriculture that investments are catching up

Almost half of the larger companies have made significant investments worth at least HUF 10 million in the past two years, according to research conducted by Magyar Bankholding on small...

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Consumer Confidence Fell in January in the USA

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® declined in January, after an increase in December. The Index now stands at 113.8 (1985=100), down from 115.2 in December. The Present Situation Index—based on consumers’ assessment...

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CETIN Hungary and Széchenyi István University agreed on comprehensive cooperation

CETIN Hungary Zrt. and Széchenyi István University in Győr have concluded a strategic cooperation agreement. Within the framework of the complex partnership, CETIN donates mobile communication tools to the university...

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Hungarian poultry can gain a new market

As the number of Muslim communities in Europe grows, new markets may open up for players in the Hungarian agri-food industry. In recent years, it has already been felt on...

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AM: The result of the Hungarian canning industry has increased to two and half fold since 2010

The result of the Hungarian canning industry has increased to two and half fold since 2010 and the export capacity of the sector has also strengthened, the state secretary of...

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Századvég: corporate and retail sentiment had improved significantly

The Business Tendency Survey of the Századvég, measured an improving sense of economic activity among both the population and businesses. The value of the household economic index on the scale...

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Nébih warns of the payment of the food chain supervision fee

By the end of January, the second part of the 2021 food chain supervision fee will have to be paid, meaning that there is still a week left, the National...

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The coronavirus pandemic has pushed back the Czech economy

On an annual basis, the economic development of the Czech Republic decreased by two percentage points in 2021, from 88 percent to 86 percent, compared to the European Union average....

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Economic growth in the euro area rose to an 11-month low in January

Economic growth in the euro area slowed at a slightly slower pace than expected in January, with the preliminary rise in the Purchasing Managers’ Index at the IHS Markit in...

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(HU) AM-államtitkár: 2010 óta két és félszeresére nőtt a magyar konzervipar eredménye

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Generali awarded for its commitment to achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Generali has been awarded for its efforts to achieve the goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The award, the Grand Prize for Sustainable Growth, was presented...

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They bought one billion investment gold from BÁV last year

Last year, demand for investment gold blocks (BCA) in BÁV’s stores was much more buoyant than expected. The turnover in 2021 exceeded HUF 1 billion. “Annual revenues are only marginally below...

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Companies recruited workers differently in 2021

At the end of the last quarter, 2021 was an unprecedented year for the labour market. A clearly visible, intense recruitment wave has been going through the country over the...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index closed last year with a decline and started this one with an improvement

After the contraction in November and December, GKI’s economic sentiment index re-bounded in January 2022 to its November last year level. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research...

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Takarékbank revised its growth forecast for last year and this year downwards

Macroeconomic analysts at Takarékbank and the Magyar Bankholding have downgraded their GDP forecast for 2021 to 6.9 percent from 8 percent and this year’s growth forecast to 6 percent from...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the renewal of the food industry is the basis of competitiveness

The goal of the Ministry of Agriculture is to modernize the entire Hungarian food industry, Nagy István, head of the ministry said in Csorna on Friday, according to a statement...

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A banana grown in Ethiopia could be the new superfood

Scientists say that the enset, a banana grown in Ethiopia, could be the new superfood and could provide a life-saving response to climate change, BBC News reported. According to a...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area and the EU deteriorated minimally in January

The European Commission said on Friday that the value of the consumer confidence index in the eurozone, fell by 0.1 points to minus 8.5 points in January. Analysts expected a...

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The United States was the largest foreign market for Russian ice cream last year

The United States was the largest foreign market for Russian ice cream last year. From the Russian specialty product more was sold abroad last year than in 2020, according to...

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Hungarians launch Europe’s first blockchain-based neobank

Pénzügyi szolgáltatói engedélyt kapott az Európai Unió területén Európa első blokklánc alapú neobankja, a BENKER. A Litván Nemzeti Bank által felügyelt, magyar szakemberek által létrehozott neobank, a BENKER új világrendet...

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Ipsos Global Trustworthiness Monitor reveals that pharmaceutical and banking companies and governments are now seen as more trustworthy

New data from the Ipsos Global Trustworthiness Monitor reveals that pharmaceutical and banking companies and governments are now seen as more trustworthy than they were three years ago. • Across...

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FAO: Food prices rose to a 10-year high last year

Last year, food prices rose by an average of 28.1 percent globally, and the index following their movement rose to a 10-year high, according to a report by the Food...

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Raiffeisen: Hungarian economy could expand by 4.5 percent this year

The recovery of the economy may continue, this year the growth rate may exceed 4 percent in Europe and up to 4.5 percent in Hungary, the bank’s analysts said at...

Read more companies started a strong recruitment last year

From the point of view of the labor market, 2021 was an unprecedented year, during the twelve months a visible, intense wave of recruitment went through the country, the companies...

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In a week, the PET Cup’s bottle with a transmitter traveled 300 kilometers on the Tisza

A bottle of the PET Cup with a transmitter has traveled almost 300 kilometers in a week, providing useful data for researching the path of waste floating on the river...

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Record inflation emerged in the euro area in December

According to preliminary data, a record high annual consumer price index occured in the euro area in December, according to a quarterly report from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office....

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K&H: Companies have also been hit by inflation

Although large companies have typically already incorporated the impact of monetary deterioration into their prices, more than half of firms have difficulty with high inflation. According to the K&H Enterprise...

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Gels are the most popular, followed by laundry detergent capsules and powders

Csilla Pásztor, Henkel Magyarország Kft.’s brand manager relied on Nielsen data when she informed us that laundry detergent sales dropped 0.4 percent in January-September 2021 – value sales were up...

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There is a huge potential for development in domestic factoring

In the last 1.5-2 years, payment deadlines have been noticeably extended. For a wide range of small and medium-sized enterprises, this can seriously hinder the maintenance of liquidity. Among other...

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Magazine: Farm to Fork: The promise of healthier food

The European Parliament (EP) welcomed the Farm to Fork strategy and stressed the importance of producing sustainable and healthy food, so that the Green Deal objectives in the fields of...

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