Market News

German Exports Beyond The EU Decreased In July

German exports beyond the European Union fell by 7.6% on the month in July, the Federal Statistics Office said on Monday, marking a weak start to the second half in...

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Report shows modern consumers demand transparency form brands

Sustainability and ethical claims are becoming increasingly important to consumers who don’t just want to eat nutritious food but also spend their money with brands and retailers that promote a...

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What will happen to Italian people favorites foods if there is not enough pasta and tomato sauce?

A 100 percent increase in utility costs awaits Italians returning from vacation, and the price of food, public transportation, and textbooks will continue to rise, the daily newspaper La Repubblica...

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Responsible management of state forests is carried out by forestry specialists

We protect our country’s green capital, Hungarian forests are completely safe, we take extra care of them even in the energy crisis. – announced the Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Online Discounts Boost Struggling UK Retailers In July

British shoppers spent more than expected last month after being enticed by online shopping deals, official figures showed on Friday, but sales volumes look set to resume their decline as...

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(HU) Két év börtönbüntetés jár Nagy-Britanniában az impulzusvásárlásra ösztönző hirdetésekért

People responsible for misleading ‘buy now, pay later’ adverts could face two years in prison, Britain’s financial watchdog warned on Friday as it told firms offering the loans to stop...

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The demand for healthy, vegan snacks has increased

While consumers are increasingly demanding and exploring snacks, there is a growing consumer appetite for “guilt-free” varieties. There is also heightened scrutiny of labels for healthy ingredients and nutritional claims...

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Carrefour Launches Vegetable Beer Range In Poland

Carrefour Polska has announced that it has launched a vegetable beer range in Poland, which it claims is a first of its kind in the country. The move is part of the retailer’s efforts...

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A devastating prognosis: the weakest domestic apple harvest of the last ten years is expected

According to preliminary estimates, Hungary’s apple harvest will be only between 300,000 and 350,000 tons, after last year’s 520,000 tons. In Hungary, an apple harvest of only 350,000 tons can...

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Despite the 0% VAT, the Poles do not eat more fruits and vegetables

According to GUS data, 0% VAT is not necessarily the way to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, at least not by itself. The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium are also considering...

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Livestock breeders also receive significant help to overcome challenges from the ministry

In the past almost two and a half years, the livestock sector has faced serious challenges, in addition to the coronavirus, the rise in feed and energy prices, as well...

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China has not been in such trouble for decades

There are more and more signs that this year China will not be able to meet the GDP growth rate set for this year by the leadership in Beijing, which...

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Lots of small businesses are shutting down this year

A fifth less gas and 7 percent less electricity were consumed in Hungary after the announcement of the reform of the utility reduction than at the same time a year...

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Hungarians keep buying instant soups in bulk

Every year, more and more instant noodle soups are sold around the world, and in 2020 the number of portions sold increased drastically. Although mainly Asian countries are considered large...

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The energy crisis shot German producer prices to unprecedented heights

In Germany, producer prices rose to an unprecedented extent in July in an annual comparison. The German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, announced on Friday that producer prices in July were...

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SMEs expect high sales growth – but how much of this will inflation take away?

Based on the results of the second quarter of the K&H SME Confidence Index 2022, businesses expect a 12 percent increase in sales revenue and a 7 percent increase in...

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Apples will also be more expensive in the USA, even though growers expect a good harvest

The United States is the second largest producer of apples in the world behind China and grows about 200 unique varieties of apples. The USDA apple production estimate for the...

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Farmers in the UK have lost a huge amount of money because there are not enough seasonal workers

In the first half of the year, more than £60 million worth of fresh produce was wasted due to chronic labor shortages in the fruit and vegetable industry. In the...

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Payments related to rural development tenders are dynamic

In the current wartime economic environment, developments are taking place in agriculture, despite all the difficulties, 88 billion forints have been paid to investors for the implementation of the projects...

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More and more rabbit meat is being sold in Hungarian retail chains

The interest in rabbit breeding and the sale of rabbit meat is increasing – said the president of the Rabbit Professional Organization and Product Council at Farmer Expo in Debrecen...

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Vertical farming on a small scale? This can help the work of Austrian grocery stores!

BILLA became the first food retailer to test vertical farming in Austria. In collaboration with the Israeli agricultural technology company Vertical Field, the herbs and salads are grown in containers...

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Supply chain issues impact Peruvian avocado exportsto Europe this season

Juan Carlos Paredes, President of the Peruvian Association of Hass Avocado Producers (ProHass) spoke of the challenges the Peruvian avocado export industry has faced during the 2022 season. As inflation, high...

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NRF: Consumers keep shopping despite inflation

Consumers kept shopping in July. Retail sales in July edged up 0.8% from June 2022 and were up 7.1% unadjusted year-over-year, according to the National Retail Federation, whose calculation excludes...

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Melon will be available in the usual, excellent quality for a few more weeks

“Summer, melon, I love it” – the juicy and honeyed melon will be available in the usual high quality for a few more weeks. This is what the Agricultural Marketing...

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Fed promises: they will raise until they beat inflation

After the 75-basis-point interest rate hike in July, Fed will not consider stopping the tightening until they see a significant decrease in inflation, according to the report of the American...

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Is the era of cheap food over?

“Food should be green and, above all, expensive,” said German Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir in the spring of 2021, in his first interview after taking office. Then he added:...

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Winemakers are also worried about the drought and inflation

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the estimates for the low grape harvest and the grape price forecasts awaiting approval by the wine regions justify significantly higher grape prices than...

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Romanians’ GDP lags behind Hungarian growth

In Romania, the economy expanded by 5.3 percent in the first half of this year, both in terms of raw and seasonally and calendar-adjusted values compared to the same period...

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7,200 kilos of sweets from champions to children in need

In July and August, the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület presented 5,494 needy children with candy packages. The donations were distributed in charity camps, which were visited by the brand ambassadors of...

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Irish Consumer Sentiment Hovers At 22-Month Low In August

Irish consumer sentiment slipped marginally to hover at a 22-month low in August as respondents said they expected to further cut back on major purchases in the coming months, a...

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