Market News

Strong first six months from the Henkel Group

In the first half of 2022, sales by the Henkel Group grew by 8.9% to EUR 10.9bn. All business units and regions contributed to the good performance. Carsten Knobel, CEO of Henkel...

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New toilet paper range from Regina

In the last quarter Sofidel Hungary Kft.’s Regina Delicate range will replace Regina Bianka toilet papers on store shelves. The new products are made of much softer paper, the sheet size...

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PENNY carries on with store modernisation programme

Until early August PENNY modernised 73 stores as part of its refurbishment programme, which had commenced at the end of 2020. During the summer almost 30 stores are modernised all...

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POS Services Kft. is happy to announce that our SPAR SHOWROOM 2022 programme will soon take place, with SYNERGY as its main topic. At the event partners will have the...

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UK retail sales growth slows to lowest level this year

Retail sales growth slowed to its lowest rate this year last week according to new data, although it was still ahead on a year-on-year basis. Total like-for-like sales increased by...

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An icon has passed away!

On 20 August Péter Magyar, founder and managing director of food and drug product wholesalers Interfruct passed away, at the age of 76. In 2007 he was the first to...

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It wasn’t FMCG products that drove retail sales in June

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) has reported: like-for-like retail volume sales were up 4.1% in June 2022; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 4.5%. However, sales of grocery...

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Food inflation around 30% in July

Data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reveal: consumer prices elevated by 13.7% in July 2022, in comparison with July 2021. In one month prices became 2.3% higher on average....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index decreased in July, but at a slower pace

GKI’s economic sentiment index dropped to a more than one year low in July. A survey conducted by GKI Economic Research has found that business expectations dropped 8 points since...

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Positive developments in the market

According to PÁIR data from the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), the production price of bread wheat – without VAT and shipping costs – was HUF 136.9 thousand/tonne, feed...

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US Online Shoppers Rely on Experts Recommendations Instead of Influencers Ad

According to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults commissioned by online expert review platform The Desire Company, initially released to Chain Store Age, nearly all (90%) respondents are overwhelmed to some...

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Stable points in an unstable period…

…as the experts saw it back in May. On 26 May the Business Dinner – a meeting for FMCG executives – took place in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre, with the...

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Almost Half of UK Consumers Want Brands to Absorb Price Rises

Almost half (43%) of UK consumers want brands to absorb price rises in supporting customers during the cost-of-living crisis, an Ello survey reveals. The figure comes as 31% of the...

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Biosensor visualises vitamin content

Dutch company Yookr has developed a biosensor for visualising the vitamin content of fruit and vegetables, without having to do any laboratory analysis. The sensor uses different colours for indicating...

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Would life be difficult without urban farms?

Estimation is that two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, and 80% of the food produced globally will be eaten by city dwellers. A report...

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Israeli company develops new pea protein with record protein level

Israeli company Equinom developed a 75% protein, GMO-free and minimally processed pea protein. Equinom is working with yellow pea, soybean and sesame seeds, but they plan to include chickpeas, mung...

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Differences between plant- and animal-based proteins

A recent study published by AgResearch analyses the nutritional and functional differences between animal- and plant-based proteins. The study claims that usually plant-based foods represent a less complex source of...

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Hungarian system takes care of extra nutrient supply

In partnership with Pannónia Medicina and the University of Szeged, TS Labor has developed a system for the extra nutrient supply of plants. They are working on a new type...

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Plant-based drinks in the school milk programme

A petition by ProVeg International already had nearly 70,000 signatures in August, urging decision-makers to include plant-based milk alternatives in the European school milk programme. ProVeg vice president Jasmijn de...

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Quinoa can help to prevent prediabetes

A Spanish study says eating quinoa regularly can prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Quinoa can help in regulating the changes in the body’s glucose level, and it can...

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New EAT-Lancet report to be published in 2024

The EAT-Lancet Commission has started work, with 25 scientists from 19 countries, and its objective is working out an up-to-date scientific background for making our food systems more sustainable and...

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Fish substitute from mushroom and sea algae?

Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark and Diego Prado, the chef a Copenhagen restaurant with 2 Michelin stars called Alchemist, have joined forces for developing a sustainable alternative to...

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Protein extracted from mushrooms and algae can help

This spring the scientist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research published a study, which says we could lower the level of deforestation by 56% a year by 2050...

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There will be enough good quality seed, but more expensive

The drought overwrites everything, even the mandatory parameters for seeds. Gábort Polgár, the executive director of the Vetőmag Szövetség, spoke about this. This season, seed producers have to face not...

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The upper limit values for ochratoxin A in these foods have been changed

Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1370 on the amendment of Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 with regard to the upper limit values ​​of ochratoxin A in certain foods has been published. Commission Regulation (EC)...

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New support is coming for the preservation of valuable areas from a climate protection point of view

Within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) starting in 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture will also make the basic support for agricultural land available for areas valuable from...

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Nagykörűi crispy cherry has received EU geographical indication protection

The European Commission has approved the inclusion of the name Nagykörűi crispy cherry in the EU register of protected designations of origin, the Brussels body announced on Friday. For the...

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Experts: the price cap is not sustainable, it’s time to end it

Tamás Éder, president of the Association of Responsible Food Producers, and András Máhr, deputy secretary general of the National Association of Agricultural Cooperatives and Producers, agree that official prices cannot...

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The National Trade Association examines how retailers are preparing for the energy crisis

In the midst of the current serious energy crisis, the member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) – all professional groups, such as food, drug stores, distributors of various...

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Bundesbank: German retail sales have already fallen by 8 percent!

Bundesbank expects inflation to exceed ten percent by autumn. Inflation is mainly driven by energy costs, heating oil cost 87 percent more in July than a year ago. In the...

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