Market News

The IfW Institute for Economic Research predicts a decline in world trade turnover

A significant decline in world trade is forecast by a trade indicator published on Monday by the IfW Institute for Economic Research in Kiel, based on updated data from a...

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We are lucky with plant-based products

Companies engaged in the market of alternative protein and plant-based food products have it hard if they want to be a step ahead of consumers. Flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans are...

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The blue-collar labour market has been disrupted.

Wages have increased significantly, emigration has again reached pre-pandemic levels, while increasingly unrealistic demands have appeared among applicants. This poses a serious challenge for employers if they want to acquire...

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(HU) Agrárminisztérium: a természet megóvása és fenntartása közös felelősségünk

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Let Fashion be the Female Leader! Diversity Campaign of the Managers’ Association

The Management Association considers it a priority to raise awareness of the role of female leaders, so on 8 March 2022, for the second time, together with InStyle, it will...

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Magazine: Sales trends of plant-based foods in the European market

The European Union is focusing more and more on making the continent’s food system sustainable. One of the main directions in these efforts is increasing the proportion of plant-based foods...

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Syngenta: by modernizing, the Hungarian sunflower production could significantly expand

Hungarian farmers could harvest a lot more sunflowers on an unchanged production area, so it is worthwhile to modernize production, Syngenta’s analysis told MTI. The seed company justified its expectations...

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AM: Another Hungarian regional pálinka, Homokhát peach pálinka, received EU protection

With the decision of the European Commission of 7 March, the name Homokhát peach pálinka was protected in the EU, increasing the number of EU protected geographical indications to 79...

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Retail sales grew 5.3 percent in January in Romania

According to raw data, the volume of retail sales in Romania increased by 5.3 percent in January, compared to a year before, the Romanian National Statistics Institute said on Friday....

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In January, inflation in the OECD peaked at a nearly 31-year high

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual increase in consumer prices was 7.2 percent in January after 6.6 percent in December. The...

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Russia-Ukraine war in March greatly deteriorated investor sentiment in the euro area

Investor sentiment in the eurozone fell much weaker than analysts expected in March, according to a survey by the Sentix Economic Research Institute in Frankfurt, mainly due to the Russian...

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Last year, the average monthly salary in the Czech Republic increased by 6.1 percent

In the Czech Republic, the average monthly earnings were 37,839 crowns (567,585 forints) last year, 6.1 percent more than in 2020, the Czech Statistical Office said in Prague on Monday....

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K&H: these three factors are the main obstacles to smEs’ operations

Labour shortages, exchange rate changes, lack of materials – this is the most hindering for companies, according to the latest results of the K&H SME Confidence Index research. Hiring the...

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Chapters from the big book of drinks

Innovation work is necessary in the alcoholic drink category too, as the consumers of the 21st century demand changes and brave ideas. Innovating often means that the alcohol-free versions of...

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Magazine: Removing grease is not enough

The markets of both manual washing-­up liquids and dishwasher detergents have grown, partly due to the increased importance of hygiene and the fact that customers spent more time at home....

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Here is the export ban: these raw materials and products cannot be taken abroad from Hungary

In the course of exporting raw materials or products (cereal Hungary s) abroad of strategic importance for the security of feed or food supply, the state has the right of...

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The price of cooking oil could increase by 20-25% in the summer

The Ukrainian-Russian war is exacerbating global food price inflation. Ukraine is hungary’s number one exporter of cooking oil, but with the war, the export of this sector has also become...

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These are the food companies that remain in Russia

Here are the FMCG companies that have already communicated that, despite the Russian-Ukrainian war, they will not sanction Russia for leaving the market. The news was reported by the Russian...

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(HU) Íme, az oroszországi működést felfüggesztő nonfood-cégek listája

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NAK: The Hungarian countryside is the country’s economic reserve

The Hungarian countryside is the country’s economic reserve, which ensures food supply even in the most difficult times, the president of NAK said at the Saturday farmers’ congress of the...

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Nébih collects information on the purchase and consumption of frozen vegetables

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is launching a new study to find out the buying, using and consuming habits of the Hungarian population related to quick-frozen vegetables, the...

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Logistics Association: Hungary will become a regional distribution center

According to the Association of Logistics Service Centers (Logisztikai Szolgáltató Központok Szövetsége), Hungary will become a regional e-commerce distribution center in the Central European region; in the second half of...

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The primary goal is to provide food

The strategic plans of the Common Agricultural Policy must show a proper vision for farmers, said Nagy István, head of the ministry, at the second meeting of the Hungarian V4...

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Nagy István: one can re-apply for development support for livestock farms again

The call to support the development of livestock farms can be re-applied for from 28 February, in the framework of which livestock farmers will once again have the opportunity to...

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Employment increased, and the unemployment rate fell in the United States in February

In February, the number of people employed in the non-agricultural sector rose in the United States instead of the expected decline, and the unemployment rate fell more than expected, the...

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What kind of alcohol remains in Russia? Any, but 20% more expensive

The Russians may be preparing for a brutal price increase: partly because of the sanctions imposed by Western companies on the Russian market – we have already published several lists...

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Retail sales in the euro area grew less than expected in January on a monthly and annual basis

In the euro area, retail sales rose less than analysts expected in January on a monthly and annual basis. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Friday that retail...

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(HU) Hatalmasat zuhant a forint, csak a rubel esett nagyobbat

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China sets economic growth of around 5.5% by 2022

China has set an economic growth goal of around 5.5 percent by 2022, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Saturday at the opening of the annual session of the National...

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This is how Russian companies are affected by the separation from SWIFT

On March 12, the following Russian banks will be separated from SWIFT: VTB, Rossiya, Otkritie, Novikombank, Promsvyazbank, Sovcombank and VEB. However, many banks remain in the system, and companies have...

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